ok umm, epic fail. =( please help


Active Member
I planted two white widow germs 4 days ago. The plants sprouted and one grew to about 3 1/2 inches and wilted over where the leaves are hitting the ground now. The other hasn't got past the leaves leaving the ground. Im growing in a closet, with a 4 bulb 2 foot T5 lamp. The closet is coated in mylar and I have a old school air purifyer acting as a oscillating fan. The lights were on 18/6 and ive given them tap water after it sat for a day. Ive used MG potting soil and they were planted in jiffy cups. The entire room was cleaned with a 30 70 bleach water mix before planting and allowed a day to air out. i had the plants growing in side a partially opened ziplock and they seemed to be fine... Im a total newb and no nothing about plant problems. Just a little experiment for myself. Tired of buying bud.

1) ... why did my bigger plant wilt over and lay on the ground

2) why has my other plant not grown past leaving the ground?

3) do i SUCK this bad as a grower? lol :dunce:

Oh and last night when I came home from work, i took the plants out of the ziplocks and just put them directly under the light.

4) Could the fan have caused this problem?

HUMIDITY : 54%-65%
TEMP : day-80 night-74

Light is about 8 or 9 inches away from plants. And my sensor bulb for my hygrometer is directly next to the plants so i know the exact conditions their in.


Well-Known Member
sounds like maybe stretch on the one and it fell over. Try putting some soil in there to build up around the stem. The other could just be a runt or something. If the plants still green and not shriveling than its ok. Stand it up and nurture it my friend...got some pics? Also that MG soil is unpredictable. Careful for ph problems in the future.


Well-Known Member
sounds like maybe stretch on the one and it fell over. Try putting some soil in there to build up around the stem. The other could just be a runt or something. If the plants still green and not shriveling than its ok. Stand it up and nurture it my friend...got some pics? Also that MG soil is unpredictable. Careful for ph problems in the future.
You simply counter that problem with pelleted lime top dressing.

As for the topic here, it seems the lights are too far away. That is why you have a runt and a stretch... Flourescents need to be about 1-2" from the plant, maybe 4" from seedlings. If your light fixture is fixed, use books or something under the plants to raise them toward the light.

drew k.420

Active Member
babies that small cant handled nutrients yet and miracle grow potting soil contains nutrients.that could be your problem


Active Member
sounds like maybe stretch on the one and it fell over. Try putting some soil in there to build up around the stem. The other could just be a runt or something. If the plants still green and not shriveling than its ok. Stand it up and nurture it my friend...got some pics? Also that MG soil is unpredictable. Careful for ph problems in the future.
Waiting on a friend to bring his camera, its being treated as a 911 situationn lol My phones pics suck.


Well-Known Member
Mg is to hot for seedlings. Plus MG sucks for MJ, great for orchids though. Don't know why people insist on using that crap.
There is a grow test going on in another thread, MG vs FFOF from seed to harvest. Currently, MG is kicking FF ass. The MG plants are nearly twice as big. I use MG successfully as do many of the forum users. Those that make such comments as I quoted above are obviously buying into the anti-MG crap. If they actually have tried it for themselves they wouldn't be trashing it, but praising it. Do some research and just don't repeat what you read here.

I'd hardly call MG crap. Your doing so, weedconnect.com, simply shows an arrogance and lack of actual knowledge. And do you actually grow orchids? or was that just a BS statement too, something you heard maybe? :roll:


Well-Known Member
From what I understand The MG soil isnt the problem, thats what mine are growing in fine.((!!!So yaboosuckit to all you MG HATERS!!! ))
So the lights being 9inchs away,,,that could be an issue as other peolpe have said. May I ask where you live as the tap water maybe whats up. Let your tap water sit for 24hrs in an open container, (I boil the water then let it cool, this boils out the impruities),
Also my temp is about 80 day and 65 at night. If it can be cooler at night its better for the plants.They then are abit more resitant to temp fluxes later in life. THIS IS IMPORTANT WITH MG POTTING SOIL, No, NO NO, nutes for at least a 4 weeks with mg potting soil. As the nutes are in there already, and not to much water when watering. (plants survie drought alot better than flood!!)
If you completely flush the MG every time you water then you can try a dilute fert once to restore any nutes you that got flushed out. And i recommend a flush of MG soil every 9 weeks as the ph dose increase slighty. not much, 6.5ish to 6, but still, thats just the problem with all pots,not just MG. I use liptmus paper.
And your air purifier may be good as a fan but it isnt truely a fan,,its purifying that air and the air outside isnt really pure so maybe thats partly to blame. ?(thats just an idea)
FROM my exp. babies that are smaller than a say a half inch or smaller can do with humidty between 90-100 percent. so when they are planted in pot and soil i cover the top of the pot with clingflim. this raises the humidty inside the small space and gives the sprouting seed the best start in life and are they seem alot strong plants for the first 5 weeks as a result.
Hope that helps.
Im on my first grow just into flower so this is just my opinion,,,
Take it easy and hope the babies bonce back,:leaf:


Active Member
I don't try growing in mud, why would I use miracle poo? And it's weedconnect.net,not .com mr smart guy.
Why would you put a seedling in a time released soil? Try using some seedling starter. It isn't that hard to figure out.

ok this guys an asshole. ANYWAY

I moved the light to 2.5 inches above the plants, i added sum dirt under the taller plant for support and as for the little one i dont know, i think shes done. I wont give up though. And as for the camera, i dont know where he is, hasnt arrived with it yet so i will get pics asap.
There is a grow test going on in another thread, MG vs FFOF from seed to harvest. Currently, MG is kicking FF ass. The MG plants are nearly twice as big. I use MG successfully as do many of the forum users. Those that make such comments as I quoted above are obviously buying into the anti-MG crap. If they actually have tried it for themselves they wouldn't be trashing it, but praising it. Do some research and just don't repeat what you read here.

I'd hardly call MG crap. Your doing so, weedconnect.com, simply shows an arrogance and lack of actual knowledge. And do you actually grow orchids? or was that just a BS statement too, something you heard maybe? :roll:
sometimes you have some good advise and sometimes, you have no clue. You just told him about believing what you read here, then say there is a thread that says mg is great. Kind of hypocritical,. don't you think?
I personally agree, I want to control when I feed My plants, Not depend on the soil to release it. And Yes, Miracle Grow Is to HOT for germs.


Active Member
I planted two white widow germs 4 days ago. The plants sprouted and one grew to about 3 1/2 inches and wilted over where the leaves are hitting the ground now. The other hasn't got past the leaves leaving the ground. Im growing in a closet, with a 4 bulb 2 foot T5 lamp. The closet is coated in mylar and I have a old school air purifyer acting as a oscillating fan. The lights were on 18/6 and ive given them tap water after it sat for a day. Ive used MG potting soil and they were planted in jiffy cups. The entire room was cleaned with a 30 70 bleach water mix before planting and allowed a day to air out. i had the plants growing in side a partially opened ziplock and they seemed to be fine... Im a total newb and no nothing about plant problems. Just a little experiment for myself. Tired of buying bud.

1) ... why did my bigger plant wilt over and lay on the ground

2) why has my other plant not grown past leaving the ground?

3) do i SUCK this bad as a grower? lol :dunce:

Oh and last night when I came home from work, i took the plants out of the ziplocks and just put them directly under the light.

4) Could the fan have caused this problem?

HUMIDITY : 54%-65%
TEMP : day-80 night-74

Light is about 8 or 9 inches away from plants. And my sensor bulb for my hygrometer is directly next to the plants so i know the exact conditions their in.
you say that you put them in jiffy cups,if you are talking about those things that you wet and they exspand.that me be part of your problem,I have had poor results with them,get yourself some seedling mix,you can start them in peat pots and plant the peat pot by the time the roots grow out of the peat pot they can handle a little nutes,I have done this with great results. good luck


Active Member
yeah man dont give up go get some chopsticks or a support and tie her to it.. twig anything you can have it stand with lol get creative. =D nothing wrong with a ghetto grow.


Well-Known Member
sometimes you have some good advise and sometimes, you have no clue. You just told him about believing what you read here, then say there is a thread that says mg is great. Kind of hypocritical,. don't you think?
I personally agree, I want to control when I feed My plants, Not depend on the soil to release it. And Yes, Miracle Grow Is to HOT for germs.
No, I don't think so.... A journal grow with plenty of pictures is not the same as some Joe Schmoe saying MG is crap. I simply stated that I grow with it, as do many others with no problems. There are only two possibilities for those who hate MG.... one, they used it and didn't know what they were doing and burned plants (This happens with ANY hot soil) or two, they've never used it, and are the same people that would rather walk barefoot over hot coals than wear no-name shoes, yet they continue to trash something they know nothing about.

My point here is not to argue about soils, it was merely to point out that people have some fucked up opinions and there are grows and studies that prove that specific opinion is short sighted and naive.

Just to be clear, the grow thread is not just some guy saying MG is working. It is a journal with pictures clearly showing MG soil kicking Fox Farms Ocean Forest ass.... I could care less what other people grow in. I use what I use because it works for me. I'm simply calling out the "MG sucks" comments that have no basis in fact or reality.


New Member
hi all only once have i ever jus threw in seeds into dirt ( out door ) i dont under stand i noticed lots of people will put seed into big pot why not just get them into cups and into a cloneing set up lighting covered and humidity high then once plant is like 4" transpant to pot my thought tho

what kind of ph is your water


Active Member
i tell you what i have more problem with Mg in hydroponics then anything else... so i dont wanna hear Mg isnt needed in hydroponics because i can look at my bottle right now of nutrients and uhh apparently it has Mg as an ingredient. so dont hate on Mg im with serapis on this one.. Mg is needed.


Well-Known Member
hi all only once have i ever jus threw in seeds into dirt ( out door ) i dont under stand i noticed lots of people will put seed into big pot why not just get them into cups and into a cloneing set up lighting covered and humidity high then once plant is like 4" transpant to pot my thought tho
That makes too much sense to some people.


Active Member
hi all only once have i ever jus threw in seeds into dirt ( out door ) i dont under stand i noticed lots of people will put seed into big pot why not just get them into cups and into a cloneing set up lighting covered and humidity high then once plant is like 4" transpant to pot my thought tho

what kind of ph is your water
well see ive been using tap water, havent purchased a control kit yet. I stole some test strips from work and its testing between 6 and 7.5. but i dont trust those strips.


Active Member
Ok even Miracle grow. ill go to home depot and buy organic soil mix. or even potting soil yet again i've never had problems growing in miracle grow. shit jiffy and miracle grow are the only 2 soil mixes i've ever bought and never had problem with either or.. but im done with soil and went straight hydroponics.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
I planted two white widow germs 4 days ago. The plants sprouted and one grew to about 3 1/2 inches and wilted over where the leaves are hitting the ground now. The other hasn't got past the leaves leaving the ground. Im growing in a closet, with a 4 bulb 2 foot T5 lamp. The closet is coated in mylar and I have a old school air purifyer acting as a oscillating fan. The lights were on 18/6 and ive given them tap water after it sat for a day. Ive used MG potting soil and they were planted in jiffy cups. The entire room was cleaned with a 30 70 bleach water mix before planting and allowed a day to air out. i had the plants growing in side a partially opened ziplock and they seemed to be fine... Im a total newb and no nothing about plant problems. Just a little experiment for myself. Tired of buying bud.

1) ... why did my bigger plant wilt over and lay on the ground

2) why has my other plant not grown past leaving the ground?

3) do i SUCK this bad as a grower? lol :dunce:

Oh and last night when I came home from work, i took the plants out of the ziplocks and just put them directly under the light.

4) Could the fan have caused this problem?

HUMIDITY : 54%-65%
TEMP : day-80 night-74

Light is about 8 or 9 inches away from plants. And my sensor bulb for my hygrometer is directly next to the plants so i know the exact conditions their in.

I think it was a combination of the MG being a little to "hot" (for best seed starting), keeping them a little to wet, the temperature being a little to high and the light being a little to far away.

Over all it sounds like your set up isn't that bad and should work with a few minor tweaks. Here's what I'd recomend....Get a bag of Jiffy Organic seed starting mix (around 4 bucks at Home Depot, WallMart, Ace, etc). It's finer textured and has less nutrients in it. Instead of the Jiffy "cups" use 12 oz "plastic" cups. Drill 3 or 4 1/4" holes in the bottom of them.

The Jiffy mix is a little hard to get wet initially so before you plant the seeds fill the cups, set them in a pan, water them and let them stand in the run off for an hour or so until it gets completely saturated (after that though you never let plants sit in standing water). I like to soak my seeds between wet paper towels until they just spilt open and begin to show some root before planting but if you've got good, fresh, viable seed putting it directly into the Jiffy mix is just as good. Put the lights about 2 to 3 inches over the cups, don't cover them and don't over water them. I'd try to keep the temps in the 65 to 75 range but if it gets a little out side of that don't sweat it. 18/6 on the light is good.

MG potting soil works great (if you know what you're doing). It's just a little to "hot" for good seed starting. The other thing is that to promote better drainage it needs to have more perlite added to it (20% seems to be the consensus). So while you're out getting the Jiffy mix I'd get some of that to. I'd use regular (untreated, no additional nutrient) perlite and not the treated MG perlite but if that's all you can lay your hands on, so be it.

You're going to want to get a couple of 1 gallon plastic pots also. Once your seedlings get 2 or 3 sets of leaves (around 2 weeks) you're going to want to upcan them into 1 gallon pots with the MG (with extra perlite) potting soil.

With the exception of maybe giving them a little Super Thrive after they've come up you're not going to want to give these plants any thing but plain water for at least six weeks. And don't let any one tell you you need any of these high dollar, cannabis specific nutes either because you don't.



Active Member
i did mention Miracle grow. i've finally cought my self sorry im stoned. but yes Miracle GROW Is what i've used from day 1 and never had a problem with it. it gets to hot it gets ect ect.. maybe its the grower? and not the soil... never had problem with MG so i cant hate on it.