Obama's executive order

so it seems you're on the "racist" bandwagon today. you really are easy meat. tell me, are you down with the blm movement (only black live matter) these days or is your childish venom only reserved for the pages of anonymous internet forums. i'm reminded of an old movie in which the lead character redefined the meaning of naacp. his definition was "ni66ers ain't always colored people" and i tend to agree.

I've been reading your posts, and you're so deluded. The BLM movement isn't that only black lives matter. It's funny that they have a better grasp of English over you. It's that black lives matter also. It's an implied "also."
I've been reading your posts, and you're so deluded. The BLM movement isn't that only black lives matter. It's funny that they have a better grasp of English over you. It's that black lives matter also. It's an implied "also."
Adding the word "only" allows the hate to flow better. It's a stupid spin from some radio talk show

i like how uncleben called me a dumb nigger and so @undertheice got all upset that i called him racist over that.

but he did not get upset over uncleben calling me a dumb nigger.

kinda says it all right there.

wouldn't you agree, UrinaryTractInfection?
Trump! is going to fix that shit. 20% increases the first year and 25% increase for this year.

Poopy pants will think it's only 5% because he is stupid. The liberals like to throw in enough of the free shit until they get there PC numbers where they want them. TRUMP!

well, at least you got a like from a holocaust denier. so there's that.
i am not denying anything i am saying typical Jews over exaggerated the whole thing i always wondered why the Jews even got expelled from Jerusalem lol
don't be sad, holocaust denier. have some pride. some white pride.

The significance of the Holocaust, or the alleged mass murder of six million Jews by Nazis during World War Two, lies not so much in its effect upon Nazis or Jews, but in its use to suppress any discussion or argument on the topic of race since the end of the Second World War. For this reason alone, an overview of the basic facts surrounding the Holocaust is of critical importance.


The Nazis themselves said that they only had 4.5 million Jews under their direct control (see the analysis of the Wannsee Minutes) and they would have, in 1941 at least, when that estimate was made, had no particular reason to lie.

This figure is of particular interest when it is considered that as of 1988, some 4.3 million claims for compensation had been filed against the West German government by Holocaust survivors, according to the Federal German government.

Despite this, estimates by non-Nazi sources of the numbers of victims of Nazi concentration camps has varied wildly from six million to 11 million, depending upon which source one cares to consult.

The figure of six million was arrived at on the basis of two sources: first on the evidence of a former SS officer, Wilhelm Hottl, who before the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials stated that Adolf Eichmann, head of the Jewish Division of the Gestapo, had told him that 4 million Jews had died in concentration camps and 2 million had died “elsewhere”. (Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, Germany, Vol. XXI, Doc, 2738-PS, p. 85).

The other source for this is a statement taken from the former commandant of the Auschwitz camp, Rudolf Hoess, who in a written statement declared that four million Jews had been killed at Auschwitz alone. Hoess was hanged at Auschwitz by the Soviets immediately after making this statement.

This figure quoted by Hoess is however universally acknowledged as being too high, especially as Hoess was relieved of his command of Auschwitz in 1943, long before the camp was closed down, and as such would not have been able to tell with any certainty how many Jews passed through its gates by August 1944.

At the end of the war it was claimed that the Dachau and Bergen-Belsen camps in Germany (from where the horrific pictures of scores of dead bodies emanated) had operating gas chambers; and that in camps in Poland, Jews had been killed in “steam chambers” or had been skinned to make lamp shades, gloves and their body fat made into soap.

All of these horror stories have in the subsequent years been refuted by all serious scholars, including the leading Jewish scholar on the issue, Raul Hilberg (who in 1998 was a Professor of Political Science at the University of Vermont, and author of the world famous book “The Destruction of the European Jews“).

According to Hilberg, as quoted in an article written by himself in the 1998 Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia under the heading Holocaust, the six camps, their means of killing and their total number of victims was as follows:

“Chelmno had gas vans, and its death toll was 150,000; Belzec had carbon monoxide gas chambers in which 600,000 Jews were killed; Sobibor’s gas chambers accounted for 250,000 dead; Treblinka’s for 700,000 to 800,000; At Majdanek, some 50,000 were gassed or shot; and in Auschwitz, the Jewish dead totaled more than 1 million.”
So keep thinking what you want unless there is solid proof on how many dead and again all fucking hear say why not make the numbers 200 million lol

This only accounts for 2.8 million dead: (as the other camps did not have gas chambers); if Hilberg’s figures are correct, then the number of six million dead drops, by Jewish estimates, by half to just over 3 million, even if the verified Einsatzgruppen victims are included.

Hilberg offers no explanation for the fact that the Nuremberg trials (both Hottl and Hoess) claimed figures twice as large (or in Auschwitz’s case, four times as large); more disturbingly, no attempt is ever made to correct the still quoted figure of six million which is so popular with the media to this day, and which has been repeated so often that it is an article of faith for many.

Hilberg, who has spent 36 years studying the Holocaust and the subsequent Nuremberg trials, has himself often changed his estimates: in 1985, he told a Canadian court that that five million Jews were killed during the war – substantially up on his 1998 estimate of 2.8 million. (Scientific evidence of Holocaust missing, The Sault Star Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, January 18, 1985).

The best example of how the figures for the number of Jews killed varies can be seen from this table: the left hand column is the number of dead as alleged in the source, stated in the right hand column. From this overview it can be seen that estimates of the number of people who died in Auschwitz has varied over the years from 9 million to 73,000.
Think about it for a second there Bucky what was the population in 1940 of the jews ???
i know
1940 4,770,000-4,975,000
The significance of the Holocaust, or the alleged mass murder of six million Jews by Nazis during World War Two, lies not so much in its effect upon Nazis or Jews, but in its use to suppress any discussion or argument on the topic of race since the end of the Second World War. For this reason alone, an overview of the basic facts surrounding the Holocaust is of critical importance.


The Nazis themselves said that they only had 4.5 million Jews under their direct control (see the analysis of the Wannsee Minutes) and they would have, in 1941 at least, when that estimate was made, had no particular reason to lie.

This figure is of particular interest when it is considered that as of 1988, some 4.3 million claims for compensation had been filed against the West German government by Holocaust survivors, according to the Federal German government.

Despite this, estimates by non-Nazi sources of the numbers of victims of Nazi concentration camps has varied wildly from six million to 11 million, depending upon which source one cares to consult.

The figure of six million was arrived at on the basis of two sources: first on the evidence of a former SS officer, Wilhelm Hottl, who before the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials stated that Adolf Eichmann, head of the Jewish Division of the Gestapo, had told him that 4 million Jews had died in concentration camps and 2 million had died “elsewhere”. (Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, Germany, Vol. XXI, Doc, 2738-PS, p. 85).

The other source for this is a statement taken from the former commandant of the Auschwitz camp, Rudolf Hoess, who in a written statement declared that four million Jews had been killed at Auschwitz alone. Hoess was hanged at Auschwitz by the Soviets immediately after making this statement.

This figure quoted by Hoess is however universally acknowledged as being too high, especially as Hoess was relieved of his command of Auschwitz in 1943, long before the camp was closed down, and as such would not have been able to tell with any certainty how many Jews passed through its gates by August 1944.

At the end of the war it was claimed that the Dachau and Bergen-Belsen camps in Germany (from where the horrific pictures of scores of dead bodies emanated) had operating gas chambers; and that in camps in Poland, Jews had been killed in “steam chambers” or had been skinned to make lamp shades, gloves and their body fat made into soap.

All of these horror stories have in the subsequent years been refuted by all serious scholars, including the leading Jewish scholar on the issue, Raul Hilberg (who in 1998 was a Professor of Political Science at the University of Vermont, and author of the world famous book “The Destruction of the European Jews“).

According to Hilberg, as quoted in an article written by himself in the 1998 Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia under the heading Holocaust, the six camps, their means of killing and their total number of victims was as follows:

“Chelmno had gas vans, and its death toll was 150,000; Belzec had carbon monoxide gas chambers in which 600,000 Jews were killed; Sobibor’s gas chambers accounted for 250,000 dead; Treblinka’s for 700,000 to 800,000; At Majdanek, some 50,000 were gassed or shot; and in Auschwitz, the Jewish dead totaled more than 1 million.”

sine you failed to cite your plagiarized post, i took the courtesy of looking up its origin for you.



so if this is the case there should be not one JEW breathing on this Earth right now ??
how is it your still breathing or did you play dead ??? i wonder you ever get that gas taste in your mouth ??? lol
why is it racist to acknowledge that america was built on the backs of slave labor, and that those slaves have descendants?

that's just factual.

now if you want racism, look at your own expressed view that it should be legal to deny service to people bvased on their race. that view of yours is indeed racism.

Now you're flopping in the net little racist fishy. I figured you wouldn't address your own racism and what I pointed out.

I don't want racism, I want self determination for every person of their own property regardless of sexual orientation, gender or race. You do not. You are also willing to use initiatory violent means on an indifferent person for simply minding their own business....that's what prohibitionists do.

So my racist prohibitionist Poopy Pants, why do you think some people can delegate a right they do not have ? What magic can make that happen?
So keep thinking what you want unless there is solid proof on how many dead and again all fucking hear say why not make the numbers 200 million lol

This only accounts for 2.8 million dead: (as the other camps did not have gas chambers); if Hilberg’s figures are correct, then the number of six million dead drops, by Jewish estimates, by half to just over 3 million, even if the verified Einsatzgruppen victims are included.

Hilberg offers no explanation for the fact that the Nuremberg trials (both Hottl and Hoess) claimed figures twice as large (or in Auschwitz’s case, four times as large); more disturbingly, no attempt is ever made to correct the still quoted figure of six million which is so popular with the media to this day, and which has been repeated so often that it is an article of faith for many.

Hilberg, who has spent 36 years studying the Holocaust and the subsequent Nuremberg trials, has himself often changed his estimates: in 1985, he told a Canadian court that that five million Jews were killed during the war – substantially up on his 1998 estimate of 2.8 million. (Scientific evidence of Holocaust missing, The Sault Star Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, January 18, 1985).

The best example of how the figures for the number of Jews killed varies can be seen from this table: the left hand column is the number of dead as alleged in the source, stated in the right hand column. From this overview it can be seen that estimates of the number of people who died in Auschwitz has varied over the years from 9 million to 73,000.

again, i took the courtesy of finding out where you plagiarized from.


again, i took the courtesy of finding out where you plagiarized from.


Wrong you should indulge in some schnitzel some time rather then pizza pops an fish on a stick lol
i got it from here and look even Jews cannot count it appears 6 million down to 2.8 and man oh man they even concreted up tre blinka to make sure know one digs up or finds true numbers on how many dead

what a Great cover up you think

You know whats even better did you know when a person is cremated the skull does not fully burn up or turn to ash so hey lets do a skull count but again They would never allow anyone to dig up there lies

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then why do you want to make it legal once again for people to deny service to blacks based on their skin color?

Erroneous conclusion, fraught with false assumption. You're demonstrating a lack of listening skills and critical thinking to boot.

I want people to have self determination and control of their property. If I want those things for myself, and I DO want freedom for myself, I have to allow people to control THEMSELVES and THEIR property. It would be inconsistent if I didn't.

Your ideology permits some people to force an association on a person who are willing to leave you alone if you leave them alone. Mine does not.
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