What families? Making what up? Can you show me where "all those people" got on a plane that morning?
There is a VERY few family members that do buy the official story and those are the ones that received calls from the plane.
I am working WITH the family members of 911 not against, and that is why i am here.
he doesnt realize the founders of the truth movement were family members
seriously if people would just watch loose change, and get all the information at once... instead of getting it piece by piece, they become overwhelmed with the staggering amount of coincidences and cover ups, and its a slap in the face of how obvious it is....
Big P your little list of people is already invalid because your telling a lie, your "0" saw a missle is a lie, because the news agencies themselves, on day one, were reporting people thought a missle hit the pentagon, this video is a direct contradiction to your statement...
here is a little slip up by one of the 9/11 commissioners, saying a missle hit the pentagon, and very quickly realizing his mistake changing it to plane, im not buying it, clips like 15 seconds long
colin powell himself, when referring to the 9/11 attacks, talked about "3 planes and a missle attack" little slip on his part there
there has never been any evidence of the 4 aircraft engines at the pentagon...
so, according to the government and media lies, 4 8 foot tall, 6 ton titanium engines just vaporized
same with all the bodies on the plane, all the luggage (there WAS a destination, wasnt there?

) and to top it all off, not one single seat....
a boeing 747 has (depending on the model) 416 seats, or 524 seats, but EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM must have gone into the twilight zone, because there was not one single passenger seat found in the pentagon wreckage
im going to LOVE how you guys will attempt to discard this information
im expecting something like "everyone knows the passengers had to stand on this flight cause there were no seats" good luck