Ocho2's third Grow! Sensi Star, Exodus Kush, Bubblegummer, and Pure AK! 400Watt HPS!


Well-Known Member
Lol mines only 6 inch tall was in veg for 5 weeks (lots of noding nd greenery) she went into flower last week. Iv also started a pineapple express (this be a 12/12 from seed) should do me for over xmas lol


Active Member
Ever since I increased the wattage from 150 up to 250, the nodes have boomed. Now I am trying to determine when 400 watts will be best.

If I grab the fan and vent tubing tomorrow, won't it not really matter? The only thing that worries me about 400 watts is the heat, but the fan will be taking that heat out.

Also, how close will I be able to put the light to the girls once the fan is setup and pumping the heat out?

Thanks all :D



Active Member
what kind of fan/tubing are you talking about? Are you wanting to air cool your hood? Or just adding a fan/ventilation? With proper cooling and ventilation you should be able to comfortably rest your plants in between 6-12 inches. Hell, some of mine tops are around 3-4ish right now...just depends on your cooling/vent system. What are your overall temps in the space?


Active Member
what kind of fan/tubing are you talking about? Are you wanting to air cool your hood? Or just adding a fan/ventilation? With proper cooling and ventilation you should be able to comfortably rest your plants in between 6-12 inches. Hell, some of mine tops are around 3-4ish right now...just depends on your cooling/vent system. What are your overall temps in the space?
At 250 watts its 73-75 F for temp. I have a small fan blowing cool air into the closet.

I was going to pick up a 6 inch fan from the hydro store that would go in the circle in the hood and then attach the vent tubing so all the heat from the light can get pulled out .

Thanks mrtokenpuff for stopping by :D. Plus rep for you :D



Active Member
The girls have been on a solid 1/4 strength nutrients, and are showing the same signs as before when I was feeding 1/4 strength diluted. The leaves show they need nitrogen again, so I boosted them to 1/2 strength.

In a couple of days Im boosting the light to 400 watts and triggering 12/12. Just want them to eat up their new dose and get their lush green back.



Well-Known Member
Im havin trouble keepin my 2 hot enough now lol temps are bearly creepin over 70 with the lights on. The pineapple express seedlin dont seem to like it bein cool tho


Active Member
Im havin trouble keepin my 2 hot enough now lol temps are bearly creepin over 70 with the lights on. The pineapple express seedlin dont seem to like it bein cool tho
Its crazy how the Bubblegummer and pure ak are in need of the nitrogen, as they are showing with their leaves, but the sensi star and exodus kush are that perfect lush green.

Different strains with different needs and growth. Ill post photos once i am off of work today.

I'm not worried about them as they are very healthy still. I boosted them all to 1/2 strength on the 7-9-5 hydro nutrients along with this morning the final boost of light to 400 watts.

Thanks shady :D



Well-Known Member
grows lookin good ocho, watch out for those nitrogen deficiencies though, growin multiple strains is tricky when you got heavy feeders and light feeders, just gotta read those bottom leaves, yellowing is gonna be expected when they grow taller and have nodes higher to their light source(why i train plants when they exceed a ft., any leaves are basically solar panels for your plant), at this point those leaves do little to no photosynthesis so the plant will kill them off and use their energy rather than leaving them to be a target for mold/infestation.
try not to pick off the yellowing leaves(many do it becasue they dont like how it looks, well plants are always supposed to be pretty) or any leaves unless theres mold or an infestation or if they dont get much direct light.
cant wait to see the AK and sensi star flower :smile:


Active Member
Im havin trouble keepin my 2 hot enough now lol temps are bearly creepin over 70 with the lights on. The pineapple express seedlin dont seem to like it bein cool tho
It's funny, I'm having the same problem with my 400w and PE. It doesn't seem to like being in the lower 70's...Oh and as far as an update on how close you can get with proper ventilation...I have 4 tops now touching the glass lol


Active Member
grows lookin good ocho, watch out for those nitrogen deficiencies though, growin multiple strains is tricky when you got heavy feeders and light feeders, just gotta read those bottom leaves, yellowing is gonna be expected when they grow taller and have nodes higher to their light source(why i train plants when they exceed a ft., any leaves are basically solar panels for your plant), at this point those leaves do little to no photosynthesis so the plant will kill them off and use their energy rather than leaving them to be a target for mold/infestation.
try not to pick off the yellowing leaves(many do it becasue they dont like how it looks, well plants are always supposed to be pretty) or any leaves unless theres mold or an infestation or if they dont get much direct light.
cant wait to see the AK and sensi star flower :smile:
Well it seems that the Bubblegummer and pure ak are thw heavy feeders. Should I have those two on 1/2 strength and the sensi and exodus on 1/4? Ive fed them all twice on 1/2. The lush green is returning to the ak and Bubblegummer.

I still haven't been able to afford the fan. Damn you bills!

I actually set my timer today. The lights are off now. They wont have their first full 12 hours until tomorrow (start dark at 8 am and back on at 8pm).

All the girls are at 23 inches and nearly 2 feet tall. But sensi star is around 15-17 inches. It said to not let her short stature in veg to fool you as she booms once bloom happens.

Thanks crazy :D



Active Member
Im sorry i haven't gotten to photos yet. Works been keeping me so busy, but i guarantee photos tonight when the lights flip on at 8.

Everyone let me know what you think :D



Well-Known Member
I cured that and put a reptile bulb in brought my temp up about 6oC haha but i only have a lil space. It nice and cool at nite tho so i should get some pretty colours off my blue widow.



Well-Known Member
Well it seems that the Bubblegummer and pure ak are thw heavy feeders. Should I have those two on 1/2 strength and the sensi and exodus on 1/4? Ive fed them all twice on 1/2. The lush green is returning to the ak and Bubblegummer.

I still haven't been able to afford the fan. Damn you bills!

I actually set my timer today. The lights are off now. They wont have their first full 12 hours until tomorrow (start dark at 8 am and back on at 8pm).

All the girls are at 23 inches and nearly 2 feet tall. But sensi star is around 15-17 inches. It said to not let her short stature in veg to fool you as she booms once bloom happens.

Thanks crazy :D

if they're yellowing under what your givin em up your nutes, if they ask for more give em what they want but if they're really green dont feed em for a few more days or until you see a bit of yellow on the tips. if you got rich soil you dont have to worry about N problems for a month or so, you can pick up some high N guano or worm castings and just put it on the top soil before water, thatll keep the gals happy and supply some rich mycorrhyzae and other useful root microorganisms, maybe look into compost teas if your interested in supercharging your root systems. they dont look like theyre havin heat problems and the stems dont look scrawny, just get yourself a good desk fan. expect them to stretch up to 1.5-2x the original size so maybe do some training or raise your lights.


Active Member
Pure AK. Same scenario. Increased to 1/2 strength and the difference is on the top. Any other input other than to keep her and bubblegummer on 1/2?

Thanks everyone. Cant wait to hear back. Sorry I've been away so much and not so fluent on the updates. My boss has me work everyday and I barely get to see my gals myself >.<




Active Member
Hey all.

So I am really excited.

I went to visit family on Friday and returned today (Sunday). The girls boomed a total of 6 inches in two days.

Sensi star is still the shortest.

Pure AK and Bubblegummer have recovered thanks to their new dose of food (1/2 strength). Back to that perfect green again.

Sensi star and exodus kush, currently being light eaters are on 1/4 strength and are still 100% perfect green.

Here is a photo of the preflowers on pure ak. They went from the barely visible pistils to much more noticeable pistils now. Also a photo of the girls together.

Back right- Pure AK (tallest so far).
Back left- Bubblegummer.
Front left- Exodus Kush.
Front right- Sensi Star (shortest and not so easy to see).

Oh how I love watching everything explode <3.

Thanks everyone :D! Have a good Monday ^_^&#8230;


