OK then. Biden 2020.

What a jackass. He's still lying about Medicare and SS. I swear he's gotta be a compulsive liar. And so much for uniting our country. I just can't believe how bad this guy actually is.

President Joe Biden. What a nice thing to be able to say. Sounds clean and free from corruption.

That guy you called a moron owned each and every booing Republican on the House floor during the SOU address. That guy operates at genius level. Republicans are in the minor leagues compared to Biden who plays a top game in the majors.
The latest Quinnipiac poll shows Biden beating Trump but losing to DeSantis, although Trump beats DeSantis for the GOP nomination. Trump's lead in the primary polling is slipping. I'm not sure that Biden can beat DeSantis. The Dems might wanna find someone who can.

Most of the republicans want trump to run again. What does that tell you"!
That they support someone who lost in a “landslide” aka a loser :lol:

Let’s go Joe!

Great job recovering from ALL trumps failed policies. It always takes a few years to dig this country out of a hole after republicans run the country for a term or two.

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Most of your own party doesn't even want him to run again. What does that tell you?
It tells me they use rational thought, critical thinking. It's what I believe as well. I also believe he's done a terrific job in extremely difficult circumstances. However, mental decline with aging and risk of the transition of power in today's climate is a consideration for any candidate. Mistaking a speech impediment for mental decline is not productive and "man, person, woman, camera, TV" doesn't illustrate mental acuity either. Besides Biden's age I would also like to see a progressive reformer in office. Interpreting the results of a poll without context is an ingenuous waste of time. There are few populists among the Dem party as far as I can tell.
There sure is a lot of funny talk here from Dems who claim to support unions, while also supporting the removal of Union power.
A lot of funny talk from people who “claim” to be union but don’t vote for the one party who supports them. It’s like they retire and then they stop supporting the only party who supported them for all those working years. :wall:
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Except that wasn't the case. How did removal of the Union's power favor "we the people"? Because it ended the standoff sooner, and you could get your Amazon Prime on time?

Ah! The troll response.

It would've crippled the economy..my families roots are Organization, my maternal grandmother and step grandfather were instrumental in bringing union to RCA Rockaway NJ Plant- where they printed records circa 1960s.

Not at the risk of endangering everyone. Some folks also get everything through Amazon because they are so rural and Amazon delivers. It includes medication. The trend is Hospital at Home to ease on our system with visiting nurses.

Normally, I'd say 'have at it' but these are not normal times, PJ. I'm happy to know you support union; I didn't know that about you.

FTW I've been boycotting Amazon but still have their subscription. The Billionaire Space Program is nearing it's end; time to think about the earth and those on it. It worked he had to lay off 18k. I just canceled my NYT subscription in solidarity with LGBTQ.

It tells me they use rational thought, critical thinking. It's what I believe as well. I also believe he's done a terrific job in extremely difficult circumstances. However, mental decline with aging and risk of the transition of power in today's climate is a consideration for any candidate. Mistaking a speech impediment for mental decline is not productive and "man, person, woman, camera, TV" doesn't illustrate mental acuity either. Besides Biden's age I would also like to see a progressive reformer in office. Interpreting the results of a poll without context is an ingenuous waste of time. There are few populists among the Dem party as far as I can tell.

I thought everyone knew that Biden has a stutter- Neural Diversity, big deal. 1 in 4 students learn differently. Look at Trump he became president with a factual low IQ that is close to retardation. He knows 100 words so did Koko.

Trump and Koko diverge when Koko got a pet kitten; Trump never had a pet. There is love on Koko's face.
So you don't think this record inflation rate has anything to do with Biden's reckless spending of money we don't have?
absolutely not. Inflation began its rise toward the end of the pandemic while Trump was in office. The money spent by Biden was used to pay rent and keep people from defaulting on loans they were not able to pay. It was not inflationary whatsoever. It's so funny to see the ignorance in statements like that. Inflation was a world wide event involving all nations. The rescue packages were like a stone tossed into a lake. What you said was the equivalent of saying the lake's waters rose to a flood because of that stone. It's a completely ignorant argument.
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In his day, he was a great comedian. RIP

Do you miss the days when you could just gratuitously insult people and not be called an asshole?

I didn't watch the vid. I'll just say, don't try that shit around here.

I did not like him in Mork and Mindy. I could not imagine dating or marrying him. Same with Jim Carrey. I would invite them to my party. I liked Williams in the dark stuff his range amazing. One Hour Photo and Insomnia. They're old both 2002. If you haven't seen there's a whole other side of Williams that most didn't see and it scared me watching those films.
PJ. I'm happy to know you support union; I didn't know that about you.
I'm currently a member of two Unions. I have been elected to multiple Union offices in both unions over the past couple of decades. I've negotiated several Collective Bargaining Agreements with multiple employers, and been involved in work stoppages. I'm a big supporter of labor, and Unionism is one of my avenues towards showing that support.
I'm currently a member of two Unions. I have been elected to multiple Union offices in both unions over the past couple of decades. I've negotiated several Collective Bargaining Agreements with multiple employers, and been involved in work stoppages. I'm a big supporter of labor, and Unionism is one of my avenues towards showing that support.
What republicans supported you and your “unionism” :lol: :lol:
It tells me that the only poll that matters is the one taken during an election.

As I live and breathe, Amen! In Florida, stepped up to vote went late and those old cunts were trying to tell me Gillum was in 5th place..yet he won by .5%, on a recount DeSantis was a full 1%, which means he had to win over Gillum by an impossible 1.5%

We were robbed by the DeSantis folks. Remember that when you (dear reader) cast your 2024. DeSantis is Trump with an IQ.
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