Obama's Skin Color ...


New Member
[SIZE=+2][FONT=Palatino,]skin color[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Palatino,][SIZE=+1]Larry Elder uses history to argue[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=+1][FONT=Palatino,]nominee's race isn't that surprising[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Posted: June 05, 2008[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1] [/SIZE]
[FONT=Palatino,]By Larry Elder[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]"I intend to proudly vote for Obama," said a caller to a National Public Radio show, "because I want to show the world what America is all about – that a person of color can become president of the United States."[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Let's put aside whether the caller would express the same enthusiasm were Obama a tax-cutting, Iraq-war-supporting Republican. And let's put aside what, if anything, America needs to "prove" to the rest of the world.[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Obama – bright, sharp, a solid speaker – ran an incredible, come-from-nowhere campaign to topple a front-runner who, at one time, led by some 30 points. But as Obama once said in criticizing his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the caller acts as if America, as regards race, were "static."[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]What of the last 40 or so years?
  • Today, if black Americans' gross domestic product were measured separately, it would be the 16th-richest country in the world.
  • Nearly 80 percent of blacks live above the poverty level, contrasted with 65 percent 40 years ago.
  • The greater percentage of blacks live either middle-class or better lives.
  • The employment rate for married black men equals the employment rate for married white men.
  • The average black woman with a college degree makes more money than the average white woman with a college degree.
  • The highest percentage of blacks in American history – 46 percent – own their homes.
  • The majority of blacks live in integrated neighborhoods (defined as living with at least 10 percent of neighbors belonging to "other races").
  • Black-white interracial marriage has soared – after anti-miscegenation laws were struck down by the Supreme Court in 1967 – from 65,000 in 1970 to 422,000 in 2005.
  • Los Angeles, a city devastated by the Watts riots in 1965, with a population about 11 percent black, hired back-to-back black police chiefs.
  • A black man served as United States ambassador to the United Nations.
  • A black man served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • Two blacks have served as members of the United States Supreme Court.
  • The largest association of doctors – the predominately white American Medical Association – elected a black physician as leader.
  • The largest association of lawyers, the American Bar Association, elected a black president.
  • The Ford Foundation, one of America's largest philanthropic private foundations, with 2007 assets valued at $13.7 billion, was led for 12 years by a black man.
  • Blacks hold or have held CEO positions at major companies, such as Merrill Lynch, American Express and Time Warner.
  • Black-owned businesses grow at a rate faster than white-owned businesses.
  • The multiracial Tiger Woods is the world's most famous and wealthiest athlete in earnings and product endorsements.
  • Major League Baseball – America's pastime – is composed of 40 percent black, Latino and Asian players.
  • The Super Bowl, the most-watched sporting event in America, recently featured two teams headed by black coaches.
  • Black females have won the Miss America beauty pageant.
  • Black economist and best-selling author Thomas Sowell, based on the number of newspapers that carry his column, is one of the country's top 10 columnists.
  • "The Cosby Show," a positive, upbeat sitcom about a black, upper-middle-class family, reigned for years as America's most-watched television program.
  • Black faces on television abound – in commercials, as local and national news anchors and in shows playing a variety of characters – from doctors and lawyers up to and including the president of the United States.
  • Will Smith, a black actor, tops the list of the nation's movie box-office stars.
  • Black actor Samuel L. Jackson appeared in more movies than any other actor of any color during the 1990s.
  • Black television host Oprah Winfrey, arguably one of the most powerful television personalities in the history of the medium, has amassed, to date, a fortune estimated at $2.5 billion.
  • Blacks serve or have served as mayors in many American cities, including the three largest – New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.
  • The current speaker of the California Assembly is the first black woman to head a statewide legislative body.
  • Blacks comprise 10 percent of the House of Representatives, including some from primarily white Southern districts.
  • A black man serves as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee – arguably the most powerful committee in the House.
  • A black man served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
  • Virginia, one of the states of the original Confederacy, elected a black man governor.
  • The Republican Party, in the last election cycle, nominated blacks as candidates for governor of Ohio, governor of Pennsylvania and senator from Maryland.
  • Blacks have served the current administration as back-to-back secretaries of State.
So, what does Obama's candidacy mean? His victory shows that America grows ever closer to Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of a society that judges people based on content of character, rather than color of skin.

[FONT=Palatino,]Obama's victory does not prove this. It confirms it.[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
All this confirms is that there is nobody else with any voter appeal. And that there are now enough brown people and guilty white people to vote him into office.

His platform of "change" is ethereal to say the least. He has no platform other than the fact that he is neither white nor George Bush. Luckily Clinton is so dirty and evil even the stupid people saw it and didn't vote for her.

Don't even get me started on his crazy black separatist wife that is as bad as his pastor is..I mean come on- the man is surrounded by proven racists and nobody is calling him a racist because that would be ....racist?

Seems like now the tone across the country is " Vote for Obama or you are a racist"
Alternatively, it is also " Look mom, im not a racist, I'm voting Obama!"

He will be the next president. And I will be thankful that Clinton never got her wish.


New Member
All this confirms is that there is nobody else with any voter appeal. And that there are now enough brown people and guilty white people to vote him into office.

His platform of "change" is ethereal to say the least. He has no platform other than the fact that he is neither white nor George Bush. Luckily Clinton is so dirty and evil even the stupid people saw it and didn't vote for her.

Don't even get me started on his crazy black separatist wife that is as bad as his pastor is..I mean come on- the man is surrounded by proven racists and nobody is calling him a racist because that would be ....racist?

Seems like now the tone across the country is " Vote for Obama or you are a racist"
Alternatively, it is also " Look mom, im not a racist, I'm voting Obama!"

He will be the next president. And I will be thankful that Clinton never got her wish.
somebody voted for her...she got 18 million votes...


New Member
Well, it is your right to vote however you please. Go do some research on whitewater related deaths and then go vote for Murder Inc.
the clintons lost about $37,000 on whitewater...and at one point were investigated by over 100 FBI agents at a cost of $60,000,000...yes I voted for both them every time I could and I will in the future...


Well-Known Member
All this confirms is that there is nobody else with any voter appeal. And that there are now enough brown people and guilty white people to vote him into office.

He has no platform other than the fact that he is neither white nor George Bush.
bullshit ... Obama is half white so that blows your theory ... :spew::-|


New Member
[SIZE=+2][FONT=Palatino,]skin color[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Palatino,][SIZE=+1]Larry Elder uses history to argue[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=+1][FONT=Palatino,]nominee's race isn't that surprising[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Posted: June 05, 2008[/SIZE]

[FONT=Palatino,]By Larry Elder[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]"I intend to proudly vote for Obama," said a caller to a National Public Radio show, "because I want to show the world what America is all about – that a person of color can become president of the United States."[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Let's put aside whether the caller would express the same enthusiasm were Obama a tax-cutting, Iraq-war-supporting Republican. And let's put aside what, if anything, America needs to "prove" to the rest of the world.[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Obama – bright, sharp, a solid speaker – ran an incredible, come-from-nowhere campaign to topple a front-runner who, at one time, led by some 30 points. But as Obama once said in criticizing his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the caller acts as if America, as regards race, were "static."[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]What of the last 40 or so years?
  • Today, if black Americans' gross domestic product were measured separately, it would be the 16th-richest country in the world.
  • Nearly 80 percent of blacks live above the poverty level, contrasted with 65 percent 40 years ago.
  • The greater percentage of blacks live either middle-class or better lives.
  • The employment rate for married black men equals the employment rate for married white men.
  • The average black woman with a college degree makes more money than the average white woman with a college degree.
  • The highest percentage of blacks in American history – 46 percent – own their homes.
  • The majority of blacks live in integrated neighborhoods (defined as living with at least 10 percent of neighbors belonging to "other races").
  • Black-white interracial marriage has soared – after anti-miscegenation laws were struck down by the Supreme Court in 1967 – from 65,000 in 1970 to 422,000 in 2005.
  • Los Angeles, a city devastated by the Watts riots in 1965, with a population about 11 percent black, hired back-to-back black police chiefs.
  • A black man served as United States ambassador to the United Nations.
  • A black man served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • Two blacks have served as members of the United States Supreme Court.
  • The largest association of doctors – the predominately white American Medical Association – elected a black physician as leader.
  • The largest association of lawyers, the American Bar Association, elected a black president.
  • The Ford Foundation, one of America's largest philanthropic private foundations, with 2007 assets valued at $13.7 billion, was led for 12 years by a black man.
  • Blacks hold or have held CEO positions at major companies, such as Merrill Lynch, American Express and Time Warner.
  • Black-owned businesses grow at a rate faster than white-owned businesses.
  • The multiracial Tiger Woods is the world's most famous and wealthiest athlete in earnings and product endorsements.
  • Major League Baseball – America's pastime – is composed of 40 percent black, Latino and Asian players.
  • The Super Bowl, the most-watched sporting event in America, recently featured two teams headed by black coaches.
  • Black females have won the Miss America beauty pageant.
  • Black economist and best-selling author Thomas Sowell, based on the number of newspapers that carry his column, is one of the country's top 10 columnists.
  • "The Cosby Show," a positive, upbeat sitcom about a black, upper-middle-class family, reigned for years as America's most-watched television program.
  • Black faces on television abound – in commercials, as local and national news anchors and in shows playing a variety of characters – from doctors and lawyers up to and including the president of the United States.
  • Will Smith, a black actor, tops the list of the nation's movie box-office stars.
  • Black actor Samuel L. Jackson appeared in more movies than any other actor of any color during the 1990s.
  • Black television host Oprah Winfrey, arguably one of the most powerful television personalities in the history of the medium, has amassed, to date, a fortune estimated at $2.5 billion.
  • Blacks serve or have served as mayors in many American cities, including the three largest – New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.
  • The current speaker of the California Assembly is the first black woman to head a statewide legislative body.
  • Blacks comprise 10 percent of the House of Representatives, including some from primarily white Southern districts.
  • A black man serves as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee – arguably the most powerful committee in the House.
  • A black man served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
  • Virginia, one of the states of the original Confederacy, elected a black man governor.
  • The Republican Party, in the last election cycle, nominated blacks as candidates for governor of Ohio, governor of Pennsylvania and senator from Maryland.
  • Blacks have served the current administration as back-to-back secretaries of State.
So, what does Obama's candidacy mean? His victory shows that America grows ever closer to Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of a society that judges people based on content of character, rather than color of skin.[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Obama's victory does not prove this. It confirms it.[/FONT]
I'd sure like to know where he got these "facts" from especially the highlighted ones, they look like downright lies. Maybe you could back these statistics up with some "facts"
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Well-Known Member
[FONT=Palatino,]So, what does Obama's candidacy mean? His victory shows that America grows ever closer to Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of a society that judges people based on content of character, rather than color of skin.
[FONT=Palatino,]Obama's victory does not prove this. It confirms it.[/FONT]
or does it prove that racism, used by those on any side of the separation, is still one of the most powerful tools in the political arsenal? in spite of his glib demeanor, obama barely beat out an opponent who more despise or pity than admire and those who do admire her do so mostly because of her gender. their platforms were basically alike, the standard democratic party line, and they were equally inexperienced in the art of being solely responsible for the operation of any government entity. the democrats have none too subtly played the bias card, bias based on both gender and skin color, and this well orchestrated drama continues to unfold. their agenda is unchanged, the uncontrolled growth of government to the point where its citizens have no hope of ever restraining it and the perpetuation of the nanny state. all that has changed is the face of the monster. in a country sickened by an increasingly unpopular war and struggling beneath the weight of an ailing economy, the democratic machine still needed something to prop up its rather transparent agenda. hence was born the obama phenomenon.

with a power base grounded in the young, the poor, minorities and the pseudo-intellectual elite, the "party of the people" has steadily been bleeding as the face of success has become darker and darker. with more of black america succeeding in the marketplace, the mantra of disenfranchisement has carried less and less weight. as their last successful campaign for the white house was labeled "the first black president", why not add a face to the rhetoric? a fresh face darkened by heritage, but still spouting the same tired half-truths of socialist change. a face that just might reawaken in even the most successful black business owner the echoes of righteous rage and the memory of discrimination and disenfranchisement. he would surely carry traditionally democratic groups and might very well be able to stem the flood of defections with a tide of racial pride and white middle-class guilt.

could it be that obama is merely a political hack that truly believes in that tired perversion of marxist theory that has become the democratic party line? of course. could it be that his nomination is a carefully crafted ploy to use race to bring the democratic machine into even greater power? quite likely. am i a disillusioned old hippie, sick unto death with the betrayals and posturings of political animals? probably. stay tuned for further developments - or my institutionalization, whichever comes first.

the preceding rant is merely the opinion of the voices in my head and does not necessarily represent the views of my friends, family or sponsors. this station cannot be held responsible for any hurt feelings, righteous indignation or loss to property that may result in the wake of its posting.