bud bootlegger
I dont think nothing bad from you trying to find out whats up.I mean after all you do want to be kept in the loop.I know i do and alot of people that i see are having bad luck germing the first packs that were in stock so `he is being a good man to try to straighten things out honestly.I respect that and when i recieve these replacements he will be the first guy i think of everytime i buy seeds because i know he stands behind his product thats for sure
yah, i don't really feel bad about it as like i said, i think i've giving him plenty of time to respond and get me some replacements.. and i do like the fact that he's just mailing me some more.. and not making me deal with the attitude and what not.. he really seems like a good dude from the couple of times that i've talked to him, but fuck me, i've never had those kind of problems trying to get beans to germ before..
i had forgotten all about the seeds.. i had pretty much given up on them but i put them and the rapid rooters they were in into a ziplock baggy, and sealed the bag up, and sat it in a dark place.. the other day i found them, and opened them up and one of them had actually started to germ.. it was probably close to a month in the baggy.. i took it out and put it under my seedling setup which is only two cfl's in a hood in a seperate area.. it came up and i got the two cotyledon's to come out, but then like two days later the thing was dead.. it wasn't a very happy camper over it, lol..
i also gave someone else some of the white diamonds, but i had told him about the problem's i was having with the bl's first as i didn't want to be a dickhead and trade him beans that i had a feeling were bunk without letting him know first.. so, i was just talking to him last night, and he said he had the same issues with them as well.. hard to germ, and the one that did did the same thing.. grew an inch or so and croaked on him too...
i'm not sure if it's just the fact that the beans are super fresh or what have you, but i don't know..