Obama's Skin Color ...


Well-Known Member

1. Culture? New Age music? Celtic Harp? Those famous lyrics by Eminem ... "Pussy residue on my dick?"

2. French food? The best comes from just south of France. Its called Northern Italian food.

3. German engineering? BMW gives free service now just to settle the qualms of their customers because the cars are in the shop so much. If anything, Germans over-engineer.

4. Dutch architecture? Windmills on my mind.

5. British literature? Stuffy.

6. Irish poetry? One potato, two potato.

7. How unsophisticated is Michelangelo's David?

With the exception of your BMW bashing, I commend you sir.


Well-Known Member
What color is he? Who cares!
I was just going to say the same thing myself!

Who cares if hes black, white, pink, purple, green, yellow, indigo, turquoise, maroon or blue. Who cares if hes good looking, young, old (to a certain extent, along with being young too), fat, skinny, short, tall, hairy, bold, etc etc.

But rather we should concern our selves for what he wants to do with the USA and what he stands for. Whats his alleged remedies for the crisis at hand? I think anyone is better than John McSame(mccain/McMadman) but I'm not so sure about Obama either. And hiliary, we need to keep her out of office too. So, I think the best bet out of the three stogers is Obama..... But..... I'm not pledging my allegiance to him, thats for sure! I'm going to write in RON PAUL on my ballet, even though useless. Whos to say the voting isn't rigged anyways, look what happened in Florida! I'd rather vote for someone I believe in than someone I don't.

YouTube - Obama 57 States

YouTube - Barack Hussein Obama refuses to salute US flag

YouTube - Barack Obama is related to George Bush & Dick Cheney

