o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)


Well-Known Member
bro, thats just.. SICK! i want to do this so bad, if i were to get some fish or maybe a cat(i have one who attacks my cats all the time) and put it in the bottom would it get anywhere near as big as that? im in south florida so the sun will be good, its just... amazing, congrats on making my day. haha

If you're in south Florida, just grab one of those 'gaters. Don't they already have the fish heads and cats in 'em? If you do it right, you'll have a great pair of boots as well.

Just kidding, of course.


Well-Known Member
haha, then if i got caught i would go down for poachin and growin. muck that! haha. im lookin for the cat i hate.. if i see him hes dead and he will be my nuts.. :]


Well-Known Member
okay so who is going to be the one to start a grow with a cat and see if they can beat O4,s monster??
whats next a dog??
shit he will probably come back with a kangaroo grow and 10 pound per branch
forget i mentioned it:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
the fish contains a lot of phosphorus, as all dead animals do. other than that, calcium, iron, nitrogen. pretty much all of the essential elements are gonna be found in a carcass of any sort.

.... he has created...



"They're toking without you Barbara."


Well-Known Member
i would tap that 8 foot zombie. She'll be blowin out that O face OHH OHH. i would be smoking that bud like KAPOW! and then I would ooze my resin all over her.


Well-Known Member
im going to do it with a kitty or some brim and bass, whatever is easyer. or road kill. i mean theres no shortage of that shit.. but im doing it in june. hope i can get mine as big as one of those.. so purtty!


Well-Known Member
okay so who is going to be the one to start a grow with a cat and see if they can beat O4,s monster??
whats next a dog??
shit he will probably come back with a kangaroo grow and 10 pound per branch
forget i mentioned it:bigjoint:
done the dog ,grew a plant on my pet rottie(after he died),about ten years ago.
i will document a kangaroo grow next year for ya...:-)


Active Member
I am going to try and grow a real monster this year so i have been out preparing the hole.but as you can see(photo 1) i dont have much depth to play with.
although i grew the one in my avatar in this very spot last year,i decided to make it deeper.

photo 2 is the bucket of fish bodies i am going to add to the hole.

photo's 3 and 4 are of my solution to the depth problem.

photo 5 well that is wally laying in my soil pile sunning himself.

photo 6 is the fish soup in the hole.

photo 7 is the lucky winner and is the one going into this monster grow

photo 8 the soil is back in the hole all ready for the lucky winner.

photo 9 i hope to fill the gap in my garden completely

i will have to wait about 3 weeks before i transplant to this spot it is just a tad hot at the moment.

the soil mix is
2 parts coarse yellow sand
1 part compost
1 part chook poop
1 part rabbit poop
1part sheep poop
1 part clay

the soil has been mixed a sitting now for 3 months and i added some worms about 2 months ago.
i also added some high phospherous bulb fert and some gypsum and lime.

the chances are i wont have to feed this again but time will tell..

so now i wait for 3 weeks i will transplant to the hole and see what develops ..

can i use this same mix even if it hasnt been sitting for 3 months?


Well-Known Member
well folks i will definately do a kangaroo grow ,just for you buduso

bm8 i would suggest just go to the garden center and buy some bags of manure it has already been cooked,dig it is to any sandy /loamy soil and that is all you need if you put the fish in the bottom..

red420neck the monster is going well more pics to follow in a few days


Well-Known Member
id love to see a ton of pics loke some in the morn,noon and when the sun starts to set. take like 10pics in morn 10noon and 10dusk,just to see the beauty of her majesty,just the different light differentiations could make us see so much more. pretty please?ill rep u if you put up 30pics. get some pics in between the nodes and at the heart of the beast


Well-Known Member
"dig it is to any sandy /loamy soil" explain that a lil more?
well mate thats a bit hard i thought every one knew what a sandy soil is ,or a loamy soil...so i would say google is your friend there .they will give you a better idea and maybe a pic or two...:-)


Well-Known Member
id love to see a ton of pics loke some in the morn,noon and when the sun starts to set. take like 10pics in morn 10noon and 10dusk,just to see the beauty of her majesty,just the different light differentiations could make us see so much more. pretty please?ill rep u if you put up 30pics. get some pics in between the nodes and at the heart of the beast
my man they say everyman has his price,...:-) but by crickey its gonna cost ya more than some rep for me to take that many pics...:-)...

and i aint going in that bush the last person aint returned yet