Official Novichok Dissent Thread

it's well past time that these people were taken to account. there's no way to get them into courts, so the only alternative is to start a counter attack against them. Averyanov needs to be targetted for elimination. all of his operatives in the field need to be targetted for elimination. their hacking facility needs to be bombed into small pieces of rubble, along with everyone inside it. and every country in the world should feel perfectly free to start hacking every russian website in existence, as well as their election results....i'd love to see russian state television have to report that putin loses the election miserably and whoever his most hated enemy in russia is, wins in a huge landslide....

Well well well, novichok is back in the news.

Clearly, this is another CIA operation to discredit Mr. Putin. The lame-stream media is again pushing the narrative that the kind and wise Mr. Putin poisoned his political rival. But there are so many unanswered questions that once you begin to do your homework, the whole thing falls apart quickly exposing the CIA and British as the perpetrators.

Navalny was supposedly poisoned while drinking tea. Who drinks tea? The British - that's who! Not only that but if Putin had him poisoned, why didn't he die????!!!!!! The longer this story goes on, the less believable it becomes like a dead fish on the beach.

Most insidious is the fact that German doctors claim that Navalny was poisoned by a "novichok family" chemical. Chemicals don't have families! Mr. Putin has a family that he loves very dearly - but not chemicals - they don't breed.

Like that dead fish that I would never listen to or believe, this whole thing stinks.

Do your own homework!

Well well well, novichok is back in the news.

Clearly, this is another CIA operation to discredit Mr. Putin. The lame-stream media is again pushing the narrative that the kind and wise Mr. Putin poisoned his political rival. But there are so many unanswered questions that once you begin to do your homework, the whole thing falls apart quickly exposing the CIA and British as the perpetrators.

Navalny was supposedly poisoned while drinking tea. Who drinks tea? The British - that's who! Not only that but if Putin had him poisoned, why didn't he die????!!!!!! The longer this story goes on, the less believable it becomes like a dead fish on the beach.

Most insidious is the fact that German doctors claim that Navalny was poisoned by a "novichok family" chemical. Chemicals don't have families! Mr. Putin has a family that he loves very dearly - but not chemicals - they don't breed.

Like that dead fish that I would never listen to or believe, this whole thing stinks.

Do your own homework!

hasn't he been banned?
hasn't he been banned?
Why would somebody ban the funniest member ever?

Oh, he told you he was banned as an excuse for his cowardice. Not surprised.

Maybe he'll come back now that the FBI and Facebuk shut down his favorite source of homework.
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Why would somebody ban the funniest member ever?

Oh, he told you he was banned as an excuse for his cowardice. Not surprised.

Maybe he'll come back now that the FBI and Facebuk shut down his favorite source of homework.

he's on my ignore so i wouldn't know; just hadn't seen the name in so long.
Lots of developments on this story lately.

Hey, @ttystikk , brief us on your latest research. Its not enough that you are doing what you can to teach others to grow lots of low-grade weed - you need to keep us abreast of your thoughts on international politics with your similar flair.

Most insidious is the fact that German doctors claim that Navalny was poisoned by a "novichok family" chemical. Chemicals don't have families! Mr. Putin has a family that he loves very dearly - but not chemicals - they don't breed.

Riiiiight. Because other countries can't make a similar chemical, palm to face. Maybe that's why it's not actually novichok?! Just maybe. Lol

This was clearly an assassination attempt by a hostile government in an effort to further the anti Russian sentiment. Why you ask? It's very simple. Putin has nothing to gain from him dying. If anything if would embolden his followers and movement by turning him into a martyr. He would know that the world wouldn't let it slide etc. It's so obvious it was a false flag attack. Geo politics is never what they tell you it's about.

Just like Syria, that "war" was only started because Syria ok'd an Iranian natural gas pipeline and not a Saudi one. Hence the proxy Army is sent in to destabilize and install a new government friendly to the Saudis and not Iran.

Anyone who still thinks this was actually Russia had drank too much of the American exceptionalism Kool-aid and can't see the truth for their blinders.
Putin has nothing to gain from him dying. If anything if would embolden his followers and movement by turning him into a martyr.
Wow. You must be drinking pure pot infused honey while looking through those rose colored glasses.

It's called 'making an example'.

You go against me in public, I'll lock you up, starve you to death and then keep you alive so I can do it again.

Now then...who's next?
Its not the first time the russians have used the chemical vs their enemies. 2 Russian Agents poisoned a man, and his daughter, and they didnt die either, though they were really fucked up.
Novichok is a series of nerve agent weapons developed as part of a secret Soviet program and continued once the Soviet Union collapsed. A Novichok nerve agent was used to poison the former Russian double agent Sergey Skripal in the English town of Salisbury in 2018, making the weapon a household name.

In the Salisbury poisoning, not only Skripal's daughter Yulia but also a responding police officer and a local couple who found the container carrying the poison were hospitalised. One of the couple, Dawn Sturgess, died.

In the case of the Skripals, British police said the nerve agent had been brought into the U.K. in a perfume bottle by two agents from Russia's military intelligence agency, the GRU, and had been sprayed on the door handle of Sergey Skripal's house in Salisbury. He and his daughter had likely then absorbed the poison through their skin. Mirzayanov though has said Novichok nerve agents can also take the form of powder and can be released through the air.

The Skripals spent weeks in the hospital and remain under British government protection. Navalny has been in an induced coma for almost three weeks and was connected to a ventilator in the intensive care unit, according to Berlin's the Charité hospital where he was evacuated from Russia at the demand of his family.
Riiiiight. Because other countries can't make a similar chemical, palm to face. Maybe that's why it's not actually novichok?! Just maybe. Lol

This was clearly an assassination attempt by a hostile government in an effort to further the anti Russian sentiment. Why you ask? It's very simple. Putin has nothing to gain from him dying. If anything if would embolden his followers and movement by turning him into a martyr. He would know that the world wouldn't let it slide etc. It's so obvious it was a false flag attack. Geo politics is never what they tell you it's about.

Just like Syria, that "war" was only started because Syria ok'd an Iranian natural gas pipeline and not a Saudi one. Hence the proxy Army is sent in to destabilize and install a new government friendly to the Saudis and not Iran.

Anyone who still thinks this was actually Russia had drank too much of the American exceptionalism Kool-aid and can't see the truth for their blinders.
Gee, CNN went to the door of one of the would be Navalny assassins in Russia and he confessed on camera, there is a ton of other evidence on the Public record too, including a confession to Navalny on tape. These guys are amateurs and must be open window disposable, really shitty trade craft, but Vlad was sending a message and not really trying to hide things. You don't try to hide things using radioactive elements and weapons of mass destruction as tools of assassination in NATO countries.

What country are you from again? I believe I hear a both sides are the same argument, when clearly they are not.
Riiiiight. Because other countries can't make a similar chemical, palm to face. Maybe that's why it's not actually novichok?! Just maybe. Lol

This was clearly an assassination attempt by a hostile government in an effort to further the anti Russian sentiment. Why you ask? It's very simple. Putin has nothing to gain from him dying. If anything if would embolden his followers and movement by turning him into a martyr. He would know that the world wouldn't let it slide etc. It's so obvious it was a false flag attack. Geo politics is never what they tell you it's about.

Just like Syria, that "war" was only started because Syria ok'd an Iranian natural gas pipeline and not a Saudi one. Hence the proxy Army is sent in to destabilize and install a new government friendly to the Saudis and not Iran.

Anyone who still thinks this was actually Russia had drank too much of the American exceptionalism Kool-aid and can't see the truth for their blinders.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

I remember those days. When people in the US weren't flooded with false conspiracy theories sent out by hostile governments and a home grown right wing authoritarian propaganda machine. A few years ago, they were sent out under the guise of being from normal people who, when anybody checked were just made up accounts on Facebook and people were taken in.

I remember when we were so innocent as to either believe the lies outright or earnestly fact check and show the believers the objective and verifiable facts that pretty much prove those manufactured and mass produced stories to be false. I remember when we even elected a president who used that propaganda machine to win the election. And he then sold us out to those hostile nations in exchange for them giving him a path toward dictatorship.

But lies grow stale and people living by them eventually figure out they have been sold a lie. When that wannabe dictator lost in the next election, we saw him try to overthrow our government and try to murder his political enemies. Then, Jan 6 happened and we saw the threat those lies posed were not the joke we thought them to be.

So now, instead of reading what you just wrote and laughing it off, your lies and posts receive scorn. What you posted doesn't work any more. It looks archaic and from a more innocent time. So, thanks for that. Now, go off and do what you normally do all day -- pull wings from flies, pour salt on slugs, tease dogs so that they bark at you through the fence. Go forth and do what you do best.
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Thanks for the trip down memory land.

I remember those days. When people in the US weren't flooded with false conspiracy theories sent out by hostile governments and a home grown right wing authoritarian propaganda machine. A few years ago, they were sent out under the guise of being from normal people who, when anybody checked were just made up accounts on Facebook and people were taken in.

I remember when we were so innocent as to either believe the lies outright or earnestly fact check and show the believers the objective and verifiable facts that pretty much prove those manufactured and mass produced stories to be false. I remember when we even elected a president who used that propaganda machine to win the election. And he then sold us out to those hostile nations in exchange for them giving him a path toward dictatorship.

But lies grow stale and people living by them eventually figure out they have been sold a lie. When that wannabe dictator lost in the next election, we saw him try to overthrow our government and try to murder his political enemies. Then, Jan 6 happened and we saw the threat those lies posed were not the joke we thought them to be.

So now, instead of reading what you just wrote and laughing it off, your lies and posts receive scorn. What you posted doesn't work any more. It looks archaic and from a more innocent time. So, thanks for that. Now, go off and do what you normally do all day -- pull wings from flies, pour salt on slugs, tease dogs so that they bark at you through the fence. Go forth and do what you do best.
That was some pretty long winded gibberish.

What does that Kool- aid taste like? Is it better than the grape?
That was some pretty long winded gibberish.

What does that Kool- aid taste like? Is it better than the grape?
Thanks for @captainmorgan for posting this in an earlier thread.

The koolaid poured by dictators who are hostile to the US runneth over. All over Facebook. To the point where it doesn't work any more. Not for most people. Some are still afflicted. But you aren't going to get very far if you stray away from their silo. I bet it will work best on prison networks. That's where a lot of them ended up after Jan 6.
