'ObamaCare' Saved My Life -- a Maxim Cover Girl Shares Her Story

I make about 30k a year. Which I do not qualify for any. I am not usually one with politics and "debates" but I just see this trend of debt. I suppose might be socialist but inmy opinion higher education should be easy to obtain and maintained that way. I have had 2 friends drop out and have to go work for a year just due to tuition hikes. Nothing to do with this no but in my eyes this debt is rather geared to the younger generations. It ultimately is your decision yes, but why not have programs that boost our education programs rather than bottleneck them.Subsidy Calculator  The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation - Windows Internet Explorer.jpg
It will also drive striving college students greater and greater into debt as we struggle to pay just for the outrageous tuition let alone fees because we are healthy...

hmmmm 95$ opt out fee..let's see that comes to .26, per day and i'm thinking you can find .26 by just looking around on the ground..cry me a river next time you go out partying or make a buy..
hmmmm 95$ opt out fee..let's see that comes to .26, per day and i'm thinking you can find .26 by just looking around on the ground..cry me a river next time you go out partying or make a buy..
It is not up to you how I or anyone else spends their money. Period.
...considering how often you take cheap shots at people i figured i'd point out to you what a fool you show yourself to be when you chastise another and you're just too stoopid to use the correct word, ...i guess if it sounds similar it's good enough for an ignorant fuck like you.

...in any event i am certain you meant 'reading comprehension' not 'reading compensation'.

...it is far better to keep your mouth shut and let folks THINK you are a fool rather than opening your mouth and removing all doubt.


The reading compensation part isn't him being dumb, he is well aware of the proper English. Its an inside joke between a few of us old timers.
All this "free" healthcare isn't going to make people healthy, if anything it will make more people sick. There will be no savings, only cost.

Maybe by next year there'll be two or three, totally worth 20k pages of shit and vomit.

Oh wait, those kids dying of cancer because O won't pass a CR to cover them kinda cancels out the 34 y.o. hottie who would have had to pay 19k (or 3 years worth of deductibles under O'care).

but but, there's ONE!!! SUCCESS!!
hmmmm 95$ opt out fee..let's see that comes to .26, per day and i'm thinking you can find .26 by just looking around on the ground..cry me a river next time you go out partying or make a buy..

Wow Shy ( may I call you shy?), you don't come across as that flippant over other people's property to me usually. Why do you feel it's OK to force a college kid to pay anything
he doesn't need to pay and why do you feel you have that right?

Being a healthcare worker I've bitched about insurance for almost 20 years now (and pharmaceuticals). If you understand what Obamacare is, it further entrenches insurance companies, Big Pharma and the hospital cartel into our health care system. This is what we need to moving away from, not toward.

I work with a doc from Turkey. He says they diagnose, the pharmacist decides what drugs to use (except specialties). It's illegal to do that here because of gov controls. I know many GPs and trust me, your pharmacist understands drug interactions better. There is so many things we can do to lower costs in health care but each layer of gov we add only increases costs. You understand why don't you? To lower costs we need to get AWAY from our current 3rd party payer system not further entrench it.

Because something is subsidized it doesn't mean that it costs less.
True or false to the supporters

Obamacare focuses on health coverage, not health care.

Do you think this is the best approach?
The Opt-out fee in 2016 will be $695 or 2% of your annual wages, the higher of the two. In 2020, it will be something crazy like jail-time or some shit. This is what makes me mad, Obama is no Democrat. He is a fucking Communist! The central government will control EVERYTHING we do, corporations will act like state and union officials, able to wage war for nothing and sell America to foreign invasion.
Not another one c'mon Buck, you just posted one yesterday and we all had a heated debate haha.
if you are that poor you qualify for subsidys probably even free.
Really how much does your part time job pay?

Well, isn't that grand? Free, free, free. C'mon down and get yer FREE shit here! You landed on Free Parking and all this is yours...FREE. Free, free, free.

Meanwhile, all over the country...

Mr. middle class family man, your annual premiums just went from $4800 to just a scooch over $10,000. What's that? You're living paycheck to paycheck? You're going to lose your home? Sorry pal, somebody has to pay for all that FREE shit we gave away earlier.

Progressive "redistribution/massive government expansion/single-payer enactor scheme" wet dream...accomplished.
hmmmm 95$ opt out fee..let's see that comes to .26, per day and i'm thinking you can find .26 by just looking around on the ground..cry me a river next time you go out partying or make a buy..
I am with you $95 is fine, if it stayed there. "The minimum penalty/tax in 2016 will be $695 per person and up to 3-times that per family. After 2016, these amounts will increase at the rate of inflation."

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-is-the-obamacare-penalty-tax-2012-7#ixzz2hSc5IM5y" 600% increase over 2 years.....ya Im gonna "cry" as you put it over that..that's fucking ridiculous. That fee is double my cost of living which means in 2 years my cost of living will have tripled only due to this one program, that's not even getting into the school programs which have pushed it even further off the cliff. Ya I spend my money on other things but the point is why am I getting charged to NOT use something, its my own damn fault if I break my arm and have to pay 25k because I don't have healthcare...why should I be penalized for something I do not use...oh ya that's right to pay for it for people who can't afford it. So I should be pushed closer to poverty to help those in poverty.....kinda thought that was what the free will donations outside walmart where for. This is like saying everyone in my neighbor hood has to sign up for high speed internet or they will have to pay a fee. It is not a law that you must have healthcare, it is an OPTION....well used to be
I am with you $95 is fine, if it stayed there. "The minimum penalty/tax in 2016 will be $695 per person and up to 3-times that per family. After 2016, these amounts will increase at the rate of inflation.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-is-the-obamacare-penalty-tax-2012-7#ixzz2hSc5IM5y" 600% increase over 2 years.....ya Im gonna "cry" as you put it over that..that's fucking ridiculous. That fee is double my cost of living which means in 2 years my cost of living will have tripled only due to this one program, that's not even getting into the school programs which have pushed it even further off the cliff.

mass health has been this way since its inception..if you're low income, you'll qualify for subsidies so it makes more sense to be covered by health..the penalty is high on purpose:
[h=2]How much is the penalty for no insurance?[/h] Residents without MCC health insurance face monthly penalties. The penalties add up each month without health insurance, and must be paid at tax filing time. Short gaps in coverage (up to three months) are allowed without a tax penalty.

Penalties vary by income and age:

  • if you are an adult with income above 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, penalties are based on ½ the cost of the lowest-priced Commonwealth Choice plan available to you
  • if you are an adult with income at or below 300% of the FPG, penalties are based on ½ the cost of the lowest-priced Commonwealth Care plan available to you
  • if you are an adult with income at or below 150% of the FPG, you do not have to pay a penalty if uninsured
The 2013 tax year penalties are:

[TABLE="class: datatable"]
[TH] Income and Age[/TH]
[TH] 150.1-200% FPG[/TH]
[TH] 200.1-250% FPG[/TH]
[TH] 250.1-300% FPG
[TH] Above 300% FPG
Age 18-26[/TH]
[TH] Above 300% FPG
Age 27+[/TH]
[TH] Tax penalty[/TH]
[TD] $20 per month
$240 per year[/TD]
[TD] $39 per month
$468 per year[/TD]
[TD] $59 per month
$708 per year
[TD] $84 per month
$1008 per year[/TD]
[TD] $106 per month
$1272 per year