Obamacare is Dead - Long Live Healthcare!

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let the law suits begin . 37 states just filed a law suit along with lots of other groups.
orin hatch said there are several points of order that the house is going to HAVE to vote on.they can probably drag this out until next election in 7 months.

Give it a rest. You are talking to a minuscule backwater of people who are living in a different century and different continent. A majority elected this Congress and President to do this and other work, and they did it. Remember Social Security? Still here. Remember Medicare? Still here. Remember Medicaid? Still here. Remember W.'s attempt to privatize Social Security right before the economy tanked? Gone. Remember everyone's retirement portfolios? Gone.

Outside the right-wing echo chamber, real Americans with real lives wanted health care reform and now that they have it, your message only makes good AM talk radio and it makes you look stupid.
Yet if people like you had your way the number one cause of death for old people would be freezing and starving to death.
actually, i have no problem providing for the poor and the aged. i merely find using the force of government's violence to compel me to do so rather distasteful. you see, that's just what community does, it feels itself responsible to its constituents and takes care of them. government, on the other hand, demands obedience and uses force to deny the freedom of choice. i don't suppose that choice means much to you or responsibility either, but these are the liberties and duties inherent in the american way of life. the choice to differentiate between supporting the wayward grasshopper and the ant fallen on hard times is lost in the bureaucracy of the welfare state. it is the difference between deceitful entitlements and honest charity, between legal demands and moral duties.
I hope Rush stands by his word to move out the country...but I think he will show just how he talks out the side of that fat piggy redneck...
i dont think this bill will pass constitutional muster. the government cannot MAKE anyone buy ANYTHING little lone insurance.
and yea all the illegal aliens will be covered.they already are.
oh yea...the tax's to pay for the scheme will start STRAIGHT AWAY. the bennies of it wont start for a few years down the road.
the revised bill for you progressives who dont understand who this is supposed to work. the bill that was just passed by the house after being signed by the president still has to go back before the senate again for changes to be approved . around 75 plus percent of the population is against the bill.
37 states and state AG have law suits ready to file against the federal government . it is another unfunded mandate handed down to the states they do not have the money to pay for.
because the insurance companys will have to take anyone no matter what their condition is will have to raise rates on the rest of the consumers to make up for the loss.
im a right winger to bring up things like constitutional rights and junk.
i am a libertarian always have been always will be.i dont like it when republicans progressives violate the constitution any more than i like the democrat progressives (that would mean everyone of them)violating it and rubbing it into everyone's face.
every time glenn beck calls obama out on the marxists around him and the ones he has been associated with in the past the silence is deafening .
so far he has taken over banking the auto industry the mortgage industry insurance industry the housing industry and now (almost)thehealth care industry.whos next? i wish i could bankrupt my business and have them give me a billion dollars to do it..
who's next?
next on the agenda should be the amnesty bill obama promised the mexican government. they have proven they can successfully ignore public outcry with this bill, so what chance is there that they will cave to the demands of their constituents as they did the last time they tried to introduce millions of illegal aliens into the voter pool? it gets a little easier each time. the public expects a little less from their representatives after every such debacle.
Illegal aliens are only covered under emergency care, which is only expected. You can't let people die because it would be to costly.
every time glenn beck calls obama out on the marxists around him and the ones he has been associated with in the past the silence is deafening .

You've been bamboozled my friend. Go to youtube and watch Beck BEFORE he went to Fox. You wont believe the difference in his views and thoughts.

Using him to support an argument is self defeating. Glen Beck is the modern day Morton Downey Jr.

An entertainer that will say and do mostly anything to get viewers.
Illegal aliens are only covered under emergency care, which is only expected. You can't let people die because it would be to costly.

Hospitals do it every day, I guess it is easy to walk around with you eyes wide shut and think the world is a better place with this crap on the books?

The only sol benefactor is hospital conglomerates, just watch as there stocks jump, the insurance companies won't feel a thing because they are going to pass the bill to 35 million new customers they have now.

This is still costing Americans 36% until the 1 trillion dollar loan is repaid back to the Federal Reserve Bank!!! This is not part of the US Government it is owned by foreign Banking Institutes. They have a public stock that trades

This is how the Common US citizen is going to feel in the next 3 years. In one year they have spent more than last guy did the whole 8 years.

We as Americans are strong but at what point does the back of the common American break?
Oh shit the only option we have now is a public option paid for by taxes! It would be competitive with private insurance and lower costs. Just like in Canada, France and Great Britian. If you don't understand this you might want to just bury your head in the sand and yell. Canada pays half of what we do and live longer. Hows that for a system? I'm sorry but if you disagree you should probably get the wool cut from around your ears and eyes.
Oh shit the only option we have now is a public option paid for by taxes! It would be competitive with private insurance and lower costs. Just like in Canada, France and Great Britian. If you don't understand this you might want to just bury your head in the sand and yell. Canada pays half of what we do and live longer. Hows that for a system? I'm sorry but if you disagree you should probably get the wool cut from around your ears and eyes.

I am confused, there is no public option. Are you making the point that there should be?
How do I make this more clear? YES! A public option is what these United States need, not want. We NEED it.
so far he has taken over banking the auto industry the mortgage industry insurance industry the housing industry and now (almost)thehealth care industry.whos next? i wish i could bankrupt my business and have them give me a billion dollars to do it..

There are some people that need to get an education and state the facts and not spout off a bunch of half-truths, deliberate distortions, and outright lies.
The votes aren't there. The house can't pass the senate bill and the senate can't pass the house bill. Obama's monday proposal and the dog and pony show tomorrow are just for show - "look how hard I'm fighting." LOL

RIP Obama - Rest in Pieces!

Long live the party of HELL NO, WE WON'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!

sooooo wrong