You already are paying. Don't you see that? And your picture is incomplete. What about the sick people that are middle class and had insurance only to be kicked off when they needed it? What about the people that used it for an expensive procedure only to later have it denied causing them to have to pay out of pocket, when they have been paying for years?
But then again I guess the 'news' you read is about as good as that cartoon. So keep swallowing it.
And unlike you, everything I say is my own thoughts. I do not 'follow' spin of others. But use it to get to the truth. You on the other hand do no research and blindly follow the blogs.
Maybe that is not fair. Maybe you are just early on in being into politics. If that is the case, keep it up. Eventually you may expand your argument base off of more than just your trusted websites. But until then you sound like the people that follow every word CNN says is the absolute truth. If you actually look things up for yourself and pick up books that are not written by the talking heads you listen to now, you may actually learn people are not out to get you, simply because noone in power cares enough about you.
I know that is your pet peeve. With insurance I can go into a hospital and get the care I need and not walk out with a $4000 bill. Instead I may pay about $50. And instead of the couple hundred to a doctors office, it would be say $25.
The people that don't think they have to pay, chances are they never had insurance before. Infact I am willing to bet a lot of them don't have car insurance.
Since I still don't know how to post the video here is what I had meant by the nixon tape.