official scorecard

“Multiculturalism works best when an ocean separates the cultures”

Guess who said that?

Thats my quote!!! 1st place winner winer chicken dinner. Actually, its been butchered a little. Check your notes.

No its totally okay to combine all cultures. In fact, you should go spread some of your culture in the Sentinlese Tribe. Maybe deliver them a pizza or something. Let me know how that culture bonding thing works out for you.
Thats my quote!!! 1st place winner winer chicken dinner. Actually, its been butchered a little. Check your notes.

No its totally okay to combine all cultures. In fact, you should go spread some of your culture in the Sentinlese Tribe. Maybe deliver them a pizza or something. Let me know how that culture bonding thing works out for you.
Creativity and innovation go up when people of different cultures work together.
Creativity and innovation go up when people of different cultures work together.

You should be the guy holding the swing signs for bucky while he tries to sell them pizzas. Culture them up with some American marketing schemes. Im sure it will end well.

Not all cultures should combine, hence why multiculturalism cant be an across the boards blanket. Some cultures need literal oceans between others. Its ingrained into their culture to not allow outsiders. To force multiculturalism on such a people would be literally destroying their culture.
You should be the guy holding the swing signs for bucky while he tries to sell them pizzas. Culture them up with some American marketing schemes. Im sure it will end well.

Not all cultures should combine, hence why multiculturalism cant be an across the boards blanket. Some cultures need literal oceans between others. Its ingrained into their culture to not allow outsiders. To force multiculturalism on such a people would be literally destroying their culture.
Why shouldn't people get to know each other and work together? What harm are you claiming will be done? I don't know where you get the idea that people are "being forced together" either. What did you mean by that? Any examples would be helpful to understand what you are getting at.
You should be the guy holding the swing signs for bucky while he tries to sell them pizzas. Culture them up with some American marketing schemes. Im sure it will end well.

Not all cultures should combine, hence why multiculturalism cant be an across the boards blanket. Some cultures need literal oceans between others. Its ingrained into their culture to not allow outsiders. To force multiculturalism on such a people would be literally destroying their culture.

Translation: Whites should not be forced to mix with dirty brown or black people,send them back to their shit hole countries.
Why shouldn't people get to know each other and work together? What harm are you claiming will be done? I don't know where you get the idea that people are "being forced together" either. What did you mean by that? Any examples would be helpful to understand what you are getting at.

Just go try and sell them pizza and you will find out.

I love tacos, so hurrah for some Mexican culture. Plus they dont seem to want to kill me just because I'm around them, and I the same. So now we both get tacos!

That tribe would just kill you for being there, and their isolation from the world is one of the biggest parts of their culture. Someone like you would ruin it just for the tacos.
Just go try and sell them pizza and you will find out.

I love tacos, so hurrah for some Mexican culture. Plus they dont seem to want to kill me just because I'm around them, and I the same. So now we both get tacos!

That tribe would just kill you for being there, and their isolation from the world is one of the biggest parts of their culture. Someone like you would ruin it just for the tacos.
Mexicans are dangerous? Whoa, I better let my neighbor who is married to a Mexican woman know about that.

Mixing cultures isn't a bad thing. Tex-Mex culture, for instance, is just the result of people borrowing ideas from each other. Why did you just jump to DANGEROUS AND SCARY MEXICANS anyway? Different cultures have been coming together in the US for centuries. It's been a benefit overall. People are more creative and innovative when people from different cultures come together.
You should be the guy holding the swing signs for bucky while he tries to sell them pizzas. Culture them up with some American marketing schemes. Im sure it will end well.

Not all cultures should combine, hence why multiculturalism cant be an across the boards blanket. Some cultures need literal oceans between others. Its ingrained into their culture to not allow outsiders. To force multiculturalism on such a people would be literally destroying their culture.
Fragile fearful white male
