OK then. Biden 2020.

If I believe Joe won fair and square, I'm very effective at dealing with such bullshit by going to the true motives and intentions, whether it be a Trumper or a Bernie bro who is peddling divisive bullshit, for whatever reason. The trumpers are easy to figure out, the Bernie bros might be a mixed bag of motivations.
You are right in pointing out that Sanders suppoters are not a monolithic group. That said, there is a common thread to all of them. They have all been soaking in vile right wing propaganda. It is well known that repeated exposure to well crafted propaganda can affect even the most skeptical and informed. Even @londonfog is talking like a Bernie bro and repeating the racist undertones of their rhetoric. Not that I think he IS racist but he is repeating some of their racist bullshit. @ttystikk , @Padawanbater2 , @schuylaar and others went off the deep end a long time ago, pushed there by the same thing. I don't know if @PJ Diaz is a paid for propaganda troll or if he's another example of the damage done by Republican and Putin's propaganda war on our Republic.
I hope he does too. Trump is going to get the living shit kicked out of him and thrown to the lions. How difficult is it going to be getting these Bernie supporters to back Biden? we know what sore losers they are .
I think @Fogdog has it right mostly with his down the road they will look back and see the Democratic party is not the devil they thought it was based on the online propaganda. Unfortunately the ones that are stuck in the noise are going to still get pounded with whatever they cook up next. The Republicans are already kicking up their Benghazi-esq noise (say @schuylaar already bring up Berisma-Joe).

These people have been being worked on for years and Sanders will likely pull a 2016 and stick around until July, by then they will have been nailing Joe as being the same as Trump the entire time.

But a lot are just normal people who like Bernie, and will vote for anything to get Trump out, so all is not lost for Joe gaining their support. It will be a interesting summer/fall.

I am really worried about the Latino voters however, Russia has been trolling them heavily since 2016.

This thread is awesome. It’s the first time I can remember that the Democratic candidates are so horrific that no one knows who to vote for. Even in this thread people are locked in for a week and then change the very next week. Talk about a train wreck.

Democrats don't require cult leadership to work together and get shit done.
Oh well I guess it is more about seeing Trump out of office versus any movement on progressive ideas. Well at least I wont have to do anything with raise or changing portfolio. On a brighter note Little league baseball has started. Will be certainly taking on a team this year. More fun teaching and enjoying children learning and enjoying the game.
Oh well I guess it is more about seeing Trump out of office versus any movement on progressive ideas. Well at least I wont have to do anything with raise or changing portfolio. On a brighter note Little league baseball has started. Will be certainly taking on a team this year. More fun teaching and enjoying children learning and enjoying the game.
Thanks for still sticking with us to get trump out
This made me think of all the throwing around of the word 'establishment' here. Just more proof that in a country where the actual establishment has lost their minds since anyone not Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only has had any ability to strive for equal treatment under the law.

Middle class women, black people, and every other demographic that has not been legislated for by the Republican party is not the 'establishment', no matter how many times liars troll them as such. Especially not from people that were getting paid millions from their daddy before they were fully potty trained.

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The face of a powerful man, but not the 'establishment'.
If Biden goes into hiding until the election, he just might have a chance.
I think you mean he will have the easiest pathway if he does that. The only people left are bat shit. At least he has an excuse, being an old white guy with a stutter. What is Bernie's and Trump's excuses?
This made me think of all the throwing around of the word 'establishment' here. Just more proof that in a country where the actual establishment has lost their minds since anyone not Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only has had any ability to strive for equal treatment under the law.

Middle class women, black people, and every other demographic that has not been legislated for by the Republican party is not the 'establishment', no matter how many times liars troll them as such. Especially not from people that were getting paid millions from their daddy before they were fully potty trained.

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The face of a powerful man, but not the 'establishment'.
It's the same thing with him as in 2016. He had five years to work on this problem he has. Not just with black voters, but a majority of Democrats. Yet he tore down every bridge that people tried to build toward him. @londonfog just wanted to talk about pie charts when it was pointed out that Bernie was doing worse than in 2016. Bernie needed to win a majority, not just a plurality to get the nomination. If its obvious to me, I don't doubt that this was pointed out to Bernie many times.

Maybe Bernie didn't want to win the nomination and he had a different purpose in mind. It could be that he was too sure of himself and ignored the facts but he seems smarter than that to me. Maybe I'm giving him too much credit for smarts. It's a head-scratcher why he didn't make better use of the five years that he had between elections along with a plush PAC fund and a guaranteed paycheck while AWOL from the Senate.

He lost because of "the establishment". My ass.
Corey Booker and Kamala Harris coming out to support Biden.

It will be nice if Biden can wrap this up by tomorrow night!