Holy crap, I forgot about this thread !

Hey here's some freight I picked up this morning from L3 Combat Propulsion Systems in Muskegon, MIchigan

This is pretty expensive freight, transmissions for military vehicles, I believe Humvee's.

L3 builds and packages them, these were going to Sierra Army Depot in Herlong, California. They're packed in a metal clamshell container with an air pressure release valve and a humidity guage, I think there may be some electronic components in there. Apparently these get dropped from airplanes (with parachute) into areas that are mostly inaccessible

Anyways though here's some pictures


There's also a testing grounds here at the building in Muskegon where they drive around tanks, Humvees's and Jeeps and beat the snot out the transmissions they build
Holy crap, I forgot about this thread !

Hey here's some freight I picked up this morning from L3 Combat Propulsion Systems in Muskegon, MIchigan

This is pretty expensive freight, transmissions for military vehicles, I believe Humvee's.

L3 builds and packages them, these were going to Sierra Army Depot in Herlong, California. They're packed in a metal clamshell container with an air pressure release valve and a humidity guage, I think there may be some electronic components in there. Apparently these get dropped from airplanes (with parachute) into areas that are mostly inaccessible

Anyways though here's some pictures
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There's also a testing grounds here at the building in Muskegon where they drive around tanks, Humvees's and Jeeps and beat the snot out the transmissions they build
I wonder how long it will be until the military goes electric?
Hard to transport electricity to an austere location.
Batteries are THE holdup. They'll get better and better until they beat a fuel tank. The rest of an electric drivetrain is already so much better and more efficient than ICE that it's only a matter of time; so the incentive is clear.
Batteries are THE holdup. They'll get better and better until they beat a fuel tank. The rest of an electric drivetrain is already so much better and more efficient than ICE that it's only a matter of time; so the incentive is clear.
There are obvious benefits in battery technology.

It should not be the government's place to push it on the people.
So really super boring Friday at work, I had one delivery at 7am and been sitting and waiting for the dispatcher to find me a load, it's 11:24am right now. Don't worry about me, I get paid still even if I'm just sitting.

I took a nice power nap in the bunk, rolled the windows down and opened the cab side vents and had a nice breeze blowing in

I've cleaned my windows and vacuumed in the truck, dusted too.

I just made a cup of delicious coffee. I can't remember if I showed you guys my coffee maker, best $20 I ever spent at Walmart. It just takes those single serve coffee pods

Here's the coffee I'm sipping on right now, Dark Roast Donut Shop Blend, it's alright.

I'm just about out of those and I've been looking at getting some DeathWish coffee pods next with extra caffeine

Anyways, I'm about to text dispatch and see if she found anything yet for me, I'm pretty bored lol