you need to pull yours out and realize there are people in this world who would rather see America DEAD.
how do you not comprehend that?
This is true. But this fact does not make another fact true necessarily.
Now of course GWB did not shoot missiles at the WTC from his Air National Guard F4 and hop into his teleporter to go learn to read with the other kids...This is as ridiculous as proving that the official story is legit by posting a video from youtube of a guy who does not fit the image we accept as one who feeds us our daily fodder.
The point is that even some of the members of the 9/11 commission say there are issues with the official story.
This is not an Obama for president issue, nor is it a Sarah Palin for VP issue...I am sure for some it is, and others would like to think that it is.
I know this is the best country on Earth, and I have ZERO desire to go anywhere else.
Being that this is the greatest country in the world, does NOT mean that elements of the Gov. are always straight with the public, or congress for that is by their very nature that they are secretive, and of course this is often for the welfare of the Nation.
I think most people would agree that the Air Force has not released all info regarding UFO's. Also, most people think that there is something, at least a little fishy, about the Kennedy Assassination.
Iran Contra....Does anyone really think that there was not some funky sh!t going on here?
OK City...confirmed reports of 2 other larger bombs in building with video of the bomb squad removing them! Boxes removed with priority over recovering survivors...I watched this all live...Chicken Sh!t bomb...BullSh!T!!!
People coming in this thread and acting like playground bullies is very much like going into the religion threads and bashing their idols...which seems to be frowned upon, and probably rightly so.
Although the Michael Ruppert video is long and extremely boring for most of it, rather than posting videos of people who look crazy, disprove ONE source from the movie and score $1000...and he actually talks very little about 9/11...most is background leading up to the event...some good stuff on the CIA and Pakistan and the Drug trade.
I understand the mentality that makes bullies pick on people who they see as different, as well as the mob mentality that goes along with it..I also understand the attention span of the public is between 30 minutes and 3 hours, but I do not understand how seemingly rational people can except irrational explanations while at the same time be so vehemently against real honest truth.