Obama now negotiates with terrorists

Why would we trade hostages for a Taliban member? are u guys serious lmao?? Show me. I need proof. If he was seeking out the Taliban why would he be held hostage by them? I'm confused on this bit...seems to shit on ur talking points a little. Could be wrong but it doesn't add up for me.

No offense ayr0n, but you need to gather your facts before you make posts. Members of his platoon, sent in search of him, were told that by local villagers. He was held "hostage" ( and I use that term loosely as I have never seen a hostage released fatter than they were beforehand ) as a bargaining chip ( and someone who could provide much logistical information to the Taliban, which happened ). Before you go beleiving the lies on MSNBC, consider this point: Why would the military make the members of his platoon sign agreements that they would not discuss his desertion? But guess what? Those men are speaking up regardless of the shit piece of paper that were basically forced to sign. They are angry that a deserter is being made out to be a hero in the media when they ALL know it isn't the truth.

Seek the truth ary0n, seek the truth.
No offense ayr0n, but you need to gather your facts before you make posts. Members of his platoon, sent in search of him, were told that by local villagers. He was held "hostage" ( and I use that term loosely as I have never seen a hostage released fatter than they were beforehand ) as a bargaining chip ( and someone who could provide much logistical information to the Taliban, which happened ). Before you go beleiving the lies on MSNBC, consider this point: Why would the military make the members of his platoon sign agreements that they would not discuss his desertion? But guess what? Those men are speaking up regardless of the shit piece of paper that were basically forced to sign. They are angry that a deserter is being made out to be a hero in the media when they ALL know it isn't the truth.

Seek the truth ary0n, seek the truth.
Haha u hit me with the MSNBC. I like bro...that's funny. But I promise I am seeking the truth. I'd just like some proof is all. He could be a POS for all I know. Wouldn't be surprising as most people are.
Haha u hit me with the MSNBC. I like bro...that's funny. But I promise I am seeking the truth. I'd just like some proof is all. He could be a POS for all I know. Wouldn't be surprising as most people are.

You can believe his platoon ( and the six men who died "trying to find him" ) or you can beleive the government ( who had each member of his platoon sign a disclosure agreement that his desertion would never be discussed ). Who would you beleive?
You can believe his platoon ( and the six men who died "trying to find him" ) or you can beleive the government ( who had each member of his platoon sign a disclosure agreement that his desertion would never be discussed ). Who would you beleive?
There's always other factors. Like for instance they went to search for him, lost men, decided it was his fault and wanted to put dirt on his name. I see what u mean, just feel like we never know the whole story...n was ofc playing devils advocate :fire:
There's always other factors. Like for instance they went to search for him, lost men, decided it was his fault and wanted to put dirt on his name. I see what u mean, just feel like we never know the whole story...n was ofc playing devils advocate :fire:

And why did they go search for him? Do you think they wanted they risk their lives searching for a deserter?? Or did they carry out their ORDERS as all military personnel do ( because that's what they signed up for ). The fucking deserter walked away with only a knife. didn't take his gun? Wanna know why? Because as soon as the enemy saw him, with a gun, his ass was history. And 6 GOOD soldiers died.
And why did they go search for him? Do you think they wanted they risk their lives searching for a deserter?? Or did they carry out their ORDERS as all military personnel do ( because that's what they signed up for ). The fucking deserter walked away with only a knife. didn't take his gun? Wanna know why? Because as soon as the enemy saw him, with a gun, his ass was history. And 6 GOOD soldiers died.
So u think it's that cut n dry? Don't you think the administration would consider something like that before negotiating with terrorists? The admin is innefective, but not that wreckless. There's more to this story.
Oh, I promise there is more to the story. Did you catch the deserters fathers press conference from the White House where the first words out of his mouth were Pashto? Do you know what those words were? Did you see his tweets where his goal is to free all of the Guantanamo prisoners? Oh my yes, much more to the story.......
Oh, I promise there is more to the story. Did you catch the deserters fathers press conference from the White House where the first words out of his mouth were Pashto? Do you know what those words were? Did you see his tweets where his goal is to free all of the Guantanamo prisoners? Oh my yes, much more to the story.......
Yeah I saw that shit...that's what throws me for a loop. Why would they rescue him under the circumstances? Something is really off...

Yeah I saw that shit...that's what throws me for a loop. Why would they rescue him under the circumstances? Something is really off...

Not for the Taliban, they are proclaiming VICTORY.....one lousy deserter who hates America anyway for 5 high-level Taliban operatives......sounds like not only a win for the Taliban but I'm sure other countries are thinking "That fucking obama has marbles for brains".
Not for the Taliban, they are proclaiming VICTORY.....one lousy deserter who hates America anyway for 5 high-level Taliban operatives......sounds like not only a win for the Taliban but I'm sure other countries are thinking "That fucking obama has marbles for brains".
I mean...they all hate us anyways. Fuck it. Not like other countries tolerate us because we are so diplomatic and brilliant. We are a super power so they don't have a choice. Anyways I think this is gonna get much deeper (or swept under the rug) because niether narrative is real logical.

Dad's beard isn't helping lmao.
I mean...they all hate us anyways. Fuck it. Not like other countries tolerate us because we are so diplomatic and brilliant. We are a super power so they don't have a choice. Anyways I think this is gonna get much deeper (or swept under the rug) because niether narrative is real logical.

Exactly the point. This fucking POS admin ran on "transparency", which has sooooooooo not happened. Not from day 1. The list is sooooo long it should be a "copy and paste" option on Windows 8. Glad I have an armory in my basement, probably gonna need it before I die.
Exactly the point. This fucking POS admin ran on "transparency", which has sooooooooo not happened. Not from day 1. The list is sooooo long it should be a "copy and paste" option on Windows 8. Glad I have an armory in my basement, probably gonna need it before I die.
yes........the same men, honing their skills in Afghanistan, will be the stormtroopers, kicking down your door, for your armory. you just told them where it is, and that data has been recorded.
Ohhh Thomas Jefferson quotes, I have one too. "To promote this disposition to exchange lands, which they have to spare and we want, for necessaries, which we have to spare and they want, we shall push our trading uses, and be glad to see the good and influential individuals among them run in debt, because we observe that when these debts get beyond what the individuals can pay, they become willing to lop them off by a cession of lands..."
Exactly the point. This fucking POS admin ran on "transparency", which has sooooooooo not happened. Not from day 1. The list is sooooo long it should be a "copy and paste" option on Windows 8. Glad I have an armory in my basement, probably gonna need it before I die.
Won't help much. Guns are decent for killing burglars... Can't really Fuck with ballistic missiles n all sorts of shit we have no idea about. Anyways if lying or changing your tune is a concern of yours u certainly didn't want Romney either LOL. Dude had a different stance on every issue every other day during the debates. Flip flops more than sandels rt.
Won't help much. Guns are decent for killing burglars... Can't really Fuck with ballistic missiles n all sorts of shit we have no idea about. Anyways if lying or changing your tune is a concern of yours u certainly didn't want Romney either LOL. Dude had a different stance on every issue every other day during the debates. Flip flops more than sandels rt.
That;s it my man. These sorry paranoid gun religion nut jobs think their measly ar 15 and such will do anything against predator drones, tanks, well trained soldiers with infared, e.m.p.s, airstrikes and such is a funny thing. The gun manufacturers love it, Obama has filled their accounts better than anyone and the gun huggers are too blind to see it.