Obama now negotiates with terrorists


Well-Known Member
We traded four or five Gitmo detainees for one American solder who has been held in Afghanistan.

Ok, that gives you some warm fuzzy feelings.

But hasn't US policy been for ever that we won't negotiate with terrorists? Why the sudden turn around?

We got one deserter back and Al-Quaida got 5 of it's top people back. Why??

Because Obama needs to deflect from the Veteran Administration scandal so he does an illegal deal without informing congress in an attempt to help his political career.

At least he is consistent.


Well-Known Member
We got one deserter back and Al-Quaida got 5 of it's top people back. Why??

Because Obama needs to deflect from the Veteran Administration scandal so he does an illegal deal without informing congress in an attempt to help his political career.

At least he is consistent.
maybe they gave the five Taliban Hodgkin's Lymphoma before they left. "bye, guys.......be well." :)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
We got one deserter back and Al-Quaida got 5 of it's top people back. Why??

Because Obama needs to deflect from the Veteran Administration scandal so he does an illegal deal without informing congress in an attempt to help his political career.

At least he is consistent.
but but but...

all the dickheads in gitmo are innocent!!

this thread needs more Doer, so heres a link to what i believe may be our resident Rockodile Hunter:

desert dude

Well-Known Member
the Taliban offered to hand him over. they asked for PC. like you do, when you arrest someone for a crime. we said, "fuck, you......hand him over."
I am sure I will regret this, but what the heck is "PC"?

Second, what is wrong with saying, "fuck you... hand him over"? They were part of the 911 attacks. They got exactly what they deserved.


Well-Known Member
yes........the same men, honing their skills in Afghanistan, will be the stormtroopers, kicking down your door, for your armory. you just told them where it is, and that data has been recorded.
Yeah, everyone I've ever met that served can't wait to get that mission. Suuure.

That;s it my man. These sorry paranoid gun religion nut jobs think their measly ar 15 and such will do anything against predator drones, tanks, well trained soldiers with infared, e.m.p.s, airstrikes and such is a funny thing.
Excluding more ridiculous notions of the US military waging open war on it's citizens, why are we still fighting people in a desert armed with 100 dollar AK's? Oh yeah, because guerrilla warfare is just as effective today as it ever has been.


Well-Known Member
Excluding more ridiculous notions of the US military waging open war on it's citizens, why are we still fighting people in a desert armed with 100 dollar AK's? Oh yeah, because guerrilla warfare is just as effective today as it ever has been.
Those 100 dollar AKs are being used by men that have been fighting for a long long time. Some fought against the russians in the 1980s. Here, too soft, too fat, too satiated on modern trappings to be willing to live in a cave or build lean-tos for shelter. Yes there are some able bodies and yes some are trained. But have you been to a gun show? Have you seen all the budweiser bellies there?

And I agree with the ridiculous notion of open war. There's too much money being made off of debt, the same debt system Thomas Jefferson proposed to put the Native Americans in to have their land.


Well-Known Member
he saw mesolithic tribes roaming the nation as a hindrance to progress. nobody's perfect. I guess everything else in his life is nullified. rhetoric..............


Well-Known Member
We got one deserter back and Al-Quaida got 5 of it's top people back. Why??

Because Obama needs to deflect from the Veteran Administration scandal so he does an illegal deal without informing congress in an attempt to help his political career.

At least he is consistent.
The beauty of this? If that POS deserter doesn't end up in a nice place in Kansas, he can die with poor care thanks to Obamacare or die on a VA list. Same difference. Gotta love the irony.


Well-Known Member
why are we still fighting people in a desert armed with 100 dollar AK's? Oh yeah, because guerrilla warfare is just as effective today as it ever has been.
Because we have too many people and it's an effective method of population control :P


Well-Known Member
Exactly the point. This fucking POS admin ran on "transparency", which has sooooooooo not happened. Not from day 1. The list is sooooo long it should be a "copy and paste" option on Windows 8. Glad I have an armory in my basement, probably gonna need it before I die.
you're a retard and have not presented a single item of evidence in this entire thread, just false right wing talking points.

he was listed as missing, not a deserter.

go back to keeping track of minorities' grocery purchases.


Well-Known Member
I think his point was that the American military incursion into Afghanistan was just another instance of colonial subjugation and oppression of dark skinned people.

Many, especially those on the left, conveniently forget that the 911 attacks were directed from Afghanistan. They lump Afghanistan in with Iraq. Maybe I am too kind when I say "forget", though.
It was a great excuse to finish what we started in Iraq. Many people don't lump it together - it was smoothly lumped together while the public was screaming for blood over here they took advantage of the opportunity.. n c'mon u think they developed a hatred for us out of thin air? When biased overrides logic an argument becomes nothing more than a timesink. Anyone that can't see that we had a part in this "terrorism" affliction is blind. You guys spend every last breath preaching how terrible government is but turn a blind eye to corruption that fits your own personal agenda, and throw out the term "conspiracy theory" like our gov. Is incapable of doing wrong if it doesn't fit into your view of the world. Ironic af. we didn't need to go back in to Iraq. There are plenty of bad men out there that we let terrorize their people, many of which we even assist financially. That shit was a personal vendetta that cost thousands of lives, American and m.e alike. Not to mention we took a campfire and threw a fucking propane tank on it in the process. N just for a kicker I'd like to throw this out too...Fuck America. I'm sure this post will sit well with the crowd here lol.
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Well-Known Member
Oh I missed a small piece. Don't forget that we stuffed the Jews back in there n took the holy land back just cuz we could. It might have been their land originally, and they might have gone through the most horrendous hardship of any other people in history, but I don't see us breaking off Texas for the native Americans lmao. Anyways I'm too ignorant on any of these issues to have a real opinion, but from what I can tell so is half the lot in here. At least my absurd radical ideas come from my own brain, right or wrong, n not straight out of the last nutjob's mouth tht spoke on Fox.
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Well-Known Member
What the fuck are you talking about?

The northern alliance was the group that threw out russia.

The Taliban are religious extremists hell bent on subjugation and oppression.

And they were there before the first American set foot in Afghanistan.
I'm on a phone so I'm having a helluva time multiquoting but my last two posts are "wtf I'm talkin bout" . It goes back way before 911 as I'm sure you are aware. You'd make a good news anchor tho. Pretty easy to pull out one small piece of the puzzle to try and invalidate something. Personally 1 piece isn't the whole picture for me. Start with the corners....it's easier.