Official Novichok Dissent Thread

Like I used to brah but now we got these cool alternative sites like rednecks for jesus and Alabama moonshine philosophers, who needs to think?
I have been reading a site called bigjim'snewsorama. It is the only site brave enough to print the real truth. None of the MSM is talking about the stuff Big Jim talks about - that's how you know its true. Think for yourself.
Omfg tty is a contributor to moonofalabama. I’ve spotted his drivel over there, it’s a piss heads blog
I’m going to get on some cheap gin lose my senses and start posting like tty, moonshine poet, without the poetry
Still waiting for Porton Down to analyse the nerve agent samples. There's always a 'fingerprint' in the exact chemical makeup of any given batch which will provide essential clues as to where it was made and by whom.

Scotland Yard has said it will take months for them to complete their investigation, so the expulsion of over 100 Russian diplomats from the US and NATO countries is at the very least premature.

Russia did bring this on themselves to a certain degree when they poisoned Litvinenko a dozen years ago. They'll be the first suspect for a long time because of that stunt. But it isn't proof that they're behind this attack and as yet no actual proof has been put forward. I smell another episode of manufacturing consent for hostile action against Russia. So, who stands to benefit? That list is long and interesting...

Y'all keep shitposting, it has no bearing on the truth of the matter.
Still waiting for Porton Down to analyse the nerve agent samples. There's always a 'fingerprint' in the exact chemical makeup of any given batch which will provide essential clues as to where it was made and by whom.

Scotland Yard has said it will take months for them to complete their investigation, so the expulsion of over 100 Russian diplomats from the US and NATO countries is at the very least premature.

Russia did bring this on themselves to a certain degree when they poisoned Litvinenko a dozen years ago. They'll be the first suspect for a long time because of that stunt. But it isn't proof that they're behind this attack and as yet no actual proof has been put forward. I smell another episode of manufacturing consent for hostile action against Russia. So, who stands to benefit? That list is long and interesting...

Y'all keep shitposting, it has no bearing on the truth of the matter.
quack quack
quack quack
So you're cool with a war against Russia?

No wonder you're in the bag for the establishment Democrats; you're a warmongering neoliberal imperialist thug who thinks Hillary is the perfect person to lead the next 8 years of mass murder around the world.
So you're cool with a war against Russia?

No wonder you're in the bag for the establishment Democrats; you're a warmongering neoliberal imperialist thug who thinks Hillary is the perfect person to lead the next 8 years of mass murder around the world.
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So you're cool with a war against Russia?

No wonder you're in the bag for the establishment Democrats; you're a warmongering neoliberal imperialist thug who thinks Hillary is the perfect person to lead the next 8 years of mass murder around the world.

Sorry Man, that's not even close to what he is saying ...

he's saying that you are a quack.

Sorry Man, that's not even close to what he is saying ...

he's saying that you are a quack.

To be a quack I'd have to be misrepresenting myself as a professional in the relevant field and I've never said that.

However, that's never stopped Buckwit from making up wild accusations and flinging them at the walls in his desperate attempts to look like he knows anything or to distract from the conversation.

I realize you've taken sides. That's fine, I don't need people to agree with me. What's sad is that there isn't any attempt to encourage serious discussion here.
To be a quack I'd have to be misrepresenting myself as a professional in the relevant field and I've never said that.

However, that's never stopped Buckwit from making up wild accusations and flinging them at the walls in his desperate attempts to look like he knows anything or to distract from the conversation.

I realize you've taken sides. That's fine, I don't need people to agree with me. What's sad is that there isn't any attempt to encourage serious discussion here.
A crank then.
Still waiting for Porton Down to analyse the nerve agent samples. There's always a 'fingerprint' in the exact chemical makeup of any given batch which will provide essential clues as to where it was made and by whom.

Scotland Yard has said it will take months for them to complete their investigation, so the expulsion of over 100 Russian diplomats from the US and NATO countries is at the very least premature.

Russia did bring this on themselves to a certain degree when they poisoned Litvinenko a dozen years ago. They'll be the first suspect for a long time because of that stunt. But it isn't proof that they're behind this attack and as yet no actual proof has been put forward. I smell another episode of manufacturing consent for hostile action against Russia. So, who stands to benefit? That list is long and interesting...

Y'all keep shitposting, it has no bearing on the truth of the matter.
Why wait? Just ask Schuylaar. She has connections and is important.