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Caitlin Johnstone^^^
Nice fact find.

Caitlin Johnstone^^^

Nice fact find.
a quote from the above article commenting on Johnstone's unhinged threatening emails to the author of the above article... "a threat that would be funny if it wasn't so sad."I would enjoy laughing more if this were not so fucking sad.
NahSmogdog is a tool of American right wing propaganda and serves the interests of the Warmongers. Anything he says is suspect.
Go on believing what the government tells you.Idiots.
Exactly what fact?
He found a third rate website that claims that the Skripal story is not being reported while actually referencing a BBC story about it. I saw several stories reporting on his release from the hospital which utterly refutes the "fact" that you think is a good find.
You people are not smart.
Three posts into a meltdown and you've yet to actually provide one single link that refutes any assertion I've made about the whole Novichok scandal being anything other than a great big stinking pile of bullshit manufactured to smear Russia and justify more conflict.More info on Tty's new "homework". Pretty well written with some nice links that will help @ttystikk find some new nut-balls to spend his nights reading while furiously touching himself.
a quote from the above article commenting on Johnstone's unhinged threatening emails to the author of the above article... "a threat that would be funny if it wasn't so sad."
Good job Tty and Schuy. Hey @Padawanbater2, wanna chime in on the topic? What do you think about Caitlin's "journalism"?
You are pathetic. But please keep posting.Three posts into a meltdown and you've yet to actually provide one single link that refutes any assertion I've made about the whole Novichok scandal being anything other than a great big stinking pile of bullshit manufactured to smear Russia and justify more conflict.
And you call me pathetic?
How long did you believe the GW Bush administration's accusations of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, issued moments before we went in to destroy that country in yet another war (crime) of aggression, killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and destabilizing the region for going on two decades?
Who came out of that with money to burn? Anyone with stock in Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin...
Go on. Keep calling me stupid. History will be the judge.
Ah, yet another evidence free attempt at a smear.You are pathetic. But please keep posting.
Are you ready to tell us what really happened on 9/11 yet?
You and your ilk are far more valuable to Trump than those poor white dumbasses that voted for him.Ah, yet another evidence free attempt at a smear.
I don't see conspiracies everywhere and I'm sure I miss plenty.
Chemical weapons attacks by the Assad regime and the Novichok scandal are just too obvious.
But you go on sucking what the government feeds you.
It is a bit weird that the "incredibly dangerous nerve agent" didn't kill either of them, and the daughter wants to go back to Russia in the near future.You and your ilk are far more valuable to Trump than those poor white dumbasses that voted for him.
Your statement is a reasonable one. It is a little weird, but far from damning evidence. There are quite a few possible scenarios where their death might not have been the goal.It is a bit weird that the "incredibly dangerous nerve agent" didn't kill either of them, and the daughter wants to go back to Russia in the near future.
Bay of Pigs...do I need to go on?Your statement is a reasonable one. It is a little weird, but far from damning evidence. There are quite a few possible scenarios where their death might not have been the goal.
Edit: I have some more time now so I will expand on this.
Again, I think your questions are entirely reasonable. The attack on the Skripal's does not make sense in a number of ways. I think that this was likely part of the reasoning behind it. The incongruities give Putin plausible deniability and this was likely factored in on his choice of targets. Why Skripal? Why now? This was probably the critical factor to masking the real goal. It's fucking clever.
My guess, as I no longer have anything to do with "Russian studies" or intelligence, is that this was a way to send a message to a large number of people all of which doubtless got the message loud and clear. Russian foreign intel operations are at an all time high level these days and Putin very much wants to ensure that the number of leaks are at a bare minimum. If I am right, the message was, "if you cross us, no matter where, no matter when, no matter how, we can reach you - and/or your family". I promise that this attack has made the task of Western counter-intelligence much, much harder. Any conceivable gains in public opinion that the West would have for "framing" Russia would be dramatically offset by the message this attack (or false flag) would send to possible defectors or informants.
It is reasonable to me to think that Skripal's daughter believes (correctly) that she is not in further danger and the same is probably true for Skripal himself. She probably has a life in Russia that she does not want to abandon and therefore wants to get back to it.
If this line of thinking seems overly convoluted or Machiavellian to you I ask you to consider the other alternative; that of this being a false flag operation of some Western power.
Based on my experience, this is very much in keeping with a Putin operation. It is ingenious, I tip my fur hat to him. He got his message across and has thousands of Western useful idiots defending him and accusing their own governments.
@ttystikk says history will judge. No it won't, Tty is a first rate naive fool. "The past is uncertain" as the saying goes. History will likely never reveal a clear answer any more that it did in the Kennedy assassination despite the rather obvious truth of it. If a film of Lee Harvey himself laying out his plan and admitting fully to acting alone were unearthed it would not change the minds of more than a few conspiracy buffs.
With the information we don't have I certainly can't disprove your theory. That is likely the way it will stay - but I stand by my opinion. I am well aware of the history of deception by our government but they usually have a point or goal in doing it. The Gulf of Tonkin "incident" was a pretense to a war, etc. I don't see the point here. The PR gains certainly don't outweigh the intel loses or the risk of getting outted in the current day (which would have dire consequences) - which is very, very different than the 1960s. I am not feeling it though I have considered the line of thought.Bay of Pigs...do I need to go on?
The attack happened only a few miles from the UK's main chemical weapon production facility and a hazmat team were there in literally seconds.
I think it was more likely a fuck up that they wanted to cover up instead of being something directly nefarious.
Still no evidence at all.You and your ilk are far more valuable to Trump than those poor white dumbasses that voted for him.
if only he had innuendo and youtube videos and obscure blogs on his sideStill no evidence at all.
Just like a Trumper, you know the evidence is there and yet you just choose to deny it. You and your Progressive movement are irrelevant and sad.Still no evidence at all.
You watched the video? How did you resist it's persuasive proofish argument?Video in OP's post sucked.
Wouldn't a random fuck up affect random people? Does your conspiracy theory of a fuck up and cover up also include deliberately contaminating the door to their house? This seems a pretty flimsy hypothesis.Bay of Pigs...do I need to go on?
The attack happened only a few miles from the UK's main chemical weapon production facility and a hazmat team were there in literally seconds.
I think it was more likely a fuck up that they wanted to cover up instead of being something directly nefarious.