Official IRS Scandal

I mean that is a real problem. A law that says one thing. A regulation that changes it to another...back in 1959, bucky.

So, everyone knew. And I will bet you that beer (cheez is bringing back) there is a law that says the IRS is allowed to do this.

And if you change that law it will interfere with another interlocking jurisdiction of Law.

Wanna bet?
dude, the 501C4 groups in question were BY LAW supposed to be EXCLUSIVELY for social welfare, not politics.

so if those tea party groups had any hand in helping anyone win, that would be the scandal, not this current non-scandal. you fucking einstein.

Hey Buck..

Did you watch shulman say he went to the whitehouse for easter egg hunting?........He is a fu-king einstein....what a POS lier talking to our politicians like they were little kids....I hope he goes to jail.....
Hey Buck..

Did you watch shulman say he went to the whitehouse for easter egg hunting?........He is a fu-king einstein....what a POS lier talking to our politicians like they were little kids....I hope he goes to jail.....

you hope a lot of things. need i remind you what you were hoping for back in november, blindly following dick morris like a down's syndrome child?

keep hoping into one hand and shitting into another, see which fills up first.
dude, the 501C4 groups in question were BY LAW supposed to be EXCLUSIVELY for social welfare, not politics. so if those tea party groups had any hand in helping anyone win, that would be the scandal, not this current non-scandal. you fucking einstein.
Politics IS social welfare, at least as far as past practice has been. "Progressive" groups were given that status. but you don't call that a scandal, do you?
yes it is. along with your ego and your honesty. i quoted you with near 100% accuracy. the fact that you are butthurt by your own history of racism, lies, and ignorance is your problem, not mine or anyone else's.
So quoting my statements of too facts and a comment on the hypocrisy of liberals somehow legitimizes you're false claims of racism. lies. and ignorance? Once again, claiming Victory wear there is none.
So quoting my statements of too facts and a comment on the hypocrisy of liberals somehow legitimizes you're false claims of racism. lies. and ignorance? Once again, claiming Victory wear there is none.

liberals are for separation of church and state, not church and voter you fucking halfwit.

but at least we know how bitter you are about blacks getting to vote after church, you racist scumbag.
Doesn't even make cents, not even for ewe. hence the moniker retarded bucky.

the only people who call me retarded bucky are people with severe compensation deficiencies. see my sig.

or just look back at how you denied saying exactly what you said about the earth being in a cooling trend, or the SEC not being a government agency, or black people getting to vote, or how gay people have all the same rights straight people do.

you are now on the level of nontheist, stormfront red. be proud!
you hope a lot of things. need i remind you what you were hoping for back in november, blindly following dick morris like a down's syndrome child?

keep hoping into one hand and shitting into another, see which fills up first.

Hope... wasn't that the barryO campaign slogan?....hope in one hand and shit in the other one while I tell you another lie...I think the Dems used up all the hope and now it is time to pay the piper...It is pretty disgusting to watch these grown men and women take the fifth or just out right lie about stuff or just say I don't know....really buck you have your hands full putting lip stick on this pig for awhile.....IMO
Hey Buck..

Did you watch shulman say he went to the whitehouse for easter egg hunting?........He is a fu-king einstein....what a POS lier talking to our politicians like they were little kids....I hope he goes to jail.....
*Downes syndrome

Fucking Joos...
The earth has been cooling, the SEC is a private organization, the rest is you purposely misquoting me. I never denied what I said, I denied what you claim I said. You continue with you're absurd ranting. We all no howl ewe are. So you're wife has "severe compensation deficiencies"?
You keep saying I'm bitter. I'm not. But you clearly are. Or perhaps "disturbed" would be a better word. Claiming SEC officials, who draw no pay or funding from the government, nor are under the direction of, are a federal agency, while claiming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose employees do draw federal paychecks, is not, is absurd. Blathering about past "decades" while the last ten years have seen a global drop in temp is also absurd. False claims of "an angry, bitter rant about voting" is just you trying to portray me as some villain who's every word is an attack on little children and puppy dogs. So sad when your life's ambition is to be a loud-mouthed nobody in an obscure internet forum.
Just so we are clear it is ok to be contemptuous of Congress. And Contempt of Congress is a federal violation.

In 1857, Congress enacted a law which made "contempt of Congress" a criminal offense against the United States.

The criminal offense of "contempt of Congress" sets the penalty at not less than one month nor more than twelve months in jail and a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000.[SUP][10]


In 1983 the PUB, Head of the EPA was convicted and ultimately jailed.[SUP]

And in June, 2006, Eric Holder was found in Civil and Criminal Contempt of the House Oversight Committee.
[/SUP]During the Fast and Furious investigation, he became the only cabinet member in US history to be held in contempt of Congress.[SUP][2]

Why is he still there and nothing was done? He has to be arrest by the Sgt. at Arms.

[/SUP]Under this process, [Inherent Contempt] the procedure for holding a person in contempt involves only the chamber concerned. Following a contempt citation, the person cited is arrested by the Sergeant-at-Arms for the House or Senate, brought to the floor of the chamber.

Else, you have to go to to the Justice Department for a Federal Judge.[SUP]

So, why is Holder still there again? And I don't even remember that it was reported.
The Official thread....we have to honor that.

And now for dirt...all American dirt.

Sometimes a President will appoint someone from the other side to run the independent agencies. Power brokering.

In the case of the IRS Commissioner, (no law degree) Schuman, he was a Bush Appointee, that very way, it seems.

Now, being strictly neutral here, I can tell you that I just read he is a big DEM donation giver. And his wife....Susan Anderson???

Her PAC leads the charge against the Tea Party fund raising. She raised the alarm by Lobbying Congress about it.

She is a crazy, and twisted, casual death wisher, to read her tweets. The poster child for the Rabid Royalists.

Gotta love this stuff.

Hoisted on her on Petard.

So, Ms. Lerner, in the Fed Election Commission, I'm hearing from her victim, a guy running for Senate in IL, she told the guy straight up, the only way she would stop suing his campaign with a tossed out clam after false clams if he promised to never run for office again. !!!!

He had already spent the 100ks defending his campaign 4 times. And she lost them, but it cost. So he considered the deal.

But, he could not get this woman to even agree to that as negotiated settlement. She was investigated, slightly censored, like now, and after the dust settled, moved into the more cush IRS. Now she pleads A5, and is on paid vacation until she runs ObamaCare. Wanna bet? Wanna bet there will not be Animal Farm heath care and going after opponents thru their doctors? Audit and.... (withhold the care, slip the knife, dose over the drugs)

So, all this is to say why. Why Obama won, both times and PUBS seem lost. The deck is stacked with mad dogs.

Why I fight the DEMS and why the PUBs don't matter? This is why. It why the DEMs run this show and have for a long long time..... What? You think the war on drug is PUBS? Fluoride in water, PUBS? Nuke meltdowns, traffic mess and the general fuck up of America is PUBS?

Grip up and swing a bit sooner? It is the DEMS that act like liberals but are Royalists. Experts in double double everything. It is who 1984 and V for Vendetta are about.

They make you hate Bush. You are just tools for the dup.