ok umm, epic fail. =( please help


New Member
i tell you what i have more problem with Mg in hydroponics then anything else... so i dont wanna hear Mg isnt needed in hydroponics because i can look at my bottle right now of nutrients and uhh apparently it has Mg as an ingredient. so dont hate on Mg im with serapis on this one.. Mg is needed.
with the Mg product i personally dont care its a lazy mans way of growin i make my own soil and my plants ending week 3 veg are nearly 2 feet high i use pro-mix , peatmoss, shrimp compost, and sheep manure no nutes added run ph 5.8 under 2 k lighting


Active Member

I think it was a combination of the MG being a little to "hot" (for best seed starting), keeping them a little to wet, the temperature being a little to high and the light being a little to far away.

Over all it sounds like your set up isn't that bad and should work with a few minor tweaks. Here's what I'd recomend....Get a bag of Jiffy Organic seed starting mix (around 4 bucks at Home Depot, WallMart, Ace, etc). It's finer textured and has less nutrients in it. Instead of the Jiffy "cups" use 12 oz "plastic" cups. Drill 3 or 4 1/4" holes in the bottom of them.

The Jiffy mix is a little hard to get wet initially so before you plant the seeds fill the cups, set them in a pan, water them and let them stand in the run off for an hour or so until it gets completely saturated (after that though you never let plants sit in standing water). I like to soak my seeds between wet paper towels until they just spilt open and begin to show some root before planting but if you've got good, fresh, viable seed putting it directly into the Jiffy mix is just as good. Put the lights about 2 to 3 inches over the cups, don't cover them and don't over water them. I'd try to keep the temps in the 65 to 75 range but if it gets a little out side of that don't sweat it. 18/6 on the light is good.

MG potting soil works great (if you know what you're doing). It's just a little to "hot" for good seed starting. The other thing is that to promote better drainage it needs to have more perlite added to it (20% seems to be the consensus). So while you're out getting the Jiffy mix I'd get some of that to. I'd use regular (untreated, no additional nutrient) perlite and not the treated MG perlite but if that's all you can lay your hands on, so be it.

You're going to want to get a couple of 1 gallon plastic pots also. Once your seedlings get 2 or 3 sets of leaves (around 2 weeks) you're going to want to upcan them into 1 gallon pots with the MG (with extra perlite) potting soil.

With the exception of maybe giving them a little Super Thrive after they've come up you're not going to want to give these plants any thing but plain water for at least six weeks. And don't let any one tell you you need any of these high dollar, cannabis specific nutes either because you don't.

THANK YOU JACK!.. Geeze this post turned into a MG is shit debate. Meanwhile my plants are dying ='[..

Its okay though, I have more seeds. I reckon I will start over with some better supplies.

I dont believe i have a hydroponic store in town so can you suggest a department or retail store that has Superthrive?


Well-Known Member
I hate people who post just for the sake of it.

I had a similar problem, and I use a chopstick to get them straight. All was fixed in 48 hours. My problem was not using any lighting, was just keeping them in the window so they stretched like mad. Don't know about the little ones though. Hope you sort things out soon mate.


Active Member
I tried to tell you MG was to hot for germs, Serapis had to chime in with his experience with MG, but apparently missed the point that it is to hot for starters. That is the bottom line. But I'm An asshole,right?
Well I dont have a hydro store in my local vicinity and i dont see any sense in paying like 40+shipping online for 1.5 cubic feet. Just wasnt an option. SO what i was looking for was advise to get by with what i have. Not just told that i screwed up. Because if it is such a large debate then there must be some truth on both sides of the argument.


New Member
GET A PH METER ASAP and get er down to 5.8 to 6.2 max thats your problem dude and for like 20.00 go get some organic potting soil, peatmoss, and a bag of compost

or even go to a garden center ( green house ) and ask if they got any mixed indoor potting soil that they use for there greenhouses prob for 10.00 they give you a garbage bag full

Good luck either way

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
THANK YOU JACK!.. Geeze this post turned into a MG is shit debate. Meanwhile my plants are dying ='[..

Its okay though, I have more seeds. I reckon I will start over with some better supplies.

I dont believe i have a hydroponic store in town so can you suggest a department or retail store that has Superthrive?

Home Depot and WallyMart usually have SuperThrive in stock. In fact as long as you don't get caught up in all the hype surrounding cannabis growing those two places will have virtually everything you need to grow excellent weed for your self.

You didn't say much about your seeds (cost, feminized, etc.) but since you're just starting out and learning I'd recomend you scrounge up what ever free random bag seed you can lay your hands on and start 20 plants. Even if you've only got room to grow 2 or 3 out to completion what you'll learn along the way will be invaluable. Get yourself a cheap note book and start keeping some records of what you do along along the way.

And I know I'm gonna get hooted at for saying this but I'm going to advise you not to get all caught up in worrying about "ph" either. Since you're growing in MG potting mix about the only "testing" supplies/equipment you need are a cheap moisture meter. And to tell you the truth you don't even really need that.


PS: Go a head and try to save the ones you already got going (you'll learn from it). Stake them up, get the lights closer and don't over water them. But I'd also get some more going. What with culling out the male plants and the other mistakes (and experiments) I've made along the way I've killed far more plants than I've raised to completion. It's part of the learning curve.


Well-Known Member
Hey weed connect,
Hydroponic shops dont sell MG because its soil. You dont use soil in hydroponics. They sell soil-less mix, hence the name soil-less,,,,
Dont bash MG until you have tried it. Unless it says time release on the packet of MG then its not time release.
O and plants grow in mud,,what in the garden,,ummm mud,.


Well-Known Member
O and weed connect my plants ALL , YES ALL,grown from seed, in MG, so you clearly dont get it. YOU DONT NEED SEEDLING STARTER, It works ,and my plants are proof. MG hasnt burnt them, hasnt stunnted them,,,,,You are buying into the Hydrostores bad mouthing on all soil mixes.
Take it easy.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Ive used MG for starting and never had a problem. In fact MG works FANTASTIC for me from seed to the end of veg. Once it's in flower mode I have problems though. I suspect my pH is too low. got a pH meter in the mail. I am ditching my MG though and switching to FF happy frog. It's expensive, but its uber disappointing watching your plants nearly die as they go through flowering. Plus what's the point of spending $2,000 on equipment and nutes but not getting good soil? The difference I can tell is my $2,000 worth of equipment is yielding me nearly unsmokable bud as of now, and if a $20 bag of soil can rectify that then it will be money well spent. The pH problem could be something else though, so i don't want to knock MG because I have not verified thats the source of my problems.

Oh and they do sell MG at the hydro store by me.


Well-Known Member
I tried to tell you MG was to hot for germs, Serapis had to chime in with his experience with MG, but apparently missed the point that it is to hot for starters. That is the bottom line. But I'm An asshole,right?
Go back and look at your posts... all caps, screaming to get your point across, name calling...... yeah, I'd say you are an ass..... As for MG being too hot, that is an opinion, there are plenty of growers that say BS to that. I happen to be one of them. I'm not advocating using MG soil as a seed starter, I sure don't. I was simply replying to your BS statement in which you said, and I am quoting you, "Miracle Grow is crap". That is your opinion, not a fact.

Go look at Jack in the Bud's response. He remains pleasant. He educates and he makes suggestions. He doesn't tell people what theys hould be doing. That is how you help a troubled poster.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
i tell you what i have more problem with Mg in hydroponics then anything else... so i dont wanna hear Mg isnt needed in hydroponics because i can look at my bottle right now of nutrients and uhh apparently it has Mg as an ingredient. so dont hate on Mg im with serapis on this one.. Mg is needed.
I think we may have some confusion going on here between "MG" (which is the abbreviation for the product Miracle Grow) and "Mg" which is the chemical abreviation for the element "Magnesium".


george mcdonald

Active Member

yes, the truth is, you can grow in mg, just not seedlings and germs, you need seedling starter for that.FOR THE LAST TIME.
some people just don't get it.
Wow, it's understood you were trying to help, but no offense, you do come off as an asshole who's knowledge is untouched. Go smoke a bowl or something and chill out. No one likes a condescending jerk.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Take a look at your posts - if someone spoke to you in that tone would you listen to anything they had to say?
Did someone piss in your wheaties this morning?
Come down off your high horse and constructively contribute to the conversation or just STFU.

Mg is to hot for seedlings. Plus MG sucks for MJ, great for orchids though. Don't know why people insist on using that crap.
I don't try growing in mud, why would I use miracle poo? And it's weedconnect.net,not .com mr smart guy.
Why would you put a seedling in a time released soil? Try using some seedling starter. It isn't that hard to figure out.

your welcome for the help. Keep burning your shit in your poop. Dumbshit

DUDE, We are talking about MIRACLE GROW POTTING SOIL<NOT MAGNESIUM.Like I said,clueless
Blame it on being stoned, But you used miracle grow soil in your hydro? Go put 10 seeds in mg potting soil and see how many germinate.
For the 3rd time,clueless
I tried to tell you MG was to hot for germs, Serapis had to chime in with his experience with MG, but apparently missed the point that it is to hot for starters. That is the bottom line. But I'm An asshole,right?

yes, the truth is, you can grow in mg, just not seedlings and germs, you need seedling starter for that.FOR THE LAST TIME.
some people just don't get it.


New Member
wow how this thread turned around is to funny thought were here to help each member, i take my hat off to all members that plant from seed im sure its a venture, and a ordeal, now who cares who uses what its a learning curve. live and learn but ffs ppl this thread is turnin out to a MG battle

PS: weed connect dude please chill and be a part of this site rather then a negative


Active Member
wow how this thread turned around is to funny thought were here to help each member, i take my hat off to all members that plant from seed im sure its a venture, and a ordeal, now who cares who uses what its a learning curve. live and learn but ffs ppl this thread is turnin out to a MG battle

PS: weed connect dude please chill and be a part of this site rather then a negative
Thanks for actually noticing also drfever. But its fine, i recieved the information i needed, I purchased some new seedling soil, along with party cups and a bag of perlite and spaghnant peat moss. and also i decided to buy a bag of mg organic. i lowered my light down, the two plants i had under there this morning did not recover so i now started germing 4 seeds to ensure i get atleast 1 but hopefully all 4 going.

thanks especially to jack.



Active Member
There is a grow test going on in another thread, MG vs FFOF from seed to harvest. Currently, MG is kicking FF ass. The MG plants are nearly twice as big. I use MG successfully as do many of the forum users. Those that make such comments as I quoted above are obviously buying into the anti-MG crap. If they actually have tried it for themselves they wouldn't be trashing it, but praising it. Do some research and just don't repeat what you read here.

I'd hardly call MG crap. Your doing so, weedconnect.com, simply shows an arrogance and lack of actual knowledge. And do you actually grow orchids? or was that just a BS statement too, something you heard maybe? :roll:
I believe that thread he started with clones. Correct me if I'm wrong. Peace


Active Member
miracle grow is for newbs
I think its just the opposite. Newbie tend to overcare for their plants. I know I did when I first started. Overwater. Premature feedings. Yes its human error. The fact is mg is a hot soil but if used correctly can grow some really good plants. You have to know how to use it. The one thing I don't like about it is you don't really have the option to flush if you have to without it releasing more ferts. Peace