Official Novichok Dissent Thread

A Guardian News article names two 'bots' the UK government says are spreading disinformation about the poison gas attack on two Russians in Salisbury;

RT then runs an article identifying those very same two accounts as belonging to real users, thereby confirming that they're anything but 'bots';

The reader may draw their own conclusions. Mine is that the laughably amateurish disinformation campaign pursued by the UK government has been exposed in every act, including this one.

When the government of a 'free' country resorts to such attempts to silence or delegitimize dissent, in my estimation it has left the light of freedom behind and has entered the darkness of authoritarianism.

Soooooo who's telling the truth? My money is on Russia in this case and not the clearly bellicose governments of Theresa May or mafia Don the Chump.
A Guardian News article names two 'bots' the UK government says are spreading disinformation about the poison gas attack on two Russians in Salisbury;

RT then runs an article identifying those very same two accounts as belonging to real users, thereby confirming that they're anything but 'bots';

The reader may draw their own conclusions. Mine is that the laughably amateurish disinformation campaign pursued by the UK government has been exposed in every act, including this one.

When the government of a 'free' country resorts to such attempts to silence or delegitimize dissent, in my estimation it has left the light of freedom behind and has entered the darkness of authoritarianism.

Soooooo who's telling the truth? My money is on Russia in this case and not the clearly bellicose governments of Theresa May or mafia Don the Chump.

How many of you "Justice Democrats" feel this way?

Authoritarians expose themselves in their attempts to control the media.

That's an interesting source you've been using lately.

Here's an article where they defend rapist Brock Turner that somehow becomes about Hillary Clinton.
The right-wing campaign over the Stanford University sexual assault case

Clinton should know something about how allegations of sexual misconduct can be used for political purposes. In 1998, Republican legislators organized the impeachment campaign on the grounds that Hillary Clinton’s husband was a sexual predator. Did Bill Clinton’s accusers—such as Paula Jones and Jennifer Flowers—have an absolute “right to be believed?” Hillary Clinton then defended her husband against his accusers.

Here's another where they defend rapist Roman Polanski.
The sordid coalition pursuing filmmaker Roman Polanski

Here's another where they defend accused rapist Woody Allen.
In latest “human rights” crusade, NY Times’ Kristof promotes allegations against Woody Allen


That's an interesting source you've been using lately.

Here's an article where they defend rapist Brock Turner that somehow becomes about Hillary Clinton.
The right-wing campaign over the Stanford University sexual assault case

Clinton should know something about how allegations of sexual misconduct can be used for political purposes. In 1998, Republican legislators organized the impeachment campaign on the grounds that Hillary Clinton’s husband was a sexual predator. Did Bill Clinton’s accusers—such as Paula Jones and Jennifer Flowers—have an absolute “right to be believed?” Hillary Clinton then defended her husband against his accusers.

Here's another where they defend rapist Roman Polanski.
The sordid coalition pursuing filmmaker Roman Polanski

Here's another where they defend accused rapist Woody Allen.
In latest “human rights” crusade, NY Times’ Kristof promotes allegations against Woody Allen

Any source supporting Tty's new preconceptions is A Ok with him.
That's an interesting source you've been using lately.

Here's an article where they defend rapist Brock Turner that somehow becomes about Hillary Clinton.
The right-wing campaign over the Stanford University sexual assault case

Clinton should know something about how allegations of sexual misconduct can be used for political purposes. In 1998, Republican legislators organized the impeachment campaign on the grounds that Hillary Clinton’s husband was a sexual predator. Did Bill Clinton’s accusers—such as Paula Jones and Jennifer Flowers—have an absolute “right to be believed?” Hillary Clinton then defended her husband against his accusers.

Here's another where they defend rapist Roman Polanski.
The sordid coalition pursuing filmmaker Roman Polanski

Here's another where they defend accused rapist Woody Allen.
In latest “human rights” crusade, NY Times’ Kristof promotes allegations against Woody Allen


Yep, that's what tty calls worthy news while he complains about the corrupt NPR and CNN. The article defends a sexual predator who was caught raping an unconscious woman who had been drugged. Oh and Biden somehow did nefarious acts to intervene in the case by writing a letter of support to the rape victim. Somehow Clinton is involved too. The site is more angry about "campus feminists" than the rape. Charming.

Another post of his from that site claimed the OK teachers union was forcing teachers to end their strike and the underfunded school system was the fault of Democrats.

When I pointed out to @ttystikk there is no teachers union in OK, the association the article called a union was not one and there are about four Democrats in state office in OK. tty responded back calling me out for knowing stuff.

I think that site and tty have much in common. Beginning with no need for truth and facts in their words.

You nailed it. That site stinks of propaganda intended to smear the true progressives in the Democratic party and carries water for some billionaire while posing as a left wing media site.

tty is easily fooled. Also not even progressive.

Yep, that's what tty calls worthy news while he complains about the corrupt NPR and CNN. The article defends a sexual predator who was caught raping an unconscious woman who had been drugged. Oh and Biden somehow did nefarious acts to intervene in the case by writing a letter of support to the rape victim. Somehow Clinton is involved too. The site is more angry about "campus feminists" than the rape. Charming.

Another post of his from that site claimed the OK teachers union was forcing teachers to end their strike and the underfunded school system was the fault of Democrats.

When I pointed out to @ttystikk there is no teachers union in OK, the association the article called a union was not one and there are about four Democrats in state office in OK. tty responded back calling me out for knowing stuff.

I think that site and tty have much in common. Beginning with no need for truth and facts in their words.

You nailed it. That site stinks of propaganda intended to smear the true progressives in the Democratic party and carries water for some billionaire while posing as a left wing media site.

tty is easily fooled. Also not even progressive.
The descent of Tty has reminded me in many ways of the total downward spin of Flamingpie, but worse. At least pie was drawn into neofacsist circles that she probably agreed with. Tty still considers himself a progressive despite the fact that he is now a puppet of repressive authoritarian forces that have turned him against his own people and country.

I imagine it starts with appealing to a weakness of his - such as excessive ego. In an effort to appear "progressive" he was willing to allow his views to be swayed by some provocative viewpoints. The internet being what it is, he was able to follow links to other "progressive" sites which were pretty clearly being orchestrated by propagandists and provocateurs. At some point, he went through the looking glass, viewing all mainstream media as lies and all lies that fit his new "progressive" views as the truth no matter how shoddy the news source. It is still a little hard for me to fathom how he can proudly post the crap links that he does seemingly without embarrassment. He doesn't consider the context anymore and ignores any obviously untruths or abhorrent content because of the items that fit his newfound preconceptions.

The overblown ego has led him to believe that anything he believes is now fact. It has deluded him into thinking that his arguments are logical. He now thinks his insults are fully justified while those leveled against him are blasphemy against his superior worldview.

Tty has become a cautionary tale.
The descent of Tty has reminded me in many ways of the total downward spin of Flamingpie, but worse. At least pie was drawn into neofacsist circles that she probably agreed with. Tty still considers himself a progressive despite the fact that he is now a puppet of repressive authoritarian forces that have turned him against his own people and country.

I imagine it starts with appealing to a weakness of his - such as excessive ego. In an effort to appear "progressive" he was willing to allow his views to be swayed by some provocative viewpoints. The internet being what it is, he was able to follow links to other "progressive" sites which were pretty clearly being orchestrated by propagandists and provocateurs. At some point, he went through the looking glass, viewing all mainstream media as lies and all lies that fit his new "progressive" views as the truth no matter how shoddy the news source. It is still a little hard for me to fathom how he can proudly post the crap links that he does seemingly without embarrassment. He doesn't consider the context anymore and ignores any obviously untruths or abhorrent content because of the items that fit his newfound preconceptions.

The overblown ego has led him to believe that anything he believes is now fact. It has deluded him into thinking that his arguments are logical. He now thinks his insults are fully justified while those leveled against him are blasphemy against his superior worldview.

Tty has become a cautionary tale.
Or maybe you're just wrong.

Time will tell.


REVEALED: The bombshell Russian message intercepted on DAY of Skripal poisonings

On the day of the poisonings, March 4, one was sent from a location near Damascus in Syria to “an official” in Moscow including the phrase ‘the package has been delivered” and saying that two individuals had “made a successful egress”.

This prompted a young Flight Lieutenant to recall a separate message that had been intercepted and discounted on the previous day.

What it said has not been revealed but sources say it became relevant once the Skripals were attacked.

What do you and the rest of the illiterati make of this dipstikk? Did you already call this too?

So "the package was sent" and " made a successful egress." That's it, they are basing everything on this, I don't think this would hold up in any international court.

Do you guys believe everything your government tells you? Do you guys get butt hurt when someone questions your governments official version of events?

What about the wmd's in Iraq these are the same people pushing for war again
So "the package was sent" and " made a successful egress." That's it, they are basing everything on this, I don't think this would hold up in any international court.

Do you guys believe everything your government tells you? Do you guys get butt hurt when someone questions your governments official version of events?

What about the wmd's in Iraq these are the same people pushing for war again

They are absolutely not basing everything on those two things you mentioned. I don't think there is anyway, a couple of assholes on an internet pot forum, would be privy to everything they are basing their investigation on, but if you want to look at it anecdotally, it's easy enough.

1. They've done this many times before.

The long, terrifying history of Russian dissidents being poisoned abroad

The long history of Russian deaths in the UK under mysterious circumstances

to people like this guy:

2. The OPCW report

The results of analysis of biomedical samples conducted by OPCW designated laboratories demonstrate the exposure of the three hospitalised individuals to this toxic chemical.

The results of analysis of the environmental samples conducted by OPCW designated laboratories demonstrate the presence of this toxic chemical in the samples.

The results of analysis by the OPCW designated laboratories of environmental and biomedical samples collected by the OPCW team confirm the findings of the United Kingdom relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in Salisbury and severely injured three people.

The TAV team notes that the toxic chemical was of high purity. The latter is concluded from the almost complete absence of impurities.

The name and structure of the identified toxic chemical are contained in the full classified report of the Secretariat, available to States Parties.

That's 2 things they could be basing this on, is that enough?

As to all the you guys stuff, I'm only speaking for myself, but no, I don't believe everything my government tells me. No my butt doesn't get all hurt, when people choose to believe Russia Today because I, like most people, know that it's the propaganda arm of the Russian government. I actually smoke really good hash and go on a pot forum and mock those people.

As to your last part about wmd's and Iraq and they are the same people pushing for war again, your saying Colin Powell poisoned those two Russians? Because he was the wmd in Iraq guy right?

Or are you saying Bush poisoned them? You may be unaware but his momma just died so he's probably pretty busy with that.


Do you have a source that says otherwise , that isn't funded by the Russian government? I'd be happy to look.

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They are absolutely not basing everything on those two things you mentioned. I don't think there is anyway, a couple of assholes on an internet pot forum, would be privy to everything they are basing their investigation on, but if you want to look at it anecdotally, it's easy enough.

1. They've done this many times before.

The long, terrifying history of Russian dissidents being poisoned abroad

The long history of Russian deaths in the UK under mysterious circumstances

to people like this guy:

2. The OPCW report

The results of analysis of biomedical samples conducted by OPCW designated laboratories demonstrate the exposure of the three hospitalised individuals to this toxic chemical.

The results of analysis of the environmental samples conducted by OPCW designated laboratories demonstrate the presence of this toxic chemical in the samples.

The results of analysis by the OPCW designated laboratories of environmental and biomedical samples collected by the OPCW team confirm the findings of the United Kingdom relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in Salisbury and severely injured three people.

The TAV team notes that the toxic chemical was of high purity. The latter is concluded from the almost complete absence of impurities.

The name and structure of the identified toxic chemical are contained in the full classified report of the Secretariat, available to States Parties.

That's 2 things they could be basing this on, is that enough?

As to all the you guys stuff, I'm only speaking for myself, but no, I don't believe everything my government tells me. No my butt doesn't get all hurt, when people choose to believe Russia Today because I, like most people, know that it's the propaganda arm of the Russian government. I actually smoke really good hash and go on a pot forum and mock those people.

As to your last part about wmd's and Iraq and they are the same people pushing for war again, your saying Colin Powell poisoned those two Russians? Because he was the wmd in Iraq guy right?

Or are you saying Bush poisoned them? You may be unaware but his momma just died so he's probably pretty busy with that.


Do you have a source that says otherwise , that isn't funded by the Russian government? I'd be happy to look.

Exactly none of this drivel amounts to a shred of real evidence Russia had anything at all to do with the Skripal poisoning.