obama on marijuana


Active Member
Once the government has found a way to profit from marijuana, they will legalize it. It is just a matter of when and how.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
No, not unless you elect him again...

If he did so now, it would play into the hands of the right wing...

"First they make a black man presiiident, now they be smokeing pot in the streets". would be the first response...
I have to agree with that. Since people point out how the legal system hits minorities more than white people, him legalizing marijuana would be used to club him to death...You would hear a lot of "He is looking out for 'HIS' people..."


Well-Known Member
Once the government has found a way to profit from marijuana, they will legalize it. It is just a matter of when and how.
I think the real problem is admission of being wrong and that's something our government doesn't do without a court order. And they already make a shitpile of money of dope, they take it from the taxes you pay and spread it around while slapping each other on the back for being "hard on crime" What a bunch of fucking tools. I am all for hard edged enforcement of drugs that are truly dangerous to society (METH!) but marijuana prhibition only creates crime, it doesn't stop it...and you have to be a complete dipshit to fail to see that relationship.


New Member
I think it's funny that Walgreens considers itself to be a "drug free workplace" it's a fucking pharmacy, and what do pharmacies sell? Drugs..........doh.........


New Member
Were you aware that people were allowed to vote on the questions that were proposed. Were you aware that the marijuana question received the most votes from the people out of all the questions asked.

The website also pulled the question because they (the powers that run the website) considered it to be inappropriate.

I sincerely doubt that Obama even saw the question. ONE person made the decision of whether or not he sees it.

That's right, all you have to do is be a fat cat making millions per year and you alone get to decide what issues make it to the President elect.


Well-Known Member
fuck obama he can keep the change...

hes just another puppet with some fat fist up his ass.. look ma no strings here! fuckin socialist ass clown... pardon my french manges la merde Obama!!


Well-Known Member
That's right, all you have to do is be a fat cat making millions per year and you alone get to decide what issues make it to the President elect.
But...but....He promised us change! He promised that lobbyists would have no part in his administration! He promised us and that's why we voted for him...isn't it? :lol:


Well-Known Member
I agree with Miss. I think he will legalize it when he finishes with the more important stuff. He can't go doing all the little things we want him to do when he's got the countries future in mind. Give him time, that's all I'm saying. Give him the chance at greatness he deserves. He's are president now, and we have to support him.


Well-Known Member
Obama's stance is now and always has been that he is against the legalization of marijuana. This should be no surprise to anyone who actually payed one bit of attention to his campaign.


The only thing he has ever suggested is that he will end FEDERAL raids on medical marijuana facilities, citing that state's should have a right to choose from themselves. If this happened, it would be a big step in making sure patience get the marijuana they need and it would probably make things a bit more accessible for the rest of us, but buying a pack of marijuana from 7/11 isn't going to happen under his watch. He's never once suggested that it would.


Well-Known Member
Seriously man, give him a chance. He's not even president yet and everybody says what he's going to do. He'll do the right thing, and legalize it.


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about lobbyist's I was talking about the fat dude incharge of the website that blocked the question.

That website was created with full support of the Obama team. That answer is there on the website SPECIFICALLY stating his stance. You're not implying that Obama et. al. are not aware of the answer, are you? You're not implying that Obama is out of touch with us "commoners" because he's being insulated from us by his staff, are you?

Here's the first line on the questions page:
"We've launched several features recently that are opening up the two-way dialogue between the Transition team and the Change.gov community."
Who picked the transition team? Obama, right? Only an apologist would look at the answer given and say that either he doesn't know about it or that he'll get around to it. The answer given is quite plain and simple...he does not support legalization. Everyone who voted for Obama based upon that one simple issue had blinders on and refused to look at the candidate and scrutinize his record.