Obama's executive order

Am not forced to buy a gun. You are forced to buy Obamacare. And remember, "you can keep your doctor".


That's a good point.

Ultimately if a person disobeys a government edict to purchase that insurance, the government will use guns against you. Irony.
Am not forced to buy a gun. You are forced to buy Obamacare. And remember, "you can keep your doctor".


i'm not forced to buy obamacare. no one is, in fact. that is like saying you are forced to make a certain amount of money every year.
Easy meat, huh. It's easy meat to prove that what you are saying is crap, starting with, everything?
He has overseen a remarkable recovery from the desolation that the Republicans left this country in 8 years ago. FACT. The Affordable Healthcare Act has given millions of Americans the access to medicals services that before this law were out of reach economically, FACT
Giving Iran nuclear weapons? That's just GOP and Israeli bullshit, and the rest of the world knows it, FACT.
Well, as far as Democrats being disappointed in his Presidency, I think the majority understand that he did what he could, being faced with the total commitment of the Republican party to destroy him, the elected President of the US. That was bullshit.
You want to know something else? That is, that Clinton is going to be the next President, and you know why? Because the GOP has ostracized the majority of the American voters, being it women ,blacks, Latinos, college students or anyone else with common sense.
So my friend, get ready for another, at least, 4 more years of a Democrat sitting in the White House.
i think you need a refresher course, especially concerning the meaning of the term "fact".our economy was decimated by the liberal policies of a democratic controlled congress and the current administration has merely prolonged a recovery that would best have been handled by private sector solutions. the unaffordable health care act has done little to aid responsible americans, shifting the burden of the indolent onto those of us who actually work for a living and increasing the rolls of the welfare state. even with this foolish adjustment, the poor still find adequate healthcare beyond their meager means. iran is laughing at us all the way to the bank. their nuclear ambitions can now be fueled by unencumbered access to their newly freed assets and there is still such minimal oversight that they are free to do as they please and fulfill their stated destiny of destroying the non-islamic interests of the world.

of course the republicans have been against the idiocy of this administration. even that watered down version of american conservatism recognizes that the defeatist philosophy of the democratic party is one of the most destructive elements of american society. they were elected precisely to counter that destructive influence. while the democrats are busy dividing the nation into easily handled demographics (based on race, religion, gender, etc...) and handing these classes the appropriate lies to garner their support, the rest of us have been watching and noting the deception that is the basis of modern american liberalism.

for over six years i've been predicting that little miss cankle would be our next president. yes, i have that little faith in the american electorate. y'all elected bobo because of the color of his skin and you'll elect shrillary because she has a vagina (though some of us doubt this assertion). you want to be part of an historic event more than you want the nation to prosper.
@Rob Roy

is this the type of person you wish to ally yourself with?

apparently it is.

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has anyone ever been forced to open a store that serves the public, or is your crusade for racial segregation all in vain?

I'm not crusading for forced racial segregation or forced racial integration and never have. I view people as individuals, none of whom I have a right to force to associate with me. None of whom I have any right to determine the use of THEIR property.

I realize you won't address what I just posted above, because it makes too much sense.
the unaffordable health care act has done little to aid responsible americans, shifting the burden of the indolent onto those of us who actually work for a living

says the old racist collecting a social security check, and depending on my tax dollars for his medicare.

y'all elected bobo because of the color of his skin

no, you just hate him fopr the color of his skin, as do all the other people on this thread who advocate for racial segregation or call me a nigger.
I'm not crusading for forced racial segregation

yes you are, you don't ever stop with your crusade for racial segregation.

still, you cannot point to a single person who was forced to open a store that serves the public.

your racist crusade is built on falsehood from the start.
no one forced him to make enough money, moron.

call me a nigger again to prove how smart and not racist you are.

Your default assumption is that some people have more rights than others. The first line of your quoted post proves that. I could elaborate but it might go over your head.
Your default assumption is that some people have more rights than others.

no, that would be you. you are the one who is on a crusade to segregate people by race, because you feel that blacks should not expect to be served by white people, and that white people having to serve black people is a form of rape and imprisonment.
you really are easy meat. tell me, are you down with the blm movement (only black live matter) these days or is your childish venom only reserved for the pages of anonymous internet forums. i'm reminded of an old movie in which the lead character redefined the meaning of naacp. his definition was "ni66ers ain't always colored people" and i tend to agree.

well, thanks for proving that you are deeply racist then.

but i kinda figured that out when you called obama "uppity".
yes you are, you don't ever stop with your crusade for racial segregation.

still, you cannot point to a single person who was forced to open a store that serves the public.

your racist crusade is built on falsehood from the start.

I'm afraid you're wrong. It likely springs from your acceptance that some people have more rights than others.

Also, you advocated that I thank a black person for the labor of long dead black people, which was a racist thing for you to say.
You based it solely on the race of both groups. Why did you do that, racist?