• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Occupy Mainstreet, HOLY SHIT!


Active Member
what didn't you know only the rich do? remember they are like geese. you cant run up and startle them(tax), they might fly away.....we need them to stay right here and lay their magical eggs full of jobs. :mrgreen:

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Nice ideas. But, the hogs are still in place, they still run the show. They fixed the same six bridges a few times now on I-75 using the same contractors. Someone was paid off.

The young people are moving back to the city. I hope that they can do something, but when I spoke with the Deputy Police Chief a few years back. He wanted the money, but not the people. Saying, 'where are the poor and homeless to go if you move in?' Excuse me, aren't the ones with the money the ones you want, so you can develop the need for Starbucks, grocery stores, clothing stores, etc.

They just don't get it. I like the fish tank analogy.

maybe a heavy infusion of technology would work. high speed rail, building things, mending bridges. i mean if a place has been ugly for a long time, why not invest and give it a huge makeover. if the people see progress, it might change perceptions in the city and in the streets. kinda like a fish tank where if you clean the algae and gunk out of the filter, the fish are happier. you guys need a plecostomus!


Well-Known Member
thats what i'm talking about. that bridge is pretty man. looks futuristic.

we kinda need to bulldoze EVERYTHING and start all over. it's all sooooo outdated.

they widen the freeway here and by the time they are done it's twice as crowded.

trying to cram all this stuff into a handful of tiny cities when we have the WHOLE COUNTRY to build on is one of our major problems. transportation is 50x faster then when this country was built. we can start by spreading out a little.


Active Member
right we dont need to isolate and build walls, we need to do things like that on a mass scale, FDR style, before we literally become China's bitch


Well-Known Member
too bad when greed rules over, we could of built it and paid for that ourselves.

Offshore fabrication

Even though controversial, authorities decided to allow bids to include major components and materials not made in the United States. This was partially due to the cost of materials, but more substantially, required by the lack of suitable fabrication facilities within this country, or even within the western hemisphere. Since such facilities would have to be built anew and the prospects of additional work would be uncertain, the cost of fabrication would be much higher. As acceptance of Federal Highway funds generally come with "Made in America" restrictions, the bridge is being built without such funds, for which it would otherwise qualify owing to its carriage of Interstate 80. In contrast, China has both low cost materials producers and major fabricators of bridge components, due to the current and extensive investment in infrastructure being made by her government. Other major components have been produced in Japan (not known as a low cost producer) owing to the availability of large steel casting, welding, and machining capabilities. Cable saddles come from England. The United States (in both private and public spheres) has neglected to make such investments for quite a long time and has as a consequence lost the ability to make suitably large steel components for civil structures such as this bridge.[13]

we've been so busy dancing in front of the mirror, we've been left behind. :(


Active Member
i just hope another cold war dosent brew up. we're watching sputnik all over again, the only thing is their country is getting bigger, faster, and super efficient like a well oiled machine, when our country changes science books into myth


Well-Known Member
I think what meraxes is missing along with a lot of the rest of the country is the history of Detroit and how it actually came to this point not just the crack. White flight which lead to industry leaving the city and then Coleman Youngs adding to race tensions dividing the sides of 8 mile from the suburbs. High speed rail also may be eventually working to reality but Detroit is like no metro area you have ever been to when it comes to transportation and getting around the city. Cars are number one so public transit was never used to move everyone instead of just a few and when the city loses it citizens it looses taxes which in turn kills public transportation and services. But those are things that are often overlooked because they are almost hidden in history for the rest of the country it's no ones fault for not knowing.


Active Member
i actually know very little about detroit, other than whats on the news. use an outside opinion as you will

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
yeah, Coleman told Whities to not let the door hit them when they hit 8 Mile. Too bad he needed their money.


Well-Known Member

Occupy Wall Street Organizing Nationwide Boycott Against Banks
In an effort to send a message to big banks, some protestors, who seem to be associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement, have organized an event to remove all funds from banks and into credit unions.
Protestors are calling the event "Bank Transfer Day" and are encouraging people nationwide to participate November 5.
The Facebook page for the event states the following:
"Together we can ensure that these banking institutions will ALWAYS remember the 5th of November!! If the 99% removes our funds from the major banking institutions on or by this date, we will send a clear message and give the 1% a taste of the fear that we experience every day when we aren't able to pay for our rent, food, medication, utilities, student loans, etc."
So far over 6,500 people have RSVP'ed for the event.

The protestors take issue with the Durbin Amendment, which is an addition to the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Actthat caps the debit interchange fees banks can charge merchants.
The protestors oppose the amendment because they claim the banks will begin to charge their customers $3-$5 fees to off-set the money they will lose because of the interchange fee cap.

The event's Facebook page states: WHY ARE WE BOYCOTTING?
The Durbin Amendment is an add-on to the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Public Law No. 111-203), signed into law by President Barack Obama on July 21, 2010. The Act allows the Federal Reserve to regulate debit card interchange fees of banks with over $10 billion in assets. Over the summer, the Fed released the final rule on the matter by limiting debit card interchange fees to a maximum of 21¢ per transaction. In response, these "major banks" have decided that beginning early 2012 any consumer with less than $20,000 in combined accounts will be charged a monthly $3-5 fee if they use their debit card at any point during the month. This is a blatant attack on the 99% that cannot & will not be tolerated. In a stand of solidarity, on November 5th we will transfer our money & close our accounts with these major banking institutions to take our business to credit unions (or local banks if a credit union isn't available). Since #OccupyWallStreetbegan, these banks are donating our money (and money they've made with our money) to law enforcement agencies to heap abuse on our brothers & sisters. NO LONGER.
Bank of America [BAC 5.90 -0.38 (-6.05%) ] has already announced it will start to charge customers $5 a month for using their debit card starting next year.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Wait until the public understands that in ObamaCare that every banking transaction will cost them 1% in a banking tax.

You deposit or cash your paycheck lose 1% in tax. Write a check another 1%. Or write a check and deposit it in a savings account, then withdraw that from savings that's 3%; 1% tax on any transaction-period.

Make a car payment 1% and it doesn't matter if it is checking or online it's 1%.

Vote them out of office.


Active Member
Wait until the public understands that in ObamaCare that every banking transaction will cost them 1% in a banking tax.

You deposit or cash your paycheck lose 1% in tax. Write a check another 1%. Or write a check and deposit it in a savings account, then withdraw that from savings that's 3%; 1% tax on any transaction-period.

Make a car payment 1% and it doesn't matter if it is checking or online it's 1%.

Vote them out of office.
hi WW, i like ya, but gotta debunk. it was proposed by Chakka Fatah, and its not in "Obamacare" as you like to call it. even most dems were against it. another case of Fixed News misinforming. gotta stop watching it.

Congrats on the Tigers!

your refs.........



Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
It was proposed by a D and it is still hanging out there. I was wrong about ObamaCare. If we are not vigilant they (D & R's) will pass it and this is what you will have to deal with.


‘(a) In General- There is hereby imposed on every specified transaction a fee in an amount equal to 1 percent of the amount of such transaction.

‘(b) Specified Transaction- For purposes of this chapter--

‘(1) IN GENERAL- The term ‘specified transaction’ means any transaction that uses a payment instrument, including any check, cash, credit card, transfer of stock, bonds, or other financial instrument.

‘(2) TRANSACTION- The term ‘transaction’ includes retail and wholesale sales, purchases of intermediate goods, and financial and intangible transactions.

‘(c) Liability for Fee- Persons become liable for the fee at the moment the person exercises control over a piece of property or service, regardless of the payment method.

‘(d) Collection- The fees will be collected by the seller or financial institution servicing the transaction and shall be paid over to the Secretary. In the case of a person who fails to collect and pay over the fee as required under this subsection, such person shall become liable for the fee not so collected and paid over.

‘(e) Potential Exclusions- Subsection (a) shall not apply to transactions involving stock (and any options or derivatives with respect to stock) until--

‘(1) such time as the United States enters into an international agreement that regulates domestic and international stock exchanges, or (this one scared the shit out of me)

‘(2) the Secretary issues recommendations regarding the application of the fee as it applies to stock.

‘(f) Regulations- The Secretary shall issue such regulations or other guidance as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this section, including regulations or other guidance which require reporting of such information as the Secretary determines appropriate to prevent under reporting of the amounts on which a fee is imposed by this section.’.