Ok Plants Are In Pots and The Lights Are On....Let The Grow Begin


Well-Known Member
Not that I trust all the BS from the Hydro shop guys, but they def spent time with me to dial in the Co2. Let's hope it's solid info. My room is 1300cuft. Basically a 200sqft room with about 7ft ceilings.

Using a bottle, regulator and that timer we came up with this...(keep in mind the regulator has glass chingas where a ball floats in the air. That little ball when the tank valve is opened floats. You adjust the knob to a desired number)

level 2 = 29min on every 1 hour for 1500ppm
level 3 = 19min on every 1 hour for 1500ppm
level 4 = 14min on every 1 hour for 1500ppm

A few thoughts. These settings (if accurate) only fill the room. Nobody could tell me how fast my plants would consume the Co2. My plants are still babies. Just put them in the room a few days ago so I'm running an half strenght on the bottle. I chose level 2 for 15min to achieve what is supposed to be about 750ppm. In a week or so when my veggin is done and the girls are really strong and I flip to 12/12 I will run level 4 every hour to acheive 1500ppm.

I'm also running a fresh air intake AC unit. That' supposedly should bring in another 300ppm.

Final analysis...I'm only dealing with all this bull shit cause my room is sealed. My room is sealed because I need a sealed room. My humidity averages well over 60% so the sealed room gives me the chance to run a dehumidifier and use it effectively. I'm not terribly concerned with my Co2 ppm so long as I'm feeding the room at an adequate rate. I don't think + or - 500ppm is going to kill me. I got buddies with the same gear, some with Co2 fancy boxes and others just using fresh AC intake. Both yield almost the same. So who knows...

I'm learning the numbers to learn them. I could buy a fancy box but I know people that doubt those. So basically I'm fakin' it till I make it....making chicken soup out of chicken shit. I'm gonna watch my plants and see what happens. But I know for a sealed room you do need Co2. I'm pretty fucking close to sealed and I'm pretty fuckin sure I'll be staring at my regulator and timer until harvest and dry weigh ins :)

Edit- Those plants are rocking dude. I'm doing hydro for the first time and that soil with those wings makes me feel like I'm drinking hot coco with an old comfy sweater on while watching "A Christmas Story." Part of me wants to dump my hydro and buy some winged reflectors and some dirt! They look really good man.

That was my problem. I know, using a couple formulas and calculators I found online how long it takes my 6CFH CO2 generator to fill my room to the optimum level. I just dont know how long it takes to dissipate, therefore how often to cycle it. I went and got a recycle timer this afternoon FINALLY. I ended up getting the ART-2 and I set it for 10 minutes on every 80 minutes. Ill start there. My room is pretty tightly sealed.

I would double check those numbers. There is another calculator here: http://www.hydrofarm.com/co2calc.php

Dude, under optimal conditions CO2 enrichment can double your yield . Seriously. The problem is every aspect of your grow has to be at optimum conditions. If you are lacking in just one, water, Nutrients, light, temperature, humidity. Its going to limit the efectiveness of your CO2.
I sealed my room completely by choice rather than need. Following the instruction of Advanced Nutrients and The Urban Grower. If you talk to them a sealed room is better than venting.

"Fancy Boxes" do you mean the CO2 controllers? I dont know who your talking to that you doubt those or CO2 enrichment but you are getting some bad advice my friend. This isnt some kind of voodoo trickery. It is proven scientific fact. CO2 enrichment works and those "fancy Box" controllers and CO2 generators keep CO2 at an optimal level.

Thanks for the compliment:bigjoint:. Its going so good Im almost expecting something to go wrong.

Good luck with your first hydro grow. When I was building my room I started a thread HERE and I was really close to going hydro. I even bought a 48 site aeroponic system. Kick ass system. But I ended up selling it and going soil. Im sure hydroponics is in my future though.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
How do u water all them plants?
This bad boy right here.

The Haws 1.5 gallon outdoor plastic watering can with a 6 inch extension and fine spray rose.

It works perfect. I used to use a regular 2 gallon watering pail and I got water everywhere and a sore back trying to get to all the plants. But since I got this, its been no problem and hardly any spill.
I have enough room to walk along the walls on each side and this has the reach to get to any plant no problem.


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify. I'm a firm believer in Co2. But if I were to believe everything that the guys at the Hydro shops were telling me, I would have $800 of Advanced Nutes for every grow. That's what I meant. But they too are lacking on knowledge of Co2. So I don't over think it. I figured out what it will take to fill my room and I do that every hour.

My buddy has been hitting 3-4p's per 4x8 tray for years running 2x1000w, rockwool and Co2. My buddy who doesn't run Co2 hits 2.5-3ps. Both solid numbers but the Co2 could be the difference. They even grow the same strain and same amount of plants...12.


Well-Known Member
Things are still going pretty well. Im still seeing great growth from all but a couple of my girls. Nice and bushy with plenty of tops.:bigjoint: On another good note, I bought a couple of Co2 test kits and I took a couple random tests throughout the day in my growroom and my CO2 is right on at 2000 PPM. Which tells me I am running my timer perfectly. I still want to get a controller but the timer seems to be working awesome for now!!

Now the bad. I was supposedto start flowering last week on the 15th. I switched my digital timer over to 12/12 but a couple days later I noticed I forgot to change my bulbs. So I switched the timer off so I could change the bulbs. Then when I switched the timer back on, I guess I didnt switch it to AUTO, I switched it to ON and my lights ran for 24HRS a day for like about 5 days before I realized it on Sunday.:dunce::oops:.
My second problem I ran into is nutrient burn. I was thinking I was having a problem with nutrient lock-out. I tested my PH and it was right at 7. I talked to my local hydroponics store guy and he told me it was the way i was watering that was causing my problems so I am gonna correct that and see if it helps. I have my pots sitting in plastic saucers that catch the run-off from my watering. He told me after watering I should empty the saucers of any run-off. Instead Ive been letting it sit in there til it evaporates or the plant soaks it up. His advice sounded logical. Is he correct?
If so, Im gonna have to come up with a better system cause its a pain trying to empty those things with 5 and 7 gallon pots on them. I was thinking maybe lifting the pots with blocks or something and then they can drain into the saucers below without soaking in them.

Here are some pics.












Well-Known Member
nice grow man, i would remove a bunch of those lower branches.

Let em grow dude. They'll figure out what needs to produce cola's. Yeah the timer. Shit dude, who hasn't left one "on." I flipped mine last night and am thinking to myself "did I flip the timer though???"

Looking really nice man.


Well-Known Member
Let em grow dude. They'll figure out what needs to produce cola's. Yeah the timer. Shit dude, who hasn't left one "on." I flipped mine last night and am thinking to myself "did I flip the timer though???"

Looking really nice man.
Yeah Im gonna have to agree with you DubsFan. I did actually lollipop a couple weeks ago when I topped. To get some airflow and also Id end up snapping or damaging some of those lower stems when I water if I didnt. But Im happy with where they are at now. But thanks for your input nordowell and thanks for droppin in. Check back soon for big nugs:bigjoint:. (Hopefully:wink:)

I been checking out your grow DubsFan, lookin good man. I dont often comment, mostly because I usually dont have anything itelligent to say but Ive been lurking.


Well-Known Member
This picture was taken with the camera at the level of the top of the canopy. The plants around the one being measured are taller. So the 1000W bulb is only 12 1/2" from the tip of that plant and I dont go lower only because that is as low as my lights will go unless I add longer chains. If my memory is correct, I couldnt get anywhere close to that with my regular hood(not air cooled) or I fried my plants(It really happened:wall:)


Well-Known Member
This picture was taken with the camera at the level of the top of the canopy. The plants around the one being measured are taller. So the 1000W bulb is only 12 1/2" from the tip of that plant and I dont go lower only because that is as low as my lights will go unless I add longer chains. If my memory is correct, I couldnt get anywhere close to that with my regular hood(not air cooled) or I fried my plants(It really happened:wall:)

Do I see lady bugs :bigjoint:

Question, what is your total veg time at 13" of plant height? Cool, thanks for checking out my grow. I don't know shit either so don't sweat it. Give em light, air and feed...they'll grow.


Well-Known Member
duuuuDEEEE!!! im hella jeolous .. how do i subscribe?

Yeah man stick around. Up at the top of the page under the page numbers click on Thread Tools, then subscribe.

Thanks man but dont get to jealous until the harvest. Im still not really confident but im learning. Im still afraid im gonna fuck somethin up.


Well-Known Member
I was working in the garden today so I took a few shots. Sorry about the crappy lighting. The only lights I got in the grow room are the grow lights. I was thinkin about putting a couple lights in there so I can switch off my lights once in awhile to take some good pictures pictures and I wont be in pitch dark.

Anyway I was working in the garden today moving some plants around and I also solved the problem of my pots soaking in the trays after watering.

Simple solution:

Group shot of my White Widows

And A couple solo shots Of the White Widow. Again sorry about the crappy lighting. Its really annoying me.

Bushy bushy

Welcome to The jungle

Hope you enjoy. Comments are welcome.


Well-Known Member
my wife is getting me one for chrismas! those plants look cool. did you lolliepop? i whould rep ya but i cant for a while.