Official Novichok Dissent Thread

Oh, mountain man....

Russia Accused in Cyberattacks on Investigators Pursuing Doping and Poisoning Cases Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Skripal poisoning: Putin denounces ex-spy as 'scumbag'


Is this your homework, Tty?

Greetings from Russia :)

There is a version that Skripal was poisoned by employees of GRU whom he ratted out. Special services caught him back in the 2000s. The fact that he lived to 2018 means that he was pardoned by government. To poison him being under sanctions also before the elections — there was no sense.

This of course does not negate the fact that Putin is murderer and dictator.
Greetings from Russia :)

There is a version that Skripal was poisoned by employees of GRU whom he ratted out. Special services caught him back in the 2000s. The fact that he lived to 2018 means that he was pardoned by government. To poison him being under sanctions also before the elections — there was no sense.
This of course does not negate the fact that Putin is murderer and dictator.
A version?

It does make sense. It is a powerful and public warning that anybody that betrays Putin will die no matter how long it takes. I appreciate your views but disagree entirely. Those who might consider breaking with Putin got the message even if you don't get it.

I hear that there have been a lot of problems with windows in Russia. Quite a few people have fallen out of them recently.

Who do you think did it?

Do you get a salary or are you paid per post? So many questions.

Welcome new member!
Do you get a salary or are you paid per post?
lol:D I lead a grow report here.

I know who kills journalists, poisons the opposition, starts wars with neighboring countries and puts citizens in prison for memes (this is not a joke).

But in the case of Skripal
So many questions.
  • Why Skripal survived?
  • England said that they don't have Novichok, so how did they find out it was him and how did they find the antidote in a short time?
  • I read two news reports. In first - British chemists said that the novichok is not from the Russian laboratory. In the second - from Russian. Which truthfully do not know.
  • England did not provide evidence and refused to question these GRU officers.
  • Putin said that Boshirov (Chepiga) and Petrov (Mishkin) civilians, but they were from the special services (and obviously they're guilty).

I'm not saying that Putin isn't the killer. I'm just saying there's a lot of weird inconsistencies.
lol:D I lead a grow report here.

I know who kills journalists, poisons the opposition, starts wars with neighboring countries and puts citizens in prison for memes (this is not a joke).

But in the case of Skripal

  • Why Skripal survived?
  • England said that they don't have Novichok, so how did they find out it was him and how did they find the antidote in a short time?
  • I read two news reports. In first - British chemists said that the novichok is not from the Russian laboratory. In the second - from Russian. Which truthfully do not know.
  • England did not provide evidence and refused to question these GRU officers.
  • Putin said that Boshirov (Chepiga) and Petrov (Mishkin) civilians, but they were from the special services (and obviously they're guilty).

I'm not saying that Putin isn't the killer. I'm just saying there's a lot of weird inconsistencies.

Skripal survived because he was quickly treated and very lucky. Missing your target does not exonerate the attempted murderers. Murdering him was secondary to the main goal. It sent a powerful message. I promise you that the message was received. Putin didn't plant those "Chechnian bombs" in those apartments blocks himself and he wants the ones who did - who are still alive, that is - to remain quiet about it. They know what will happen to their families if they don't.

Treatment for Novichok is similar to treatment for other nerve agents. There is no specific antidote.

Yeah, show me the story that the British scientists said the Novichok did nbot come from Russia. Never happened.

England has provided plenty of evidence and refused to be drawn into Putin's one-sided dance.

I don't even know what to say about your last comment.

Putin is very good about pointing out or manufacturing weird inconsistencies. He has done so about a multitude of his crimes. I am sure he is quite happy ruling a people who are slavish and ignorant. Donald is so jealous - only about 35% of us are morons.
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England has provided plenty of evidence and refused to be drawn into Putin's one-sided dance
This is a closed investigation. UK police don't even comment on the news reports. What all you read - is media investigations. Perhaps information about route gru officers in Salisbury official. But not sure.

Yeah, show me the story that the British scientists said the Novichok did nb
We were able to identify it as novichok, to identify it was a military-grade nerve agent. We have not verified the precise source, but we have provided the scientific information to the government, who have then used a number of other sources to piece together the conclusions that they have come to.

Putin manufacturing weird inconsistencies.
Putin "Chechnian bombs".
anybody that betrays Putin will die.
powerful message
always glad to read objectively unbiased judgments:lol:

I repeat again. I believe that the Russian government is guilty. But there are a lot of non-obvious things in this case. Reference to Putin's past murders is not proof.

people who are slavish and ignorant
Russians have always been like that. Serfdom, feudalism, Horde yoke, monarchy, communism, military pseudo-democracy now. This is a centuries-old selection. So I laugh at the racial (black) quota in the Hollywood film industry
Excuse me, your Majesty hamster, for trying to convey a adequate point of view. Also where were no nuclear weapons in Iraq; the chemical attacks in Syria were falsified by the same people; the American(as well as Russian) military in Syria are fighting for oil plants, not for democracy; the twin towers were not blown up by Bush. Continue or give you a handkerchief?
This is a closed investigation. UK police don't even comment on the news reports. What all you read - is media investigations. Perhaps information about route gru officers in Salisbury official. But not sure.

always glad to read objectively unbiased judgments:lol:

I repeat again. I believe that the Russian government is guilty. But there are a lot of non-obvious things in this case. Reference to Putin's past murders is not proof.

Russians have always been like that. Serfdom, feudalism, Horde yoke, monarchy, communism, military pseudo-democracy now. This is a centuries-old selection. So I laugh at the racial (black) quota in the Hollywood film industry
The story you posted does not say that the poison was not manufactured by Russia. It says that the did not verify where it was made. That is a very different thing. They also explained that it was not within their expertise to say where it came from, only what it was.

This is the sort of thing that Putin pushes as an inconsistency. It isnt.

So you could say that Putin is creating these so-called inconsistencies. Another example is the time stamped photos of the two GRU agents "in the same place" at the same time. But they aren't.

Sorry, Tty. Try again.
The story of the former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter's poisoning just seems to get less and less believable the longer it sits, like a dead fish on the beach.

After all this time, no discussion of the medical condition of either victim. No discussion of the medical status of the policeman who found them at all, including whether it might be related or not.

Even stranger, the free admission that a doctor who arrived at the scene within minutes of their discovery has been absolutely unaffected.

Yet, the official narrative that 'Russia did it!!' is unsupported by facts or by the chemical weapons experts themselves.

Worse, the official story will brook no dissent; anyone crass enough to dare ask for actual evidence is immediately smeared as a Russian sympathizer, witness Jeremy Corbyn's treatment in recent days.

This whole thing stinks. It stinks of another thin excuse to start yet another war or to justify expanding one, the most obvious candidate being Syria where the Russian backed Assad regime clearly has the upper hand.

We aren't being told the whole truth. In fact, we are arguably not being told any of it.

Links to follow.
Hey mountain man, why does a dead fish on a beach get less believable?

Strike one, you're out!
So out of all the people 'exposed' to an as yet undisclosed type of 'nerve agent', NO ONE DIED.

Meanwhile an enormous amount of hay has been made of the whole affair, mainly by those with the most to gain by ginning up tensions between Russia and the West.

Fish, indeed. The whole thing stinks like a rotten carcass on the beach.