Obama wants mandatory voting...

Mandatory voting means it's likely we would have a Kardashian or the winner of last season's survivor in office.

Australia has mandatory voting and it's given rise to the term Donkey Vote in poli-sci circles.

To some, not voting is a statement in itself. Not everyone sits out because of laziness or lack of a ride.
its a shame not everyone votes, if you don't have a car, get a ride. Figure it out. In a sharing economy we are able to rent cars at will. The sharing economy can only go so far, according to some economists, however the next 3-5 years should see some growth
6 posts back to back without even saying a word.

Take some deep breaths. Go smoke a bowl and relax that anus, bro.
It's called a life You should try it sometime. It's really cool. Nature, life, the sun, it's an amazing planet we have....let's not ruin it !
I should say I actively vote now, and have since I could vote. But again, I'd stop playing if it no longer was a choice.
Maybe Obama should make working mandatory.

Fuck yea! Make working mandatory for those able to work! As for voting I'm over the fence. Yes I say. I work my ass off, pay too many taxes, alimony, child support, mortgage, too much insurance, and the lot. It fucking chaps my ass when I see so many able bodied people at the welfare office across the street from my work scoring a free hand out! If you can't find a job where you are at effin move yer ass where there is work. No shortage of jobs where I'm at either but a shortage of people who really want to work. "Why work if you don't have to" I guess is the mantra for too many today. I recently had a temp employee quit on me citing the break times are too short and not enough of them, the hours are too long and the boss (me) is a slave driver. LOL if that kid (24yo) had a clue he could now be sitting in a job with good pay, decent benefits, and free educational assistance to better his lot in life. Too many peeps think they deserve that kush job with out putting in the work. I have a 9th grade education. Had to quit school to take care of my sick mom, (deadbeat dad no help) and four younger sisters. I now make 6 figures but that came after many years of HARD work and dedication. Do I like what I do every day? Some days are better than others, but I like a paycheck, a roof over my head and food in my belly so deal with the shitty days and move on in life. I have never collected unemployment, food stamps or welfare but I was the beneficiary of food stamps when I was young as my mother was very ill growing up she died when I was 14. I hated using those Food Stamp as a kid, it was embarrassing and wrong in my eyes. I have worked since I was 12 delivering papers and cutting lawns, working in fast food and if I needed anything (bike or toy) I had to pay for it my self. I understand the value of a dollar. Kids today don't. They feel entitled to all the freebies they can get. Unfortunately too many today are generations deep in the handout game, with no self motivation or work ethic. And the line is getting longer every day across the street. Somebody gotta be putting in for everyone taking out. The USA is the greatest place to live on this planet! I travel the world for work and can solidly back that statement. But the walls are crumbling here. Making someone vote is a small price to pay for freedom.
Kids! Get an education and keep up with current events. My generation, the ones that came before and who have come along shortly after have done a really piss poor job in making change in our political system. Someday, something has to change. And you guys are our future. Now put the video games down, get educated and get to work. This nation is still great. We have a helluva lot of room to improve.

Lil sage is back boyzzzzzz. Whatcha got
Mandatory voting..... Only with executive order.
What dude? None. Gods flower is not a drugdrug
what happened to hard work? The generations are getting lazier and lazier. It's scary. They will put a rep in office, after this debacle they just have to
You should vote no matter your political views. It's a privilege and to not take advantage is to be un American IMHOIMHO
its a shame not everyone votes, if you don't have a car, get a ride. Figure it out. In a sharing economy we are able to rent cars at will. The sharing economy can only go so far, according to some economists, however the next 3-5 years should see some growth
No you don't need to babysit little sage. Not little. No drugs. Was outside, remember that? That place away from a screen in nature.... But hey I'm back to bust on if YA want. Don't care
King Arthur.......what are you king of? Or a fan of Shakespeare? Neither I bet. Trying to mock me. You can't take it on. You don't have the kahoones!
Toolbag. Who says that.
Sup Rrog?
Nah YA don'tdon't
It's called a life You should try it sometime. It's really cool. Nature, life, the sun, it's an amazing planet we have....let's not ruin it !

How much crystal meth do you smoke on average during the day?
Mandatory voting means it's likely we would have a Kardashian or the winner of last season's survivor in office.

Australia has mandatory voting and it's given rise to the term Donkey Vote in poli-sci circles.

To some, not voting is a statement in itself. Not everyone sits out because of laziness or lack of a ride.
I agree, but to politicians and pundits, they couldn't give a shit less why anyone would choose not to vote. They use not voting against us as a whole as if we didn't go vote because we're lazy, that's the most common response I hear to low voter turnout. Hence why I believe adding the "none of the above" option at the bottom of the ballot would ensure these dickheads couldn't use that excuse as to why their boy lost. Today, when they lose, they simply say the nation wasn't ready for such a revolutionary leader, or "everybody wants a handout".. without taking responsibility and acknowledging that no, maybe your guy lost because his views and opinions don't side with the American people.. Tried and true tactic that is unfortunately successful in changing peoples opinions..

You get 50% "none of the above"'s and watch what happens to the political process..