OK this is 18 Days


Well-Known Member
Those fans are wired up so they pull the hot air away from the cfl's right?
Actually they are blowing fresh air from outside of the box onto each lightbulb
We all know that hot air will rise so lets use this to our advantage. I see that you are having problems with you plants buring if you put the light box closer then 10". I think this is because your fans are blowing the hot air from the light box down at your plant insted of pulling the hot air out of there.


Well-Known Member
man 3 pages and everyone keeps posting the same thing thats y this problem is not fixed yet. The reason ur not seeing any growth is becuz those cfls ur using do not give out the right spectrum of light for vegatative growth. Those lights ur using are between 2700k and 3000k i can assure that (however these lights are in the right spectrum for flowering), u need to find cfl bulbs that are 5500k-6500k and give off more blueish light.


Well-Known Member
man 3 pages and everyone keeps posting the same thing thats y this problem is not fixed yet. The reason ur not seeing any growth is becuz those cfls ur using do not give out the right spectrum of light for vegatative growth. Those lights ur using are between 2700k and 3000k i can assure that (however these lights are in the right spectrum for flowering), u need to find cfl bulbs that are 5500k-6500k and give off more blueish light.
I have seen people veg under 2700K cfl's with decent results. I even vegged my plants for awhile under 2700K cfl's and had no problems except the plants seem to stretch a bit, so i don't think this is the problem..


Well-Known Member
2700k its the wrong color spec. theres very little of that light that the plant can actually use for vegatative growth, thus this would cause a stunt in growth as we see in the pics before.


Well-Known Member
I am using soft white CFL's for veg and flower. Just switched to flower a few days ago when the plants were 25 days old. Here are pics at day 26 total, day 1 of flower. Yes there is some yellowing of leaves due to the lack of nutes. I have not given them any nutes yet, but will at the next watering.

Here they are at day 14 2 weeks:

I can ASSURE you it is not because of the spectrum of the CFL's as you can see clearly in these pics they are doing fine with soft white CFL's.

It looks to me you need better drainage in the soil. You need some perlite in your soil. Could possibly be root rot due to lack of drainage.


Active Member
My guess, from viewing your initial photos in the beginning of this thread is it's your "soil". To be honest, it looks more like some kind of garden mulch than soil. That's just a guess on my part. All our other parameters look good.


New Member
Your problem is a combination of your lighting needs to be stronger and of the correct spectrum a MH is a must , Yes you can use floro's but the results are slow growth and the typical yellowing of the lower leaves due to the lack of light penetration through the foliage. Secondly your soil as I clearly see in the pictures has wood chips in it and it really sounds like your PH of the soil was never checked right from the get go. This will cause your baby's to be stunted until the PH'ed water corrects the soils PH as with the growth you have seen is because you have been PH'ing your water thereby correcting your PH issue temporarily and the effects from this are going to be seen in the fruits of your labor when they really start flowering unless you get different soil now and I suggest 3 gallon pots as the roots need room to go down and if root growth is restricted males are more likely than females. Your soil has wood in it it holds massive amounts of water and it looks like pearlite or vermiculite and this acts as a combo to hold water right on the roots there by restricting the oxygen intake and the growth of lateral roots. Soil quality is very important for good results and if you correct this issue you will see an improvement with-in days.
This is a typical noobie mistake and a very easy one to correct.
Lighting is everything to yield so if you cant afford a big light go get as many CFL's as you can get in there and you will increase your yield if all of the above steps are taken.
Good luck to ya!


Well-Known Member
OK For those that have asked me to PH my soil here it is I am not good with colors but that looks like 6.5-7.0 tops to me?

I agree that my soil has a lot of wood in it, I bought some pearlite do i mix it into the soil or jsut sart a new pot and transplant.

The sprout was transplanted once already and I would say that there should be at least 4" of soil under the root that it has not grown down into yet, perhaps from the wood.



Well-Known Member
We all know that hot air will rise so lets use this to our advantage. I see that you are having problems with you plants buring if you put the light box closer then 10". I think this is because your fans are blowing the hot air from the light box down at your plant insted of pulling the hot air out of there.
Yes But the 12" fan not 6 inches to the left should be sufficient to draw the heat away, however I AM GOING TO REVERSE THEM Just because ist is something I have not tried yet.

CAn You IM Me I have a ? and I really would like your assistance unless you have a quick


Well-Known Member
We all know that hot air will rise so lets use this to our advantage. I see that you are having problems with you plants buring if you put the light box closer then 10". I think this is because your fans are blowing the hot air from the light box down at your plant insted of pulling the hot air out of there.

OK I turned 2 fans to the opposite direction, Theoretically I have now created a cross-ventilation 2 fans blowing fresh air in, 2 fans blowing hot air out, instead of 4 blowing in causing a hot draft down on the poor sprout.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Your problem is a combination of your lighting needs to be stronger and of the correct spectrum a MH is a must , Yes you can use floro's but the results are slow growth and the typical yellowing of the lower leaves due to the lack of light penetration through the foliage. Secondly your soil as I clearly see in the pictures has wood chips in it and it really sounds like your PH of the soil was never checked right from the get go. This will cause your baby's to be stunted until the PH'ed water corrects the soils PH as with the growth you have seen is because you have been PH'ing your water thereby correcting your PH issue temporarily and the effects from this are going to be seen in the fruits of your labor when they really start flowering unless you get different soil now and I suggest 3 gallon pots as the roots need room to go down and if root growth is restricted males are more likely than females. Your soil has wood in it it holds massive amounts of water and it looks like pearlite or vermiculite and this acts as a combo to hold water right on the roots there by restricting the oxygen intake and the growth of lateral roots. Soil quality is very important for good results and if you correct this issue you will see an improvement with-in days.
This is a typical noobie mistake and a very easy one to correct.
Lighting is everything to yield so if you cant afford a big light go get as many CFL's as you can get in there and you will increase your yield if all of the above steps are taken.
Good luck to ya!

lol at this ^^....metal halide is not a must atall ,people have used flouros for years and still do now with great results .

and how the fuck can bad soil change a female seed into a male lol you cant change the sex of seeds its impossible ,its either a male or a female ,the only thing you can do is turn a female plant into a hermie .


Well-Known Member
Now I have seen some things that will effect the chance of males vs. females. Can't rememeber the specifics, but stuff like a more acidic soil will cause more males, more alkaline = more females. Too much stress can cause it to become male. ect Things of that nature...


New Member
If you open you eyes it says for Floro's can be used but for best results MH is best.

You dont know shit about growing as many things will cause a female plant to turn male ever hear of a hermie? My growing expeirence has shown that if roots are restricted they will produce more males. Thats what the point was not that changing soil will change the sex of the plant!!!!! DUH!!!

Untill you know what the hell your talking about then it would be wise to shut up and listen cause there are people who do know more than you !!!!

Read read and reread untill you learn how to read cause if you understood half of what I said you might just learn something new!

And for the record you are the only one talking about changing sex by changing soil I never said such a thing so dont confuse the person who is asking for help.

Read reread some more self help manuals and you will find that most agree floro's are junk and if you restrict roots from growing downward the plants are more likly to be male.

Point being clear now take it for what it is. Advice nothing more!!!!

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
"Your problem is a combination of your lighting needs to be stronger and of the correct spectrum a MH is a must "
hmm read that ok ^

"if root growth is restricted males are more likely than females"

read that ok 2 .

like i said you can only turn a female into a hermie YOU CANT TURN A FEMALE SEED INTO A MALE SEED

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
so how does root restriction change a female into a male ? yes it could stress it into a hermie but it couldnt change it into a male


New Member
A hermie is a male and produces male and female parts there by making it a worthless male. Even though I have smoked some bomb ass hermies before they are unwanted.

I dont know I have done some expeirements and I have found that if you restrict the root growth instead of 50/50 female to male ratio you will end up with closer to 25% females and 75% males.

I dont know why this happens it just does.
I have heard that the plants think they are in crowed conditions but I really have no scientific backing just my expeirence thats all.