Obama's executive order

paranoia? probably a little bit. you see, i'm not one of those twits that feels justified in committing fraud just so he can get a card and smoke his weed legally. i grow and smoke my own knowing full well that it could result in my spending what little is left of my life in a small cell. not right in the head? well; considering i'm surrounded by a bunch of fools who seem to think that disarming the peaceful elements of society will somehow discourage the violent ones, i suppose i could be considered crazy by comparison.

i happen to like the idea that i can blow your head off if you decide that taking my stuff or harming me and mine is a good idea and i appreciate folks like the nra who are willing to defend my right to defend myself.
It's all about closing loopholes at gun shows. What is wrong with that, may I ask?
I support repealing the 2nd Amendment and making the production/importation of all guns illegal.

Full-auto firearms were once the weapon of choice for criminals (think Tommy Gun and the gangsters of 30's). Then strict national regulations were introduced, and the price of full-autos soared. Now gun crimes committed with them are absurdly low, something like 1/1000.

Good upstanding citizens with jobs now own the full-autos, not desperate criminals robbing the liquor store in need of a few bucks.

All these daily shootings in places like Chicago are the result of these $35 guns floating around. Do to them as was done with full-auto's.

Yeah, you might have to spend $2,000-3,000 for a Glock, but at least you know not every other crackhead on the corner is packing similar.
Krauthammer said it well, "it would take the feds 100 years to take our guns and they still wouldn't get them all."

Everyone knows this is about politics. It's a waste of time and money, a deflection from what's really important which is the destruction of ISIS. But being that Obama is such a pussy and doesn't care to get the job done......

The beautiful Fox News star, Andrea Tantaros, posted a picture of herself wearing a pink T-shirt featuring an AR-15 rifle along with the popular phrase among us 2nd Amendment supporters “Come and Take It.”

It's all about closing loopholes at gun shows. What is wrong with that, may I ask?

Oregon already did all that last year, and it didn't bother me really. I am in Hawaii for a couple months and it is very difficult to buy a gun here. You have to take a hunters safety course that could take months because the classes are full , and after that you have to wait for weeks to get your card and back ground check.
It's all about closing loopholes at gun shows. What is wrong with that, may I ask?

What a great question. The NRA corporate members see this as a profit loss. They feed the ignorant a spin that this is actually a second amendment freedom thing, not a profit thing.

The NRA exists to keep their profits flowing. Never was a second amendment thing.
you may be right, but what does this say about the american electorate. bambam has shown that he is an incompetent tyro. time and again he has failed to live up to even the limited expectations of his own party. from the unaffordable care act to his decision to simply look the other way as iran fulfills its nuclear ambitions, his every decision has weakened america's economy, productivity and global standing. still, the drones of american society might be willing to endure even more of his abject failure. just how stupid are y'all???
Easy meat, huh. It's easy meat to prove that what you are saying is crap, starting with, everything?
He has overseen a remarkable recovery from the desolation that the Republicans left this country in 8 years ago. FACT. The Affordable Healthcare Act has given millions of Americans the access to medicals services that before this law were out of reach economically, FACT
Giving Iran nuclear weapons? That's just GOP and Israeli bullshit, and the rest of the world knows it, FACT.
Well, as far as Democrats being disappointed in his Presidency, I think the majority understand that he did what he could, being faced with the total commitment of the Republican party to destroy him, the elected President of the US. That was bullshit.
You want to know something else? That is, that Clinton is going to be the next President, and you know why? Because the GOP has ostracized the majority of the American voters, being it women ,blacks, Latinos, college students or anyone else with common sense.
So my friend, get ready for another, at least, 4 more years of a Democrat sitting in the White House.
Oh but wait- how are the rest of the nations doing that were also affected by the Great Republican Recession?

Ah- all recovering much worse than us. Thanks Obama
It's all about closing loopholes at gun shows. What is wrong with that, may I ask?
have you ever been to a gun show? of course not. this is the grey market of weaponry. we wander around, looking for good deals and fiddling with the toys. those loopholes are the reason we can find good deals. the gun manufacturers aren't making a killing there, it's the small timers with low or nonexistent overhead that are trading their wares back and forth. forcing them to adhere to the same standards as the big guys will just force them out of the marketplace entirely. that may be fine and dandy for the folks who are so deathly afraid of guns, but those of us who understand that these are just tools will curse you for your short-sightedness. dry up the grey market and the black market blossoms.

i find it hilarious that, on a site devoted to an illegal substance, so many are are opposed to this grey market solution. i understand their motivation, it's fear. what they don't understand, they are afraid of. they hear the dire warnings of their masters and the media lap dogs and they see the tool as the evil that is done with it. slanted polls and falsified studies give them a false sense of insecurity, so they parrot the talking points of the authority they depend on. without recognizing the long term effects, they are allowing that authority to turn our greatest source of self-defense into the same black-market anarchy that has burdened those of us who realize the harmless pleasures of our delightful herb.
so bambam is playing emperor again and tugging at our heartstrings to justify his hubris.

it was better when you called him uppity.

i can have an ak47 delivered to my doorstep within 72 hours... all this fool is doing is making it a little harder for law abiding folks to see to their own defense

so is it easy to get a gun, or is self defense now impossible for your old racist ass?

make up your fucking mind, loser.
so you're not only racist, but completely deluded. cool.

just look at every other nation on earth, old deluded racist.

Almost every nation on earth uses threats of the use of guns to ensure their serfs are encompassed without the individual consent of the serfs. Yes, we should look at them and disarm the thugs.
bambam has shown that he is an incompetent tyro.

so is he a tyrant, or is he feckless and his executive actions won't do shit?

you can't really have it both ways, ya deluded old racist.

it's fun to watch you deluded losers try to make up your minds on this one.