Ok So PEEP This..


Active Member
tell me what youre thinkin:
i'd say she's about 4 weeks or so.



OKAY NOW im hopin these twisted leaves will either just grow out normally and i can clip them or they'll die naturally, either way i just think they're ugly


Well-Known Member
curling leaves can be a sign of slight nute burn. I had a couple bagseeds end up with a bunch of leaves that looked like clovers. I overfed the shit out of it in some MG soil but it stayed dark green and otherwise healthy until it was sexed out as a male


Well-Known Member
It needs to be fed the cotyledons are yellow, that is a good sign that she is ready to be fed
Start at 1/4 strength
Also, the top leaves look like they are getting eaten by something, are there any bugs?


Well-Known Member
hmm, plant is healthy. been on reverse osmosis pure water for about a week and a half now.
oh ok well hells bells man who knows i personally havent dealt with any leaes that are kinda half eaten looking. you sure you dont have a stray grasshopper or catterpillar in there somewhere?


Well-Known Member
haha i dont see any genetalia yet man. but other than that they look gret pretty good color on the leaves except the yellowing new growth, it could very well be a small N def.


Active Member
ACTUALLY, I FIGURED OUT WHAT THOSE HOLES WERE FROM, AMAZINGLY. it was from tiny balls of sap that fell from the wood bemas above the plant onto the new leaf growth and i guess the sap burned the plant, see how its only on one leaf?


Well-Known Member
The top leaf is hacked up and there is little holes on the other leaves
I doubt it was from sap dude, it looks like you have bugs


Active Member
what does a very young female plant look like?

what you're looking for isn't there yet. some show before going to flower, some don't. you may see pistils (white hairs at the nodes) when it gets more mature. right now it's still growing symmetrically with side by side nodes.


Well-Known Member
Good man that makes sense if you have been having this crappy westher lately, that'll bring out sap. But a female and male plant are identical relatively speaking, unless you know the strain very well and can tell from the looks of previous crops. If you veg long enough some strains will show preflowers but as a good rule of thumb you wont know the true sex of a plant from seed until 2 weeks or so into the flowering light schedule.


Well-Known Member
The top leaf is hacked up and there is little holes on the other leaves
I doubt it was from sap dude, it looks like you have bugs
if the sap created magnified spots on the leaves that got burnt up and rubbed off it could cause the promlems. its the same as water droplets causing burn spots.


Well-Known Member
Do you not see that top leaf smokey?
It is missing part of the lead at both sides of the vein
That must have been one huge drop of sap that left no residue at all....