Obamacare is Dead - Long Live Healthcare!

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Lots happening. Stupak denies his group is voting yes and remains leaning no. That makes it 209 yes, 209 no, 9 leaning no and 4 unknown. PLUS, reps have discovered language in the bill that likely makes it ineligible for reconciliation. Reps asked to meet with dems and parliamentarian - dems refuse to meet! wow!
I try to lurk as much as possible here and gain yall knowledge (which I certainly do appreciate) but this is a eggciting subject. Please keep in mind that we are only arguing politics and I mean you no ill will nor do I think of you in an ill manner just because I fall on the Right side of the isle and you dont.

As for the quoted comment above, one has to look no further than Massachusetts and their Romny (repub by the way)Care to see what a mess this is going to be.

look at all the other cases of industrialized nations successfully giving their citizens quality care for a fraction of the cost. going to the hospital without getting a bill at the end of your stay? it's not impossible, it's Great Britain.....
Lots happening. Stupak denies his group is voting yes and remains leaning no. That makes it 209 yes, 209 no, 9 leaning no and 4 unknown. PLUS, reps have discovered language in the bill that likely makes it ineligible for reconciliation. Reps asked to meet with dems and parliamentarian - dems refuse to meet! wow!

You gotta give Stupak credit for sticking to his guns on the whole "no fed funding for abortions" situation. Thank God for men like that.

I hate to say it, and I hope you are right, but they are going to get there votes today. They have something up their sleeve, I just dont know what that is.
You gotta give Stupak credit for sticking to his guns on the whole "no fed funding for abortions" situation. Thank God for men like that.

I hate to say it, and I hope you are right, but they are going to get there votes today. They have something up their sleeve, I just dont know what that is.

Stupak just gave a yes along with his crew of pro lifers
Whether something passes or not, who thinks the tactics being used won't be turned against the dems before long?

What tactics? Democracy, majority rules? The same tactics Republicans have used numerous times and will no doubt use again. So in that respect I will agree the "tactics" will be used against them.
Lots happening. Stupak denies his group is voting yes and remains leaning no. That makes it 209 yes, 209 no, 9 leaning no and 4 unknown. PLUS, reps have discovered language in the bill that likely makes it ineligible for reconciliation. Reps asked to meet with dems and parliamentarian - dems refuse to meet! wow!

by leaning no you mean Stupak is a Yes, right? ;)
lots happening. Stupak denies his group is voting yes and remains leaning no. That makes it 209 yes, 209 no, 9 leaning no and 4 unknown. Plus, reps have discovered language in the bill that likely makes it ineligible for reconciliation. Reps asked to meet with dems and parliamentarian - dems refuse to meet! Wow!
i'ts done everything else are just academics the votes are there .
Sorry republicans, conservatives, tea partiers and obama-haters. Healthcare is gonna pass. Looks like you're gonna need to find something new to complain about....
Sorry republicans, conservatives, tea partiers and obama-haters. Healthcare is gonna pass. Looks like you're gonna need to find something new to complain about....

Actually, this is enough to complain about for now. I dont hate President Obama, thank you very much, I just dont agree with his political view. Kudos to him and his party for having the initative to start the process. Its just to bad that its turned into this. Let me ask you something, if this is such a good deal, why are Speaker Pelosi and President Obama having to bribe and make deals with their own party to get them to vote for it? Doesnt this cause alarm within you? It should. Bribery is illegal by the way. I know that Repubs do it too, those on the left are always reminding me of that. Yall voted for change though. Thats pretty much the same behavior
Let me ask you something, if this is such a good deal, why are Speaker Pelosi and President Obama having to bribe and make deals with their own party to get them to vote for it? Doesnt this cause alarm within you? It should. Bribery is illegal by the way. I know that Repubs do it too, those on the left are always reminding me of that. Yall voted for change though. Thats pretty much the same behavior

Unfortunately that is an aspect of American politics. There is an old saying laws are like sausages, it's better not to see them being made.
Actually, this is enough to complain about for now. I dont hate President Obama, thank you very much, I just dont agree with his political view. Kudos to him and his party for having the initative to start the process. Its just to bad that its turned into this. Let me ask you something, if this is such a good deal, why are Speaker Pelosi and President Obama having to bribe and make deals with their own party to get them to vote for it? Doesnt this cause alarm within you? It should. Bribery is illegal by the way. I know that Repubs do it too, those on the left are always reminding me of that. Yall voted for change though. Thats pretty much the same behavior

Otto von bismark said something along the lines of "the less people know about how sausages and laws are made, the better they will sleep at night." Seriously, if you consider legislative arm-twisting and politics to be bribery....what do you think of lobbying? The legislative process is always rough and tumble, whether it's the D-s or the R-s. What matters is the actual outcome (in this case better and broader coverage, lower costs and reduced deficits) not the process. The republicans did some sketchy maneuvers to get the tax cuts through and those basically doubled the national debt....

Once this passes and the politicking is over, nobody is going to be complaining about healthcare reform. And if you ask me, it's about time we moved on to something else.
Otto von bismark said something along the lines of "the less people know about how sausages and laws are made, the better they will sleep at night." Seriously, if you consider legislative arm-twisting and politics to be bribery....what do you think of lobbying? The legislative process is always rough and tumble, whether it's the D-s or the R-s. What matters is the actual outcome (in this case better and broader coverage, lower costs and reduced deficits) not the process. The republicans did some sketchy maneuvers to get the tax cuts through and those basically doubled the national debt....

Once this passes and the politicking is over, nobody is going to be complaining about healthcare reform. And if you ask me, it's about time we moved on to something else.
I hope you are right and I am wrong. I really do. I just feel that this is not going to work like it is being sold as. Medicaide (or is it medicare) is failing. Doesnt it seem like we would fix that first before adding to it?

I dunno, again, I will be pleased if you are right and I am wrong.

Hey, nice meeting all of yall though
This bill will pass and Americans will continue to consume massive amounts of sugar, sodium, fats, wont eat healthy and won't reduce the size of their portions, Costs will continue to rise then they'll tell us we need even more gov to solve the problem. If people want to disregard their own health that's their concern but don't ask me to pay for it. I'm a young guy who eats healthy, works out, and lives a healthy lifestyle so insurance isn't necessary for me but some in the gov. want to force me to buy insurance because it's the only way they'll have enough money to cover other people. I hope i'm not the only one who is fucking furious about this. don't get me wrong health-care needs reformed but the way most Americans live needs reforming also why not regulate how much shit is in our food, end sugar and corn subsidies so the price will go up and companies won't use so much of it. I'm so fucking sick of people not accepting responsibility for their own actions.

Note that most health problems in this country can be fixed with a lifestyle change, Obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease represent a huge portion of costs. Some people are predisposed to genetic health problems and I'm not referring to them.
Breaking news: The House voted 224-206 in favor of the bill.

This is not only a nail in the coffin of the American Dream, this is a friggin' railroad spike. Constitutional challenges to follow.