Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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haven't reviewed the evidence enough and i am not trained in forensic science either. i know MY knowledge and i don't claim to know things that i don't have the ability to know.

you can't take one piece of a puzzle, tell me it's part of the fenceline and then call it done. you have to put all the pieces together to see it is a field of clover.

you won't understand any of this. but i still love you for your vigor. you'd make a good solider. :joint::joint:

why is it always expected of someone to take "sides"? if i don't agree with EVERY point you make then i become "one of them" to you. how silly is that?

you dont have to take a side your allowed to be indecisive

i just want to know, what you personally think of them claiming to not be able to find the black boxes, but some how when the plane hit the north tower, and this huge fireball comes pouring out

his passport manages to fly out of his pocket through the plane through the building through the fire and they pick it up and say IT WAS HIM!!!

that doesnt seem kind of ... strange to you?

black box - destroyed? (made of virtually invincible materials)

pass port - leather and paper, unscathed
Even when a given conspiratorial statement (e.g., "jet fuel cannot weaken iron") is refuted via a controlled scientific experiment, the evidence is dismissed as suspect, irrelevant, or better yet, the experimenters are apparently in on the conspiracy!
you are SO set on proving we are crazy, you seem to have forgotten how crazy you make yourself look.
Everytime real, or good evidence is brought up, you go back to the "jet fuel cannot weaken steel/iron..*leave a few words out*" bullshit.
Yes FIRE and JET FUEL CAN weaken steel and iron. i think that is common sense but u forgot we had that.

C,mon lets see your "controlled scientific experiment" ..........................?
i'm neutral. i see both sides and pop in to point out all the flaws and embarrassments. it's like going to the bar and drinking soda pop all night. i get to observe all the drunks without ever getting a hangover.


This is kinda what i like about u.
I know u "care" but u can take a shitty situation and make me laugh sometimes.(even if it is at myself)
i think fdd makes fun of us not 911, and i can deal with that :bigjoint:
so a check will prove it was an inside job?

i don't get this whole check thing. sounds like something private. maybe you 2 can get a room. :hump::hump:

keenly was talking about how he fears the government. we were discussing that. you are just blah, blahing. do you have anything of substance to add to your own thread?

now that i see from your view, i am on the floor.
no but for real, i think CJ (you dont miss ANYTHING fdd:blsmoke:) missed the check post a 100 pages back. well its only 4 or 5 pages back, but he would not know that.
in the same clip, the ex-pig says "america dont read"
He was right!
you dont have to take a side your allowed to be indecisive

i just want to know, what you personally think of them claiming to not be able to find the black boxes, but some how when the plane hit the north tower, and this huge fireball comes pouring out

his passport manages to fly out of his pocket through the plane through the building through the fire and they pick it up and say IT WAS HIM!!!

that doesnt seem kind of ... strange to you?

black box - destroyed? (made of virtually invincible materials)

pass port - leather and paper, unscathed

i will say it again, "i am NOT a forensic scientist". i can NOT make a logical conclusion based on the minimal facts you have given me or my ability to analyze them.

told you you wouldn't get it.

if you throw a solid watermelon against the wall is EXPLODES into tiny pieces.

if you throw a piece of paper against the wall it flutters away.

check your logic at the door please.

oops, my error.

you are correct. i am wrong. it is physics.

see how easy that was? :bigjoint:

But if you throw the piece of paper, tucked into the pocket of the watermelon, slam it at 500mph into a a building with a huge explosion of jet fuel...it is not likely to "flutter away"...the physics still apply.

Maybe the guy rolled down the cockpit window (you know...to shout "Allah Akbar" at the infidels on the streets below) and in one final act of defiance before going to meet his maker (and his dates) he flung his passport out the cockpit window and shouted...Litter to America!...you filthy pigs!...Of course we would be able to verify the actual dialogue if only the flight recorder(s) did not fully sublime:confused:

lol CJ completely gave up on debate on resorts to hampering our psychological status

im sure i can find something some where that says if you stay on internet forums for too long you have a psychological problem

plenty of quacks out there

I know you must be the type that needs to be beat over the head countless times until anything sinks in, but ur right, i'm not up to that task. I don't care enough about you. The science of Psychology is in pretty much complete agreement about conspiracy psychosis.

But don't let that bother you ... it's part of the psychosis.
Psychology is NOT science! It is as much science as Voodoo and palm reading:roll:


Since psychology has been accepted in the legal system and in court, as opposed to voodoo and palm reading ... you are in error. Dismiss them all you wish ... again ... part of the psychosis.

It's not them ... it's you.
Since psychology has been accepted in the legal system and in court, as opposed to voodoo and palm reading ... you are in error. Dismiss them all you wish ... again ... part of the psychosis.

It's not them ... it's you.

Do you have an instinctual fear of herding dogs?

jessie ventura just told me that the black boxes were recovered and the government is HIDING them.

wtf is really going on?
considering the black boxes have always, in every single recorded FAA plane crash, have always been found, you tell me
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