Ok all you Techies.. looking to cut the cord on Dish

You mean Mbps. But that's decent what you have. I have shitty DSL that's like ~7 Mbps. This is a good thread though. I've got a Roku box here but haven't messed with it yet. I think you can get the local channels through it too I find I remember right, but I'm not sure.

Small b is bit. Big B is Byte. The nomenclature is actually fairly important in the IT environment.
Any of you are welcome to join my plex server.

I have not had any sort of pay service since 2002. Everything I've wanted to watch I've just downloaded, and being a digital hoarder I never delete any of it. Every few weeks I hop on Rotten Tomatoes and download the top rated shows for each genre. In addition, I've had decades of friends suggesting/requesting stuff to add to it, so my server has a vast selection of shows and movies. It's around 26TB of stuff. The biggest problem is that its so huge it can be exhausting to browse, but I do have it broken down into genres and categories.

I have a few friends who use it as their primary service, but I'd love to have a few more users to justify the time and money I've spent putting it together. So if you want access just PM me your plex username.
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Well, as soon as Dish comes back online, Im cutting the cord. You can't even get on thier website, or even if you do get ahold of someone on the phone, they can't access your account. They were hacked on Feb 23rd, and have been down since. People who aren't on autopay are getting charged late fees, and/or getting cut off because they can't pay online... fucking stupid.
Hey go to craigslist and look ok up fire stick that's unlocked gots everything free new movies old movie all the TV shows and it's all free they cost like 100$ if you find right person I have had one for 2 years and no problems at all
My aunt got one of these, she likes it. Just probably need to add & pay for a VPN app on the firestick if you're gonna use it 8-)

Aaron about 2 weeks after cutting live-tv you'll be like "I never needed that". It's like quitting Soda Pop. It's good for you. Maybe get Hulu but you'll mostly end up watching YouTube.
My aunt got one of these, she likes it. Just probably need to add & pay for a VPN app on the firestick if you're gonna use it 8-)

Aaron about 2 weeks after cutting live-tv you'll be like "I never needed that". It's like quitting Soda Pop. It's good for you. Maybe get Hulu but you'll mostly end up watching YouTube.
Yeah.. im sure. 90% of the time, we have music playing anyways. We watch alot of stuff on Amazon Prime.
We stopped our xfinity tv service a few months ago and kept the internet service. Really happy to have lost the bill and the drone of nonsense (cable news, etc) that comes with it. We also listen to xm or other music most of the time.

Roku itself is free (other than purchase price or their own subscription service). It’s just a device to access services. One thing I really like is that subscription services are monthly. You can add and drop as you like, rather than automatically paying the monthly cable fee. When the second part of Dune comes out on HBO, for example, I’ll grab it for a month or two, watch everything I want to watch, and then cancel.

Accessing live sports on the networks is something that adds cost. We wanted to watch the World Cup and needed to subscribe to Hulu for a month or two at 80$+. I miss watching lots of sports, but the cost is silly and can’t really be justified, for me anyway. I sub to Netflix, Amazon, Espn+ and peacock. Apple TV off and on. Watch a ton of YouTube stuff also, all through the Roku.

If you want to watch stuff like you mentioned, American idol, etc, you can get a much less expensive subscription to hulu (under 15$ I think) that lets you watch just about anything on replay. You just can’t watch it live for the less expensive service. Next day, I believe, and usually all episodes of a given season, if not all season.

Long ramble. We’re saving money and using time more pleasantly after canceling our cable equivalent.
Yeah.. im sure. 90% of the time, we have music playing anyways. We watch alot of stuff on Amazon Prime.
I watch Hulu, YouTube, Amazon Prime & Peacock installed on the Roku Box ($100 one time charge) set-top box with controller. Real easy to use. Hulu (without live tv) $15 & peacock $12 (both no ads) combined is $27/mo. That's my total monthly bill for ad free tv libraries $27.
I refuse to pay for anything other than internet. There is plenty of free stuff available. I have a bunch of the free apps on my smart TV. Been watching Hunter reruns on Tubi. That Dee Dee McCall was a cutie back in the day.
If you have a smart tv then you can install an app called plex. It comes preinstalled on many TV's, also works on desktop/laptop. It's free and comes with a "live tv" channel lineup similar to pluto. A lot of the channels are distinct from pluto's lineup, so if you combine the two you actually end up with several hundred channels to choose from. Pretty decent selection, but just like most free streaming apps the commercials are excessive.

However, this is not the main reason you should get plex. The primary function of plex is to allow users to share their digital media collection with each other. I am a digital media hoarder. I cut to cord back in 2002 and been collecting stuff ever since. I am happy to share my collection with fellow stoners. You can enjoy the fruits of my OCD. Make a plex account, PM me your username, and I'll invite you.
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