odor issues

im thinking of starting a grow op where my hps lights will be chillin in air cooled vents. the air that runs through to cool my lights will never mix with the air in the actuall grow room. the reason for this is cuz im also going to be inducing CO2 into the room and i dont want my exhaust fan to suck all the CO2 and waste it- my question is about the odor my plants will produce from not having the air around them exhausted out and away. since my grow room is going to be air-tight and up in the attic, will anyone in the house be able to smell the plants? if so, how can i clean the air up inside the room without killing the CO2 at the same time?


Active Member
attach a carbon filter to a fan in the grow room, air doesn't need to be exhausted to be cleaned.


Well-Known Member
co2 should be hooked to a atmospheric controller, that also controlls the exhaust fan and scrubber ...right?


Active Member
Carbon filters wont 'kill' CO2, It will remain intact. CO2 is way too small for carbon filters to filter it.


Well-Known Member
So if I fart, they won't clean that up?

So that means that last night when I .......................................oh my god.