Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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No I actually surmised that one myself, you see the wings have the most massive and densest part of the plane on them. THE ENGINES!! These 7,300 pound monsters did not make a single hole in the pentagon walls, thefore something does not add up!

Wtf Do you think its a cartoon

Likes its going to be a cutout of plane in the side of the building.lol

If it wasn't a the plane that hit the building what happened to all those people who got on that flight that morning.......Where the fuck did they go?
There families just making all this shit up? People family members are dead. Kids without a mother or father, brothers killed ect.

What do you think the goverment abducted these people at the airport after they kissed their husband and wives goodbye?

You guys sick sick fucking people.
indian lake is only 1.5 or so miles from the crash site

Wouldn't most if not ALL of the pieces continued on the flight path, how do they also get moved laterally by 1.5 miles also. A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless affected by an outside force. what force caused all those pieces to deviate from the flight path? A 9 knot wind is not strong enough to carry metal 3 miles through the air. I can see paper and such being carried a long distance, but not airplane parts. I would be more inclined to believe the plane WAS shot down or had a bomb on board and broke up and scattered a large amount of debris over a wide area. I highly suspect a crash into the ground ejecting parts up to 8 miles away, doesn't follow the laws of physics.
dude people saw it crash every last one of them the only reason you arnt trying to claim that the world trade center wasnt hit by planes is because its on video tape

also there are a zillion reasons why they would confiscate any footage of the plane crashing into the pentagon as it is still and highly secured facility and much can be gleaned from that kind of footage from our enemies

also there could have been some sort of counter measures defense missles at the pentagon or lack there of which they would not want to broadcast to the whole world

those are just 2 reasons off the top of my head and you can trust the government red tape can think of a lot more than me

why cant you just admitt when your wrong man? i been wrong a thousand times, i used to get played like a little bitch and know im better for it nothing wrong with being wrong, its just how you use it to your advantage and learn from it thats key

i worry about you guys if your growing dope

ignorence and gulibilty lead to prison or death depending on which fields you choose to play
Really? You know what we think even if we don't think it? wow you must be Psychic. Ever think of making a living as a gambler. I mean if you know what eveyone elses thoughts are you should be able to make a killing.

If you have been wrong a million times, how many times have you been right?
Wtf Do you think its a cartoon

Likes its going to be a cutout of plane in the side of the building.lol

If it wasn't a the plane that hit the building what happened to all those people who got on that flight that morning.......Where the fuck did they go?
There families just making all this shit up? People family members are dead. Kids without a mother or father, brothers killed ect.

What do you think the goverment abducted these people at the airport after they kissed their husband and wives goodbye?

You guys sick sick fucking people.

your post is so laughable...

so where are the engines smart guy?

any pics or video of the engines at the pentagon? of course there isnt, because there was no plane.... there is video of the WTC getting hit there is no denying that, but there is no pentagon video...and why? at least 20 cameras were angled to see it, but it must be a plane because the media said so

wrong again :roll:

its funny that the people against the truth movement are the ones who are citing things that dont exist/didnt happen

i like watching you guys dig yourselves into holes ;) keep it up
your post is so laughable...

so where are the engines smart guy?

any pics or video of the engines at the pentagon? of course there isnt, because there was no plane.... there is video of the WTC getting hit there is no denying that, but there is no pentagon video...and why? at least 20 cameras were angled to see it, but it must be a plane because the media said so

wrong again :roll:

its funny that the people against the truth movement are the ones who are citing things that dont exist/didnt happen

i like watching you guys dig yourselves into holes ;) keep it up

dude not cuz the media said so because these people said so!!!!!! :dunce:

136 saw the plane approching the pentagon

103 of those 136 saw the plane crash into the pentagon

26 siad it was an american airlines jet

7 siad it was a boing 757

39 others described it as a large jet

2 described it as a communter plane

1 described it as a coorprate jet

8 of the witnesses were pilots!!!!!!

1 was an air traffic controller

41 saw aircraft debries!!!

2 saw bodies still strapped into thier seats

0 saw a missle hit the pentagon
im guessing people are just clicking on the video seeing the first few seconds and turning it off cuz i posted it a couple times


fast forward to 1:27 in the video
No I actually surmised that one myself, you see the wings have the most massive and densest part of the plane on them. THE ENGINES!! These 7,300 pound monsters did not make a single hole in the pentagon walls, thefore something does not add up!

it is the "pentagon" ...


she said "atomized".


Atomized? But the Gubbermint said it found DNA evidence of every single person on board. You cannot find DNA evidence in atoms. Again the official story does not add up.

The maximum speed that Boeing 757-200 could possibly fly is 600 MPH , about 1/3 the speed of the fighter jet. the fighter jet is flying into a solid 100 foot thick brick of reinforced concrete. the jets engines are not made of wood you know. Titanium will not atomize no matter how many times you smash it into a masonry structure even in excess of 1000MPH.

you ask why there were no pieces found.

i give you scientific video evidence of one possibility.

you change the direction of the question.


I can believe the atomized possibility, but then have to Not believe the official possibility. But the official possibilty is more likely, and around and around we go.
Wtf Do you think its a cartoon

Likes its going to be a cutout of plane in the side of the building.lol

If it wasn't a the plane that hit the building what happened to all those people who got on that flight that morning.......Where the fuck did they go?
There families just making all this shit up? People family members are dead. Kids without a mother or father, brothers killed ect.

What do you think the goverment abducted these people at the airport after they kissed their husband and wives goodbye?

You guys sick sick fucking people.

To be fair, the planes that hit the towers did leave a loose cutout plane shape.

And yes, I do know the Pentagon would have been reinforced and thus harder to make cutout impressions in, but the planes that hit the towers just sliced straight in, wings and all.

The Truther theory, I believe, is that the plane and it's human cargo were landed and disposed of elsewhere. Not really a technical or moral problem if you can discreetly rig 3 buildings to collapse and murder 3000+ people.
dude not cuz the media said so because these people said so!!!!!! :dunce:

136 saw the plane approching the pentagon

103 of those 136 saw the plane crash into the pentagon

26 siad it was an american airlines jet

7 siad it was a boing 757

39 others described it as a large jet

2 described it as a communter plane

1 described it as a coorprate jet

8 of the witnesses were pilots!!!!!!

1 was an air traffic controller

41 saw aircraft debries!!!

2 saw bodies still strapped into thier seats

0 saw a missle hit the pentagon

Why in the fuck am i supposed to believe your utube? Where are your sources? I posted thousands of NAMES , and you guys said they were ALL not credible? So why would i believe 130 folks?
IF you can find me 30 folks that had ANYTHING to do with 93 (friends or family), then i will give up on the 93 subject and move on. i dont mean a bunch of confused folks either , so it has to be after 911. Fuck i bet you cant find one.
Wtf Do you think its a cartoon

Likes its going to be a cutout of plane in the side of the building.lol

If it wasn't a the plane that hit the building what happened to all those people who got on that flight that morning.......Where the fuck did they go?
There families just making all this shit up? People family members are dead. Kids without a mother or father, brothers killed ect.

What do you think the goverment abducted these people at the airport after they kissed their husband and wives goodbye?

You guys sick sick fucking people.

What families? Making what up? Can you show me where "all those people" got on a plane that morning?
There is a VERY few family members that do buy the official story and those are the ones that received calls from the plane.
I am working WITH the family members of 911 not against, and that is why i am here.
What families? Making what up? Can you show me where "all those people" got on a plane that morning?
There is a VERY few family members that do buy the official story and those are the ones that received calls from the plane.
I am working WITH the family members of 911 not against, and that is why i am here.

show me YOUR proof. where did you come up with this? you won't except others info, where do you get yours?
What families? Making what up? Can you show me where "all those people" got on a plane that morning?
There is a VERY few family members that do buy the official story and those are the ones that received calls from the plane.
I am working WITH the family members of 911 not against, and that is why i am here.

he doesnt realize the founders of the truth movement were family members

seriously if people would just watch loose change, and get all the information at once... instead of getting it piece by piece, they become overwhelmed with the staggering amount of coincidences and cover ups, and its a slap in the face of how obvious it is....

Big P your little list of people is already invalid because your telling a lie, your "0" saw a missle is a lie, because the news agencies themselves, on day one, were reporting people thought a missle hit the pentagon, this video is a direct contradiction to your statement...


here is a little slip up by one of the 9/11 commissioners, saying a missle hit the pentagon, and very quickly realizing his mistake changing it to plane, im not buying it, clips like 15 seconds long


colin powell himself, when referring to the 9/11 attacks, talked about "3 planes and a missle attack" little slip on his part there

there has never been any evidence of the 4 aircraft engines at the pentagon...

so, according to the government and media lies, 4 8 foot tall, 6 ton titanium engines just vaporized

same with all the bodies on the plane, all the luggage (there WAS a destination, wasnt there? :roll: ) and to top it all off, not one single seat....

a boeing 747 has (depending on the model) 416 seats, or 524 seats, but EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM must have gone into the twilight zone, because there was not one single passenger seat found in the pentagon wreckage

im going to LOVE how you guys will attempt to discard this information

im expecting something like "everyone knows the passengers had to stand on this flight cause there were no seats" good luck
guess it's easier to just make 300 people disappear? forever?

what 300 people would that be exactly? according to the mainstream media there were only 64?

but they must have disappeared, after all, no bodies... so that leaves 2 options...

A) no plane

B) disappearing corpses / seats / wings / engines / tail / windows

did you know? the plane that "hit" the pentagon, tail number N644AA, is still in use today? interesting
what 300 people would that be exactly? according to the mainstream media there were only 64?

but they must have disappeared, after all, no bodies... so that leaves 2 options...

A) no plane

B) disappearing corpses / seats / wings / engines / tail / windows

did you know? the plane that "hit" the pentagon, tail number N644AA, is still in use today? interesting

sorry, my mistake. (see how easy it is?) :-P

there were 2 planes that never existed though. do you happen to have those #'s? including flight crew. that's a pretty big group of people to hide. forever. and then to get their families to go along with it, or not.

wait, they aren't dead because they weren't on the plane so why would family members be the ones wanting an investigation?

so many questions.
could you imagine how much money you could make if you were to be "the whistle blower"? sooner or later someone will have to talk about it. out of ALL the people LYING, one of them has got to crack. sooner or later. no?
so many questions.

indeed isnt there? why is it so hard to get an answer to them?

did you know that 70% of the victims families questions were never answered by neither the 9/11 commission or our government leaders?
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