OK then. Biden 2020.

This thread is awesome. It’s the first time I can remember that the Democratic candidates are so horrific that no one knows who to vote for. Even in this thread people are locked in for a week and then change the very next week. Talk about a train wreck.
May we please have our primary before our nominee is selected?

Bernie gave focus but none of his policies were new or outside of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has been working toward single payer-universal access to health care services for decades. The error in judgement made by the socialist youth movement that Bernie exploited is blaming Democrats for the time it has taken.

Bernie did harm and that truth should not be overlooked when you try to "salve" the hurt butts among his cult. The future must be written using facts.
Youth always rebels against the "establishment" in our modern dynamic societies, until they become the establishment themselves. Left wing social policies have been with the democrats since FDR and liberal ones started when Truman desegregated the military. When johnson signed the voter rights act and civil right legislation the die was cast and the racist began a migration to the GOP, a stampede in the south with the Nixon southern strategy.

Bernie's impact is a matter of opinion, he brought the democratic party alive and made it relevant to a generation of Americans whose political views will change and evolve over time and experience. It's a binary choice in America and that's not enough to accomodate all points of view sometimes. Historians will write the truth about these times, for these too are the times that try men's souls.
Youth always rebels against the "establishment" in our modern dynamic societies, until they become the establishment themselves. Left wing social policies have been with the democrats since FDR and liberal ones started when Truman desegregated the military. When johnson signed the voter rights act and civil right legislation the die was cast and the racist began a migration to the GOP, a stampede in the south with the Nixon southern strategy.

Bernie's impact is a matter of opinion, he brought the democratic party alive and made it relevant to a generation of Americans whose political views will change and evolve over time and experience. It's a binary choice in America and that's not enough to accomodate all points of view sometimes. Historians will write the truth about these times, for these too are the times that try men's souls.
It's a fact that Bernie's divisive and fact free rhetoric did harm to the cause of advancing the US toward a better society. I don't blame his supporters for Trump's win in 2016 but Sanders did as much as Republicans to suppress votes that led to Trump's win. He already has had a similar effect this cycle. This is not a matter of opinion and it's truly obnoxious of you to say so.

Salving people's egos with lies isn't helping one bit.
It's a fact that Bernie's divisive and fact free rhetoric did harm to the cause of advancing the US toward a better society. I don't blame his supporters for Trump's win in 2016 but Sanders did as much as Republicans to suppress votes that led to Trump's win. He already has had a similar effect this cycle. This is not a matter of opinion and it's truly obnoxious of you to say so.

Salving people's egos with lies isn't helping one bit.
Well I still like Bernie and I won't lie to do it either, I want them to vote to be rid of trump, not convert them to neoliberals. I have limited objectives!

If you put your country before yourself, you'll do the right thing. If they won't, then they are no different than trumpers, putting their own issues before the welfare of their country and fellow citizens. Patriotism means more than waving a flag, it sometimes means swallowing real hard and doing the right thing for the good of the country.
Some aren't going to vote. Very few are going to vote for Trump.

Give them 10 years and the Democratic Party will probably look a lot more like what they envision. Sanders will be their icon but not leader by then.
Sanders needs to get out now and keep his big mouth shut.
If and when he starts bad mouthing Joe those words will be echoed by Trump and used maliciously to further devise the Democratic Party and keep Bernie devotees at home or hitching a ride with Trump. Let’s be honest here, Bernie supporters aren’t the brightest and they are easily manipulated. Bernie will turn them against Joe to the point of no return. Bernie needs to man up now if he has any real vision of helping unite the Democratic Party to beat Trump, He needs to simply drop the fuck out ASAP...If he does not that will show his true communist ties shining through and Putin will be rolling on the floor laughing.
Well I still like Bernie and I won't lie to do it either, I want them to vote to be rid of trump, not convert them to neoliberals. I have limited objectives!

If you put your country before yourself, you'll do the right thing. If they won't, then they are no different than trumpers, putting their own issues before the welfare of their country and fellow citizens. Patriotism means more than waving a flag, it sometimes means swallowing real hard and doing the right thing for the good of the country.
It doesn't matter what you think of Sanders. It only matters that you stick to facts when talking about him. He did great harm to this country in 2016 and has done the same in 2020. There is plenty of evidence that Bernie let slide the fact that Putin and Republicans used his campaign to further Trump's re-election. If you can say you still like him when confronted with those facts, well, that's on you. Just don't gloss over the harm he wrought with full knowledge of what was going on.
Sanders needs to get out now and keep his big mouth shut.
If and when he starts bad mouthing Joe those words will be echoed by Trump and used maliciously to further devise the Democratic Party and keep Bernie devotees at home or hitching a rise with Trump. Let’s be honest here, Bernie supporters aren’t the brightest and they are easily manipulated. Bernie will turn them against Joe to the point of no return. Bernie needs to man up now if he has any real vision of helping unite the Democratic Party to beat Trump, He simplydrop the fuck out ASAP...If he does not his that that will show his true communist ties shining through and Putin will be rolling on the floor laughing.
Yup. But we both know he's going to continue on with his campaign against the Democratic Party. That's what it was all about from the beginning. As Bernie says, "Democrats are why Republicans are in power". If he believes that then he has every reason to go after us. He never was a Democrat.
Yup. But we both know he's going to continue on with his campaign against the Democratic Party. That's what it was all about from the beginning. As Bernie says, "Democrats are why Republicans are in power". If he believes that then he has every reason to go after us. He never was a Democrat.
Bloomberg needs to start a major advertising campaign to destroy Bernie first then Trump. Get those Russian video tapes of Bernie in Russia naked partying airing immediately !
It doesn't matter what you think of Sanders. It only matters that you stick to facts when talking about him. He did great harm to this country in 2016 and has done the same in 2020. There is plenty of evidence that Bernie let slide the fact that Putin and Republicans used his campaign to further Trump's re-election. If you can say you still like him when confronted with those facts, well, that's on you. Just don't gloss over the harm he wrought with full knowledge of what was going on.
Oh I won't be talking about Bernie's virtues anymore, it does not serve my purpose or is America's best interest after last night and looking into the crystal ball. When the field is clear I'll be chopping heads off for Joe around here and supporting those who oppose Trump bigly. You know how much I love Trumpers? Time to close up ranks Foggy, I'm on the team, Bernie who?
Bloomberg needs to start a major advertising campaign to destroy Bernie first then Trump.
That's not a bad idea.

The attack should (I hope) stick to facts and present the argument against Bernie, not his policies. That's what I'd hope happens. I've always supported the policies Bernie promoted. Which is why I still support Warren even though she hasn't a wisp of a chance now. I think the policies are what initially attracted supporters to Bernie. His vile rhetoric and propaganda are part of the reasons I think Bernie was so damaging to this country.
Oh I won't be talking about Bernie's virtues anymore, it does not serve my purpose or is America's best interest after last night and looking into the crystal ball. When the field is clear I'll be chopping heads off for Joe around here and supporting those who oppose Trump bigly. You know how much I love Trumpers? Time to close up ranks Foggy, I'm on the team, Bernie who?
OK, so maybe my post was wound too tightly.

I'm a proponent of looking at the facts before making a decision about what to do next. "Salving butt hurt" comes second. Can't heal until the cause is identified. Just look at Trump's lost expression when talking with health care leadership. Trump can't lead us well during the "severe disruption" that was said to be likely because he doesn't have a clue what it is and rejects the need for gathering information before taking action. In the case of Sanders, he is and will be, a tool of Republican strategists to put Trump in office.

So, no. Sanders is a harmful agent to the US. His followers might not recognize this but avoiding the subject isn't going to help except to give them an out from confronting cognitive dissonance caused by differences between their belief and the facts.
Sanders needs to get out now and keep his big mouth shut.
If and when he starts bad mouthing Joe those words will be echoed by Trump and used maliciously to further devise the Democratic Party and keep Bernie devotees at home or hitching a ride with Trump. Let’s be honest here, Bernie supporters aren’t the brightest and they are easily manipulated. Bernie will turn them against Joe to the point of no return. Bernie needs to man up now if he has any real vision of helping unite the Democratic Party to beat Trump, He needs to simply drop the fuck out ASAP...If he does not that will show his true communist ties shining through and Putin will be rolling on the floor laughing.
I agree the sooner the better and Joe needs a big enough margin of delegates to make it happen, a decisive victory is unifying. However Bernie carries the hopes and dreams of tens of millions of passionate supports who gave small donations and if there is a path forward he will go to the convention, sometimes it's not always about him. Don't alienate these people, welcome them into the fold and fight, put their passion to work against Trump. Bernie will endorse Joe if he loses and he will lose fair and square, just like joe won.
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OK, so maybe my post was wound too tightly.

I'm a proponent of looking at the facts before making a decision about what to do next. "Salving butt hurt" comes second. Can't heal until the cause is identified. Just look at Trump's lost expression when talking with health care leadership. Trump can't lead us well during the "severe disruption" that was said to be likely because he doesn't have a clue what it is and rejects the need for gathering information before taking action. In the case of Sanders, he is and will be a tool of Republican strategists to put Trump in office.

So, no. Sanders is a harmful agent to the US. His followers might not recognize this but avoiding the subject isn't going to help except to give them an out from confronting cognitive dissonance caused by difference between their belief and the facts.
Just looking ahead a few months when passions cool and everybody is struggling for their fucking lives when trump's coronavirus plague hits in full force. He fucked this up and the resulting tragedy in North America needs to be hung around his Goddamn neck until november. I'm gonna call it Trump's fucking plague.
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Just looking ahead a few months when passions cool and everybody is struggling for their fucking lives when trump's coronavirus plague hits in full force. He fucked this up and the resulting tragedy in North America needs to be hung around his Goddamn neck until november. I'm gonna call it Tump's fucking plague.
I was using Trump's poor use of facts as an analogy to explain why avoiding the facts when "salving butt hurt" isn't going to further the main objective. Very soon now, they will start up with a story about how the nomination was "stolen from Bernie" by "the establishment". Look for it. You can't fight lies with lies. Or maybe you can but winning that way isn't worth the cost.
I was using Trump's poor use of facts as an analogy to explain why avoiding the facts when "salving butt hurt" isn't going to further the main objective. Very soon now, they will start up with a story about how the nomination was "stolen from Bernie" by "the establishment". Look for it. You can't fight lies with lies. Or maybe you can but winning that way isn't worth the cost.
If I believe Joe won fair and square, I'm very effective at dealing with such bullshit by going to the true motives and intentions, whether it be a Trumper or a Bernie bro who is peddling divisive bullshit, for whatever reason. The trumpers are easy to figure out, the Bernie bros might be a mixed bag of motivations.