Obama's Fake Lead in the Polls, Exposed!


Well-Known Member
I can't even really understand what positive traits Romney has or why anyone would support him, other than the obvious (hates gays, hates innovation, hates science, as many retards with the ability to vote do too) it looks like it'll be a pretty easy win imo.. Bout a month away so we'll see soon enough


Well-Known Member
i bet the polls will slowly tighten until election. i have no prediction for election day other than it will likely be closer than we are currently thinking.


Well-Known Member
Where'd you go beenthere? I thought you were confident Obama will lose this election. I'm calling it right now before any of the debates, I guarantee he's going to win and I'm willing to put some money down against you.

If you have the balls I mean...

If not, I guess you're not all that confident after all and all of this is nothing but hot air.
Handbags at dawn...


Well-Known Member

That right there is my entire reasoning behind betting. Also, he says he's confident Obama will lose, so it would defeat in that case would be especially delicious! All I'm hearing are crickets from him so far though, which is interesting because he's usually pretty quick with the replies..

Obama will crush Romney in the debates
LOL!! Not even Obama is predicting that...


New Member
Ironic isn't it the liberal media has turned into a Obama propaganda outlet and the pollsters are oversampling democrats
by 8 to 10 percent in the polls to help make the regime look good.


Well-Known Member
Ironic isn't it the liberal media has turned into a Obama propaganda outlet and the pollsters are oversampling democrats
by 8 to 10 percent in the polls to help make the regime look good.
The liberal media is biased. Also, the pollsters are basing their calculations off of 2008 and the turnout is going to be nothing like 2008.


New Member
Mitt Romney continues to hold a seven-point lead in voter trust over President Obama when it comes to the economy, by far the number one voting issue. The candidates remain more closely divided in several other key issue areas, but voters are shifting toward Romney when it comes to national security.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters trust Romney more when it comes to handling the economy. Forty-four percent (44%) trust the president more.

Polls have constantly shown Romney leading with Independent voters by double digits. Massive over-sampling of Democrats and under-sampling of Republicans and Independents was used again to make it appear that Obama is doing much better than he normally would be.


Well-Known Member
i bet the polls will slowly tighten until election. i have no prediction for election day other than it will likely be closer than we are currently thinking.
Why would it be close if Obama is doing as well as you say he is? Perhaps you don't have any conviction.


Well-Known Member
LOL!! Not even Obama is predicting that...
you need to stop making stuff up, kiddo.

please find for me where obama says romney will win the debate, rather than just raising expectations for his opponent.

and if you can't find that quote, STFU, stop lying, and go back to playing in your tree fort.


Well-Known Member
Mitt Romney continues to hold a seven-point lead in voter trust over President Obama when it comes to the economy, by far the number one voting issue. The candidates remain more closely divided in several other key issue areas, but voters are shifting toward Romney when it comes to national security.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters trust Romney more when it comes to handling the economy. Forty-four percent (44%) trust the president more.

Polls have constantly shown Romney leading with Independent voters by double digits. Massive over-sampling of Democrats and under-sampling of Republicans and Independents was used again to make it appear that Obama is doing much better than he normally would be.

try again, clayton.


Well-Known Member
i thought he meant with respect to governance. but indeed, obama is crushing romney in virginia as we speak and florida is even going obama's way right now.


Well-Known Member
and clayton, i noticed your racist, lying ass has resorted to making up quotes to use in your sig. pretty pathetic there.