Official Novichok Dissent Thread

What do you call it when someone googles your username and finds that creepy ass plentyoffish profile, Mr hottub?
I call the fact that you can't find anything else to attack me with both hysterical and indicative of your utter inability to have an intelligent conversation on the merits.

So shut up, gringo.
I call the fact that you can't find anything else to attack me with both hysterical and indicative of your utter inability to have an intelligent conversation on the merits.

So shut up, gringo.
Every single part of this was projection. Please carry on with your conspiracy theory thread though. It has so much ...merit...
You're just jealous she isn't over yours.

Every single part of this was projection. Please carry on with your conspiracy theory thread though. It has so much ...merit...
I don't think you've made a serious attempt at rebutting this argument or any others I've made in recent memory.

At no point have I said that mine is the definitive word on the incident or the scandal surrounding it. I'm simply pointing out that I don't believe the crush of propagandist hype and why.

Your inability to engage in intelligent conversation is no one's fault but yours.

Shut up gringo
Reading from smogdog's revisionist dictionary, I see.

If right wingers can make shit up out of while cloth, why can't you?
Seriously? You spent a lot of time complaining about her sending you out on errands to buy her things. You said nothing positive about her in any way - 'cept her butthole.