Big P
Well-Known Member
Got a coroners report or something besides hearsay to back up the "Bodies found still strapped into seats" or do you think possibly since 125 office workers were killed that it could just be them in their office chairs? When you are 500 feet away its probably hard to tell.
dude theres many photos of the rescue much closer than the 500 feet your truther buddies only wanna show you

ok heres one to start:
there a lot of people there huh? they were all in on it right? cuz they were sent there to pic up the pieces and investigate, but they all noticed there was no plane and not a single one of them said anything !!!!!!!! right?

ok if you notice the plane crashed with 1 wing tilting down almost hitting the ground, that means the other wing was tilted up. from the picture above you can see a high diagonal charmark from the wing pointing hi on the left and the low diagonal charr mark on the right from the other wing pointing down. then in the center you see the hole the plane body went through which then later collapes into a larger hole.

hey what that up there smart guy???? looks like a plane to me

ok here another little piece

and here is more wreckage of the plane including luggage of the passengers

any questions???????????