Well-Known Member
He's back....and look at that hefty post count. I missed ya, bro. No shit. Most around here do no thinking at all.
Oh look, Duke realised he can't speak or understand "Ladyboy" language so he had to start his C/P bullshit here again.
Well, the thinker pool is quite shallow here, so.....
Pretty big words coming from someone roundly regarded as a complete idiot.
Edit: ok, that wasn't very nice. The absurdity of ANYONE claiming Cheebs actually thinks triggered my "bullshit" detector. If he had an original thought that didn't originate from mediamatters or some blogger on the HuffPost, I'd be shocked. The only time I've EVER seen him demonstrate ANY common sense was in the gun control threads.
He can totally come back, I'm trying to pull the Hulk back out of the Bruce Banner.Ah ha, quite seriously, sir, you are attempting to shout down and deny knock it off.....please.
If you just listened to me as I know you will, should and do....that is quite boring. And not defending any big boys here. Personal scorn to deny anyones point of view is low-low, and un-American.
Anyway back on topic Cincinnati employees during questioning said fuck you it wasn't us it was Washington.
and the crowd goes wild....with yawns.
better move on to the next "scandal". no one seems to care anymore.
Is that the new libtard defense? Seems the media didn't get the memo.
email showing Washington knew about the targeting of conservatives since 2010,0,1798224.story
how does a city know something?
email showing Washington knew about the targeting of conservatives since 2010,0,1798224.story
What a bunch of lying Pieces of shit....I think the election was rigged...Know we have a piece of shit that didn't really win fairly in the white house.......I hope the dems lose control in 2014 and then we can impeach this poser......
What a bunch of lying Pieces of shit....I think the election was rigged...Know we have a piece of shit that didn't really win fairly in the white house.......I hope the dems lose control in 2014 and then we can impeach this poser......
what an angry little tard we have here.
no tea party groups were denied 501c4 status, so they were all allowed to play politics even though the law as written says they must be exclusively for social welfare.
remember how lousy your rate of return was in the last election cycle? you would have gotten a better rate of return by simply shitting on 98 out of your 100 dollars and then burning them. you guys were pathetic individuals during the last election cycle, just as you continue to be now.
face the facts: obama kicked your guys' asses in a second consecutive landslide. you guys could have pumped all the money you wanted into that election, it really wouldn't have mattered with all the legitimate rape and blessed rape talk.
not to mention the whiny little shit stain leading the whole parade calling half of america leaches and bums and trying to lie to ohioans about a subject that they knew far more about than captain mormon did.
you've got no grounds for impeachment and the white house was not only won fairly, it was won in a fucking landslide.
go dry up your tears you fucking baby.
Like in all the Arenas of History, there is hope. Yes, it is looking rigged and well attended by masters of the craft and they won fair and square.
Hey Buck...
I may be angry, but who could like a lying piece of shit...This is the kind of angry that does not produce tears, .. my own mother voted for this piece of shit and she wont talk about it , she is embarrassed to to defend such a lying piece of shit...
Buck how does it feel to pump a known lying piece of shit?..I want to know how you deal with grown men and women that are lying about pretty much everything?...I give them the boot , because once you start lying at this level the lies only get bigger.....It is time to flush the toilet ......IMO