obama on marijuana


Well-Known Member
Well ain't we just the same, I like to chill with my man, toke on some fine buds, inspire revolution and hate the government.

Let's organize some followers........:twisted:
im ready... i would be ready to march on washington yesterday... and it WILL get to that point before this is all said and done... once the economy shits on itself, and the gov keeps spending money and pissing people off.. there will be blood :fire:.... our nation is like a big dog, you can only beat it so much before it finally gets pissed off and kills the master


Well-Known Member
i hear it, i see it, i feel it... i wanna taste it. you ever get the feeling that being anti-government is what you were born to do?


Well-Known Member
Straight off change.gov:


And there you have it. Told ya so. :lol:
Told who so? The 4-5 people that are talking straight of their ass and have no idea what his campaign was about? Bravo. Does it make you feel smart outwitting a bunch of teenagers? The rest of us, that actually voted, have known that since the beginning. This is one of the most pointless argument threads I've ever seen on RUI. OBAMA IS NOT FOR LEGALIZATION. HE NEVER HAS BEEN. HE NEVER WILL BE. CASE CLOSED. I smoke every day and voted for Obama but I'm not blind to the facts. Some of you need to do a lot more homework and stop relying on "change" to mean whaterver it is that YOU want changed. Obama's bringing a lot of change, in all kinds of places. He placed a physicist as our new energy Czar. That's great change in a good direction. Don't dillute his good deeds by claiming his flip-flopping on marijuana when his stance on it has been the same since the beginning. If you want something to bash him for, try telecom immunity or Net neutrality. Those he flip-flopped on.


New Member
Note to all you wannabee anarchists: you'll have to leave the comfort of your home and face the wrath of government. Let's see, .50 cal machine gunes, one hit in the shoulder will take your arm clean off. Apache attack helos, god knows what carnage they can reap, mini guns, rockets, 40MM cannons, etc. Then we move up to the Jets, take your pick, they can bring everything from 40MM cannons to cluster bombs, napalm, 500/1,000 lb bombs bunker busters, MOABs to Nukes. They can now eliminate the pilots so the feeling of killing fellow americans is like a video game, (The red blood would be real though). Anarchists, take a step back and look at the odds. The solution lies within the government. We have to find a way.


Well-Known Member
gov. should fear the people, not the other way around. they have the tech but we have the numbers. plus not all gov. officials and military will participate in the mass killings of americans. hopefully it will never go to this level but the chances are that it will.. especially with a crumbling economy and the mirage of america fading away into the sunset. we have to defend our constitutional rights at all costs.. cuz once its gone it will never come back


New Member
gov. should fear the people, not the other way around. they have the tech but we have the numbers. plus not all gov. officials and military will participate in the mass killings of americans. hopefully it will never go to this level but the chances are that it will.. especially with a crumbling economy and the mirage of america fading away into the sunset. we have to defend our constitutional rights at all costs.. cuz once its gone it will never come back
As soon as the military is on complete video game status, guys like Cheney could and would kill as many as he could.


stays relevant.
We need to organize a group of "clean" RIUers to put into politics as "sleepers" and then we can start changing things... terrorist groups do this to us americans... they just lie dormant here in our country waiting for commands to be sent. they are the dudes that paint your wifes nails, the guys that change your tires, the dude who owns the cell phone shop up the road... I think we've got enough american members to pull pretty good odds.


Well-Known Member
I been knew he wasn't going to legalize it nor did I want him to. only hopeful wishful thinkers thought Obama was going to legalized weed.


New Member
Obama did promise to get the DEA off the backs of med states, which is a step in the right direction. It's more than Bush has done or McCain would have done either.

Democrats are far more lenient than republicans are when it comes to compassion and medical marijuana.

I think we need to give it time. First he'll call off the DEA, then more states will feel like they can pass med laws. Once the med laws are in place and those tax dollars start rolling in and there is no big rise in crime stats, then maybe if he gets a second term things might go more our way.

I would be settle with it being decriminalized, it's more than what we have now.