Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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could you imagine how much money you could make if you were to be "the whistle blower"? sooner or later someone will have to talk about it. out of ALL the people LYING, one of them has got to crack. sooner or later. no?

havent you seen what happens to some one of high public stature comes out in favor of the 9/11 truth movement?

public humiliation by the media as well as almost always a dishonorable discharge from their position

this guy is no government official but this is an example of what the media would do to such person

attack credibility, insult, fire

FDD imagine how much money you can make, even Big P and CJ, if you can would just go out and prove the truthers wrong!!

you guys would be fucking hero's!!

USA! USA! USA! :roll:
havent you seen what happens to some one of high public stature comes out in favor of the 9/11 truth movement?

public humiliation by the media as well as almost always a dishonorable discharge from their position

you never gave me an answer. it's your story, help me understand.

how many people are "missing" off those 2 flights? and how have they been kept SILENT?

2 very easy questions to answer. can you?
the first question is simple a "FACT" and there should be NO dispute. if you have that number, .....
They have no answers, only questions....

The answers have already been provided, in spades.

Denial is no way to go through life.

The Pentagon is the strongest building on earth and was specifically designed to be so. The WTT's were NOT ... that's the difference.
yeah keenly you must be the densest person on earth i not only showed you a live video of 1 witness,

where they took the missle thing out of context but i showed you a list of the

136 witnesses



if thats not enough info for you to confirm they exist then you are a complete beep

im sorry to say. other than pesonally tracking these people down and flying them to you and having them tell you in thier own words what happend

i bet even then your thick head would still be in denial

save the fact that several people who went into rescue mode personally saw and picked up body parts, one guy found a whole arm some saw passengers still in thier seats, even donald rumsfeld got in the rescue effort and even had a peice of the plane displayed on his desk where he showed it to the guy interviewing him

do you even realize how many local police and fire officials would be on the scene!!! you clearly have not thought things through

dont you think these workers would have said if they did not see and clean up bodies as per the offcial story man??

im serious man i hope you are still in your younger years you really have a lot to learn and im not saying that to be a dick

cuz me likes you keens, you always cool.
show me YOUR proof. where did you come up with this? you won't except others info, where do you get yours?
I read alot. Thats my source , what i read. I already said i cant prove shit, and the fact that me's and you's know more about this subject then all of the commission calls for a real investigation.
I'll start with reading a report from AP then it will lead me all the way to utubes. Just like you guys i only take in what i really believe is true.
I have never heard of or read about a family member other then the ones already stated, that does not mean i am correct in saying they do not exist but that is what i believe period. (until you guys show me different and that video is a good start but in my opinion its a "cjmade" video to make people like me look "crazy" and i know that will be coming more in the future.)
yeah keenly you must be the densest person on earth i not only showed you a live video of 1 witness,

where they took the missle thing out of context but i showed you a list of the

136 witnesses

When I did that (real names not utube ones), they were all uncredible, so yes your ONE video has been watched and it seems bullshit to me? You just skip through this whole thread eh? You should try to read more. why are you so concerned with us for asking questions? How is that hurting you one bit?
wait, they aren't dead because they weren't on the plane so why would family members be the ones wanting an investigation?

so many questions.
again, you will not find any family members except the ones in wtc. You would think them folks would be mad as fuck at me and the others that think this ?
Its a good Video "Money Masters", lots of good info, but Bill Still the narrator and host bugs the shit out of me with his pointed gestures. Its like the newscaster who blinks 10 times per second during his whole newscast. really gets under my skin.

He is trying to be like Bob Dole...The pen thing bugs me a little also, but the info is needed!

dude there are even witnesses who say[...]

¡Dios Mios! ¡Mira, Mira...aya El Chupacabra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i worry about you guys if your growing dope

ignorence and gulibilty lead to prison or death depending on which fields you choose to play

What kind of pot head...much less someone who cares enough to grow their own refer to Cannabis as "DOPE"?...interesting final commentary.

you ask why there were no pieces found.

i give you scientific video evidence of one possibility.

you change the direction of the question.



If the plane "atomized" the energy released would limit the damage created to the target...the force diagram has a nearly equal force in the opposite direction of the momentum...as I think has already been pointed out, would also make recovering all of the passengers DNA...difficult to say the least.

wait, they aren't dead because they weren't on the plane so why would family members be the ones wanting an investigation?

so many questions.

Family members of the victims of WTC 1 and 2...who were not on any plane.

so there no family members from the other 2 planes who care? oh wait a minute, duh. they are all still alive.

you guys are so full of shit.
so there no family members from the other 2 planes who care? oh wait a minute, duh. they are all still alive.

you guys are so full of shit.
I never said that. Not that I have gone looking, but the early
:fire:TRUTHERS:fire: that I heard, that were family members, were of victims who worked at WTC...And I am pretty sure that the only people who survived those two planes...were actually the Terrorists;-)

The 9/11 Commission...is full of shit.

, even donald rumsfeld got in the rescue effort and even had a peice of the plane displayed on his desk where he showed it to the guy interviewing him

Donald Rumsfeld was allowed to keep federal evidence of a murder scene? Really? Got any proof of this?
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