ObamaCare Summery Hit's The Nail On The Head


New Member
Are you a meth user? I ask because rational people don't quote themselves so much.

My opinion if your plant has been given to you multiple times already. Why not show how your skills have improved?

I like the fact that my being a caregiver bugs you so much, I dont understand why that's so offensive to you. This being a growing forum you're likely to encounter people that grow for a living.

As far as the pic, I CP using the forum code. Shows on my CPU and phone..there are plenty of pics in my profile, feel free to check them out.
You being a care giver doesn't bug me bud, it's the fact you use that as a badge to somehow qualify yourself.
And what would looking at your plants tell me about you, this isn't the 1980's bro, everyone and their brother grows. Show me something unique, something out of the box, something different than what I can see on a daily basis.
And hey, we can disagree on politics all day long but I'm not going to take the personal insults with a pill.

Your constant snipes about a 30yr old pic of a plant comes from your buddy UncleBuck and you know it.
When he first commented on that pic, he actually told me to give it nitrogen (true story) so I'm asking for your expert opinion on that plant since it seems you can't let it go? You've got the microphone now!

BTW, I looked in your profile for some pics thinking you just might be doing something original or special, you have NO pics in your profile dude!

Perhaps I'm missing something, and you can help me out?

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I dont think I use it as a badge, i do have pride in it. I see no problem in having pride in what you do.

My constant snipes about your plant are in jest. I really couldnt care less about your plants. It pisses you off, so I use it as a tactic. I find it odd that Ive reffered to you as Clayton for a while now, the genesis of that didnt piss you off. Yet a comment on a 30 yea old 1x1 avatar picture does.
From what I can see in that avatar pic theres a lot of yellowing. The pic is so damned small its pretty hard to see much, my first thought would be giver her some N. But its real hard to give an honest assessment on such a small pic.

Im not trying to be the next Jorge or Subcool or whatever pot celebrity you prefer. Im just a guy supporting his family by doing what I love. Not interested in being a groundbreaking pioneer in the pot industry, ask Mark Emery how that worked out for him.Im happy doing what i do, grow good meds, help people and still support my family. Its a win win for me man, im a lucky person. Ive spent most of my life earning a living doing the 2 things I love. Tattoo art and growing. Im lucky and I know it. I dont drag myself to work, i enjoy my work.

The closest thing to groundbreaking i get is playing a little home breeding. I came across a good Querkle male this past winter. Got lucky, he passes along his purple colors, heavy trich production and sweet taste. I hit my AK47 cut and my Pineapple Express cut with him. I tested the Querkle x AK this summer and it seems to be what I was shooting for so far. Only a good cure and smoke teste will really tell, but thecolors and smell were passed along to the AK which was my goal. Heres a pic of the first tester harvested last week.



Well-Known Member
Bucky the best I recall you were the one that call the black muslim a nigger. Will you explain how any body is racist except you???


New Member
I dont think I use it as a badge, i do have pride in it. I see no problem in having pride in what you do.

My constant snipes about your plant are in jest. I really couldnt care less about your plants. It pisses you off, so I use it as a tactic. Then I suggest you change tactics bud, joking or not, making things personal and capping on other peoples stuff because you disagree with them politically is not cool. To be honest with you, I could really care less what you and UB think of the plant itself, it's the fact you guys take things to a personal level.I find it odd that Ive reffered to you as Clayton for a while now, Yeah, so do I. the genesis of that didnt piss you off. Yet a comment on a 30 yea old 1x1 avatar picture does.
From what I can see in that avatar pic theres a lot of yellowing. The pic is so damned small its pretty hard to see much, my first thought would be giver her some N. But its real hard to give an honest assessment on such a small pic. Well, it's not as yellow as the sun angle in that pic leads you to believe however, adding N to a plant that is in it's last days of finish would be a rookie mistake to say the least so I pointed that out to UB!

Im not trying to be the next Jorge or Subcool or whatever pot celebrity you prefer. Im just a guy supporting his family by doing what I love. Not interested in being a groundbreaking pioneer in the pot industry, ask Mark Emery how that worked out for him.Im happy doing what i do, grow good meds, help people and still support my family. Its a win win for me man, im a lucky person. Ive spent most of my life earning a living doing the 2 things I love. Tattoo art and growing. Im lucky and I know it. I dont drag myself to work, i enjoy my work.
I'm not much of a self promoter, too many ego's in this business, especially where I'm from.
Too bad the humble side of you is not seen more often, it suits you better IMO.

The closest thing to groundbreaking i get is playing a little home breeding. I came across a good Querkle male this past winter. Got lucky, he passes along his purple colors, heavy trich production and sweet taste. I hit my AK47 cut and my Pineapple Express cut with him. I tested the Querkle x AK this summer and it seems to be what I was shooting for so far. Only a good cure and smoke teste will really tell, but thecolors and smell were passed along to the AK which was my goal. Heres a pic of the first tester harvested last week.
Good luck with your propagating!