or does it prove that racism, used by those on any side of the separation, is still one of the most powerful tools in the political arsenal? in spite of his glib demeanor, obama barely beat out an opponent who more despise or pity than admire and those who do admire her do so mostly because of her gender. their platforms were basically alike, the standard democratic party line, and they were equally inexperienced in the art of being solely responsible for the operation of any government entity. the democrats have none too subtly played the bias card, bias based on both gender and skin color, and this well orchestrated drama continues to unfold. their agenda is unchanged, the uncontrolled growth of government to the point where its citizens have no hope of ever restraining it and the perpetuation of the nanny state. all that has changed is the face of the monster. in a country sickened by an increasingly unpopular war and struggling beneath the weight of an ailing economy, the democratic machine still needed something to prop up its rather transparent agenda. hence was born the obama phenomenon.
with a power base grounded in the young, the poor, minorities and the pseudo-intellectual elite, the "party of the people" has steadily been bleeding as the face of success has become darker and darker. with more of black america succeeding in the marketplace, the mantra of disenfranchisement has carried less and less weight. as their last successful campaign for the white house was labeled "the first black president", why not add a face to the rhetoric? a fresh face darkened by heritage, but still spouting the same tired half-truths of socialist change. a face that just might reawaken in even the most successful black business owner the echoes of righteous rage and the memory of discrimination and disenfranchisement. he would surely carry traditionally democratic groups and might very well be able to stem the flood of defections with a tide of racial pride and white middle-class guilt.
could it be that obama is merely a political hack that truly believes in that tired perversion of marxist theory that has become the democratic party line? of course. could it be that his nomination is a carefully crafted ploy to use race to bring the democratic machine into even greater power? quite likely. am i a disillusioned old hippie, sick unto death with the betrayals and posturings of political animals? probably. stay tuned for further developments - or my institutionalization, whichever comes first.
the preceding rant is merely the opinion of the voices in my head and does not necessarily represent the views of my friends, family or sponsors. this station cannot be held responsible for any hurt feelings, righteous indignation or loss to property that may result in the wake of its posting.