Well-Known Member
This sucks so bad but it is karmic for the shitbags who wanted free care. Now they will be forced to buy healthcare or be fined and while there will be Govt subsidies the amount you will have to pay will still cripple you financially if you don't make much anyway, so enjoy your fines, you deserve it.
My biggest issue is that it is UnConstitutional to say a person in a supposedly "free" country has to do anything other than not hurt others, is just rediculous and saying you will be fined if you don't is a VIOLATION of the Constitution! And as for Obammas executive order, if he recinds it like he will, then abortion will automatically have full funding....so Congress and DC just gave the people the final fuck you and are plainly saying that even though 62 % of Americans were against this particular bill, instead of making it right 1st, Obamma wants to slam it through and fix it later and we all know the fixing will never happen....plus rates on my insurance are going to go up significantly...go to gotfr.org and help us stop this! I had posted the wrong addy in the other threads...
well, buddy. my insurance rates are gonna go down. from 3600 to 1500 a year. My deductable may go up a bit, but i'll have an extra 2100 bucks in my pocket to pay it with. So i ask you to call and support the bill. For me.