OK then. Biden 2020.

It tells me they use rational thought, critical thinking. It's what I believe as well. I also believe he's done a terrific job in extremely difficult circumstances. However, mental decline with aging and risk of the transition of power in today's climate is a consideration for any candidate. Mistaking a speech impediment for mental decline is not productive and "man, person, woman, camera, TV" doesn't illustrate mental acuity either. Besides Biden's age I would also like to see a progressive reformer in office. Interpreting the results of a poll without context is an ingenuous waste of time. There are few populists among the Dem party as far as I can tell.
He's just trolling. He thinks his troll makes him seem smart. It does, to himself.

I think it's Joe's nomination to take at this time. What I think about that is irrelevant. In the primary, I'll probably vote for somebody else because I'm not a centrist. I vote for who I want in the primary and vote tactically in the fall.

That said, as a person who wants to see progress toward a more equitable and secure society in the US, I'm satisfied with what Biden has done so far.
I did not like him in Mork and Mindy. I could not imagine dating or marrying him. Same with Jim Carrey. I would invite them to my party. I liked Williams in the dark stuff his range amazing. One Hour Photo and Insomnia. They're old both 2002. If you haven't seen there's a whole other side of Williams that most didn't see and it scared me watching those films.
I thought Mork and Mindy was written for five year olds. I found it boring. Jim Carrey is a physical actor who, like The Three Stooges provide a few minutes of comedy but quickly become boring. I enjoyed William's work in Dead Poet Society and The World According to Garp. Didn't see his work in the movies you reference but I will say if they touched you like they did is a sign of good acting. Side note: My mother never forgave Marlin Brando for his role in Last Tango in Paris. I don't think we know who either man was from their acting careers but we'll remember them from their films.

So, anyway, RIP, Robin Williams.
I thought Mork and Mindy was written for five year olds. I found it boring. Jim Carrey is a physical actor who, like The Three Stooges provide a few minutes of comedy but quickly become boring. I enjoyed William's work in Dead Poet Society and The World According to Garp. Didn't see his work in the movies you reference but I will say if they touched you like they did is a sign of good acting. Side note: My mother never forgave Marlin Brando for his role in Last Tango in Paris. I don't think we know who either man was from their acting careers but we'll remember them from their films.

So, anyway, RIP, Robin Williams.

I wholeheartedly agree with the above..written for five year olds..I couldn't believe it was in Prime Time. Love Jim Carrey too but only so much you can take of the slapstick humor. I like dark, cerebral..movies you have to think about. I'm trying to get @printer to see TAR so we can discuss..have you've seen it?
What a jackass. He's still lying about Medicare and SS. I swear he's gotta be a compulsive liar. And so much for uniting our country. I just can't believe how bad this guy actually is.

SOTU was February 7th 2023. Afterward on 2/10/23. Rick Scott proposed this.

I'm so happy he believes SS should be protected..lets travel further in time and what do we see? 11/29/22..

Yes, I put out a plan of ideas, and I don’t regret it one bit. Yes, one of them suggested sunsetting laws after five years — noting that if a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again. Washington has spent decades exploding the size of our government and wasting money, and it must be stopped. Anyone who is serious knows that my plan was never about ending Social Security or Medicare.

If you noticed, I had to only go back a few months. And yes, getting rid of SS and Medicare that you paid for.

It's in GOP DNA..someone said it the other day.

US needs money? A Global Corporate Community Donation of 15% on earnings is appropriate.
Pay the same amount in tax to the government and reduce the quality of healthcare to going to the DMV combined with taking a deuce in a public bathroom, with no liability.... Or... Pay the same in insurance and get expedited service, liability, and a healthcare system that is competing for better healthcare, and pushing medical innovation forward? The pendulum swings.
absolutely not. Inflation began its rise toward the end of the pandemic while Trump was in office. The money spent by Biden was used to pay rent and keep people from defaulting on loans they were not able to pay. It was not inflationary whatsoever. It's so funny to see the ignorance in statements like that. Inflation was a world wide event involving all nations. The rescue packages were like a stone tossed into a lake. What you said was the equivalent of saying the lake's waters rose to a flood because of that stone. It's a completely ignorant argument.
What's funny is how's willfully blind you are when it comes to Biden. It doesn't seem like he can do any wrong in your eyes.

Joe inherited this shit storm. Glad to have him doing such a great job getting this country back on track. :hump:
the republicans won't talk about the dismal condition america was in when we kicked trump out of office and elected a real president in 2020....
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Pay the same amount in tax to the government and reduce the quality of healthcare to going to the DMV combined with taking a deuce in a public bathroom, with no liability.... Or... Pay the same in insurance and get expedited service, liability, and a healthcare system that is competing for better healthcare, and pushing medical innovation forward? The pendulum swings.
American exceptionalism is a false belief. Simply look at our neighbors to the north and ask them if they want our health care system. They would laugh at your face. You need to look no further than Medicare to see a plan that is a good deal for its recipients. So it's time for this country to move toward universal access to healthcare. Investing in the health of the nation is a good investment. Better than tax cuts for the wealthy paid by additional debt.
There is no need to insult me. I've cited my reasons. Just because you don't agree is no reason to call me willfully blind. That's beyond reasonable to expect somebody to take lying down.
Lighten up. What would you call it when you willfully choose to look the other way on everything that has to do with Biden if it makes him look bad? He can do no wrong in your eyes. I call that being willfully blind. It's not an insult towards blind people either so don't try twisting shit around.