ok umm, epic fail. =( please help

You are a tard. Would you like some cheese with your whine? No one attacked you, they should have though. However, I hope other people report you being a negative dick like I have. It's a soil, get over yourself. If I took a handful of seeds and threw them outside I can tell you that plants would grow, so, what special starter crap are you going on about? Weed is a weed, it can and will grow damn near anywhere under a wide array of conditions and soils ect. so....

anyhoo...back on-topic:
I'm glad you got the help you needed from this thread minus whine boy and his "no MG" elitism. Watering wise just water when it looks like it needs it. Twice in 4 days is too much, I water my soil plant maybe once a week. I have it set-up so it's pot is in a bowl so that the water that goes through the pot stays in the bowl for the plant to use as needed. Normally when I notice that there's no more water in the bowl I'll water the plant. Good luck with your new seeds :).
you grow in an aerogarden and your giving out advise?? calling people tards and whiners, yet Who reported his post? and used Red bold letters to cry to him?


Active Member
Wow really? I was actually going to head to walmart this weekend to try to find a desk fan...That's kinda funny...you always assume Walmart will have what you need xD Yea, Aerogardens are the shizznizz, I don't do anything except check the PH of the water twice a day and keep the reservoir filled. Everytime my friend comes over they go into a plant-gasm...they're starting to smell really good, we're hoping for perfectly cured Cristmas bud from Santa :P. Good Luck!
perfect timing eh.
and yes walmart IS supposed to have everything.. i looked at the lady with this dumbfounded look for like 10 seconds... like NO! walmart has everything.. lol.

evil woman was hiding them from me, i KNOW it. "damn kids these days growin them pots and stuff needin them fans an all"

and one more thing for jack, honestly i dont see me wasting months growing some bagseed, ive read (not on here) that growing good weed is 90% genetics. so if im going to do it, i will do it right. Its in my blood, my father grew a bunch back in his day. Im hoping my greenthumb will prevail and give me the ability to make this work. And thats no offence to your advice, i know that i really should start with some shitty grows to get my feet wet. But im a determined young man and i WILL get it right. at any cost... so if everyone preaches on this high dollar soil then maybe i outta suck it up and buy some damn good soil to shut these people up... or maybe get me an aero =]
perfect timing eh.
and yes walmart IS supposed to have everything.. i looked at the lady with this dumbfounded look for like 10 seconds... like NO! walmart has everything.. lol.

evil woman was hiding them from me, i KNOW it. "damn kids these days growin them pots and stuff needin them fans an all"

and one more thing for jack, honestly i dont see me wasting months growing some bagseed, ive read (not on here) that growing good weed is 90% genetics. so if im going to do it, i will do it right. Its in my blood, my father grew a bunch back in his day. Im hoping my greenthumb will prevail and give me the ability to make this work. And thats no offence to your advice, i know that i really should start with some shitty grows to get my feet wet. But im a determined young man and i WILL get it right. at any cost... so if everyone preaches on this high dollar soil then maybe i outta suck it up and buy some damn good soil to shut these people up... or maybe get me an aero =]
You Don't need expensive soil. You can get quality stuff like pro mix and add a few supplements. If you want to grow baby plants, get an aerogarden, If your as determined as you say. Read this and you'll be a master

No where in this book will you find a recommendation to use MG

Jack in the Bud

Active Member


anyhoo...back on-topic:
I'm glad you got the help you needed from this thread minus whine boy and his "no MG" elitism. Watering wise just water when it looks like it needs it. Twice in 4 days is too much, I water my soil plant maybe once a week. I have it set-up so it's pot is in a bowl so that the water that goes through the pot stays in the bowl for the plant to use as needed. Normally when I notice that there's no more water in the bowl I'll water the plant. Good luck with your new seeds :).
Morn'n Mr. Fuzzy,

I'm sorry but I'm afraid I'm going to have to take exception with your watering practices as not being the best of ideas. I don't think it's a good idea to let any container grown plant (and especially seedlings) sit in standing water for any length of time. It will keep the soil to saturated and interfer with the gas exchange in the root zone.

When plants are grown in the ground out doors they have a much larger amount of soil underneath and around them that excess water can percolate a way to. That's not the case with a container grown plant. Even though it takes quite a bit you can still over water your out door garden and have negative effects from it.

There's no harm in watering from the bottom up by filling the pan the container sits in and letting the soil suck it up but after an hour or so when the soil is fully saturated you need to dump what ever is left in the pan out so that the plant doesn't sit in it.

I also don't think that most of these plastic pots you buy come with enough drain holes in them (especially the ones that only have one large center hole). I have drilled 20 to 30 extra 1/4" holes in the bottom of all my larger (finishing) pots. Additionally I keep them all blocked up a 1/2" off of the surface they sit on with some rings I've cut off of PVC pipe so that there's no restriction to the water dripping out of them and so that air can circulate under the container they're in. I even like for some of my fan breeze to be directed so it blows under there.

If you've got algae growing on the bottom of you container it means it's staying to damp under there. That's a breeding ground for insects (especially fungus gnats) and other plant problems/diseases.

This is just one more of those little tweaks that will help insure you get a good, healthy, succesful grow.



Well-Known Member
White Widow is a delicate plant to begin. Like a few have said, get a wooden stick and prop that baby up, tie it off and within a few weeks you won't need to support it anymore. A second consideration, depending on what light you're using, is too much light or heat for a seedling and finally third consideration is the amount of air your fan is forcing on the seedling. MG had absolutely nothing to do with that baby falling over!!!!! I have done numerous grows with MG and have never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever had a problem!!!! Good luck

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Thank you very much fuzzzzzzzzzzbutter. I am quite frankly tired of that guy. I have heard that method of watering also, there is so many different ways. So i think for this i will just go with my gut. BTW your aerogarden looks great!

And jack can you believe this, went to walmart last night and looked around for about a half hour looking for a fan, then i decide to just ask and believe it or not, my walmart carries only one kind of fan this time of year, and its a 3 foot box fan.. So today im off on a journey to find some damn desk fans. Office depot was a failure. So DG or Target is my last shot. *shakes head* what a shame. f'n walmart.

Yeah, seasonally this is the wrong time of the year for a lot of things you need from WallyMart (and other regular stores) for growing. With in the past month I snagged the last two 6" clip on fans that had in my WM. Found them in the clearance aisle for $7.50 each (normally $11). I only seem to get about a year's use out of them before they die. I've probably bought a least a dozen of them over the past 5 years. Got 3 of them running on this grow. Also recently snagged two 2 cubic foot bags of MG for $7.50 each at WM.

Target, Shop-ko or K-Mart might still have some fans left over you might find at a discount price. Keep an eye out for a moisture meter while you're shopping. They've got a 10" metal probe on them and a scale graduated from 1 to 10 with a red, green and blue zone on them. I like to water when the needle gets down around 4 (right before it gets into the red zone). It'll help you get a better idea what's going on deeper down in your bigger pots. They ought to be around $5.



Active Member

Yeah, seasonally this is the wrong time of the year for a lot of things you need from WallyMart (and other regular stores) for growing. With in the past month I snagged the last two 6" clip on fans that had in my WM. Found them in the clearance aisle for $7.50 each (normally $11). I only seem to get about a year's use out of them before they die. I've probably bought a least a dozen of them over the past 5 years. Got 3 of them running on this grow. Also recently snagged two 2 cubic foot bags of MG for $7.50 each at WM.

Target, Shop-ko or K-Mart might still have some fans left over you might find at a discount price. Keep an eye out for a moisture meter while you're shopping. They've got a 10" metal probe on them and a scale graduated from 1 to 10 with a red, green and blue zone on them. I like to water when the needle gets down around 4 (right before it gets into the red zone). It'll help you get a better idea what's going on deeper down in your bigger pots. They ought to be around $5.

ive been very interested in getting one of these, but i figured the $5 one would be a waste of money as was my $5 soil PH meter. But if thats what you use then im down, i will try to get one.


Active Member
or maybe get me an aero =]
Honestly I wouldn't waste the money to buy a brand new Aerogarden, they are awesome and I love mine, but I also got it for free. In the long run they are really good for cloning and keeping 1-3 plants in, which is all I need because I grow for me and two other people, we also only use 1/8th a week. If you're interested in getting one I'd say search CL and Ebay, you could also make a super cheap and easy basic hydroponic system for like...$60. My friend actually just bought me another Aerogarden as payment for a tattoo design I made him. If you could ever get one as a gift, totally go for it, I'm just too poor to afford buying one xD.

VICTORYGARDENSHYDRO: Did you even take the time to read the insults and annoying trolling of this guy? And yes, I'm growing in an Aerogarden and giving advice, I have a degree in horticulture...I think I know A LITTLE about what I'm talking about. Just a LITTLE bit. Did you take the time to see my plants? Seriously, don't be hating on a system that clearly works perfectly fine. Geeze, Aerogardens in the hydro world is like the MG debate in the soil world...

Jack in the Bud: I know there are a couple different watering methods out there, I also know that the one I use is not the most recommended however thus far it has worked incredibly well and my plant is very happy and thriving. Though I realized I forgot to mention that the cup is indeed raised out of the water, I have it set up so that roots are in the bowl but the soil is not over saturated with water.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member


and one more thing for jack, honestly i dont see me wasting months growing some bagseed, ive read (not on here) that growing good weed is 90% genetics. so if im going to do it, i will do it right. Its in my blood, my father grew a bunch back in his day. Im hoping my greenthumb will prevail and give me the ability to make this work. And thats no offence to your advice, i know that i really should start with some shitty grows to get my feet wet. But im a determined young man and i WILL get it right. at any cost... so if everyone preaches on this high dollar soil then maybe i outta suck it up and buy some damn good soil to shut these people up... or maybe get me an aero =]

I didn't say you had to grow them out to completion, did I? This grow I started 93 beans. With in 96 hours 92 of them germinated. 59 of those turned out to be female. I'm only raising 18 of them to completion. I culled out the runts, the ones that were tall and lanky and didn't have good tight inter node spacing, those with any deformaties, etc. In short I picked the 18 females that I thought were going to turn out the best.

Of course I've got a little bit different seed situation than you do. Back in 2007 while in Holland I bought 15 seeds (non-feminized) of a strain called "Alegria" (from Spain)for 35 euros. The first grow with them I saved a male, isolated it in a different area from the females, collected pollen from it and then using a small brush purposely pollinated all the lower buds on the females. I got well over a thousand good viable seeds to use for future grows while still having my top main colas remain seedless (well there was one or two seeds in them).

That's the seed I just used for this crop and even though it's almost 3 years old I still got a 95% + germination rate with it. But being as it's getting older now the next grow I'll probably save a male again, collect some fresh pollen and pollinate a few lower buds just to get some more (fresher) seed stock.

In the 4 or 5 years before getting the Alegria seeds all I grew were the random bag seeds I could get my nasty little hands on. I'd be smoking with some one and they'd find a couple of seeds in their sack and if they didn't want them I'd take them. I had a lot of trouble with plants that started out female and then hermied later in the grow and caused me to have a few crops full of imature seeds during that period but occasionally I got some killer, kick ass, tasty smoke. Especially after the first year or two when I started to get a better handle on growing and quit fucking up my plants by over watering and over fertilizing them.


Jack in the Bud

Active Member
ive been very interested in getting one of these, but i figured the $5 one would be a waste of money as was my $5 soil PH meter. But if thats what you use then im down, i will try to get one.

No, the $5 moisture meter is a good thing. By using that and comparing it's reading to what the pot "feels like" (weight wise) when you pick it up will defenitly help you get a handle on this whole "when to water" thing.

Starting out I bought a combination moisture, ph and light meter I found at Home Depot for around $17. Although the moisture level function on it worked good the "ph" part of it was worthless, highly inacurate and did nothing but get me in trouble because I went screwing about trying to adjust my ph. Looking back and knowing what I know now I'd have been a lot better off if I would have never had that particular piece of equipment. I don't know how acurate the light meter part of it was but I got some benefit out of it by seeing if different lighting configurations and types were better or worse with in my grow space. I still have it and occasionaly get it out to see what any changes to my lighting set up does.

Once again, since you're growing in soil, I want to advise you not to get all caught up in fretting about "ph" and trying to make adjustments to it. With the exception of over fertilizing fuck'n around worrying about (and trying to make adjustments to) my "ph" did me more harm than any thing else while I was learning. I haven't tried to checked (or even worried about) my "ph" for a couple of years now and have been much better off for not doing so.



Well-Known Member
MG works fine. lights too far, fan unnecessary at this early stage. i started mine with no fan, lights 2 inches from the seed in the ground/seedling when it sprouted. BE SURE TO COUNTERACT PH OF MG BY UPPING THE PH OF YOUR WATER. that easy. case closed.


Global Moderator
Staff member
MG works fine. lights too far, fan unnecessary at this early stage. i started mine with no fan, lights 2 inches from the seed in the ground/seedling when it sprouted. BE SURE TO COUNTERACT PH OF MG BY UPPING THE PH OF YOUR WATER. that easy. case closed.
I run fans 24/7 from seed to harvest. I find that it def helps in the seedling stage to toughen up the stems quickly.
Nothing too drastic, I just like to make sure their little tops are gently swaying in the earliest stage.


Active Member
MG works fine. lights too far, fan unnecessary at this early stage. i started mine with no fan, lights 2 inches from the seed in the ground/seedling when it sprouted. BE SURE TO COUNTERACT PH OF MG BY UPPING THE PH OF YOUR WATER. that easy. case closed.
I have corrected all of that, and also i have bought seedling soil, 4$ so i said sure to that.. ive placed them in party cups with drainage holes with the light right at the 2 inch mark above the ground. I wet the soil good before i planted and i have placed them on a 18/6 light cycle. i have a fan running, mostly for heat reduction. So i am ready i believe now. I have purchased something that I think is fine and no one has told me not to use it yet, its a ph balancer for a spa. i couldnt find a kit locally and i got that spa kit for 8 bucks. the ingredients for the up is 100% sodium carbonate and the down is 93.2% sodium bisulfate 6.8% other ingredients. i believe it will work fine... i have made my grow mix. i have foxfarm nutes. i have the entire closet sterlized and coated in mylar. And im shopping for a hps and some cheap ductwork.. and i have no intentions of stopping there.. this is my new hobby. im about 400 in and im not satisfyed but broke. so here i go trying to half ass it with my little t5
i tell you what i have more problem with Mg in hydroponics then anything else... so i dont wanna hear Mg isnt needed in hydroponics because i can look at my bottle right now of nutrients and uhh apparently it has Mg as an ingredient. so dont hate on Mg im with serapis on this one.. Mg is needed.
uh i think that ingredient is magnesium or (Mg) not miracle grow dude lol lmfao think you need to re-read the bottle of nutes you have lol jeez

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
I have corrected all of that, and also i have bought seedling soil, 4$ so i said sure to that.. ive placed them in party cups with drainage holes with the light right at the 2 inch mark above the ground. I wet the soil good before i planted and i have placed them on a 18/6 light cycle. i have a fan running, mostly for heat reduction. So i am ready i believe now. I have purchased something that I think is fine and no one has told me not to use it yet, its a ph balancer for a spa. i couldnt find a kit locally and i got that spa kit for 8 bucks. the ingredients for the up is 100% sodium carbonate and the down is 93.2% sodium bisulfate 6.8% other ingredients. i believe it will work fine... i have made my grow mix. i have foxfarm nutes. i have the entire closet sterlized and coated in mylar. And im shopping for a hps and some cheap ductwork.. and i have no intentions of stopping there.. this is my new hobby. im about 400 in and im not satisfyed but broke. so here i go trying to half ass it with my little t5

Sweet dancing Jesus on a whole wheat cracker... don't do it man!

The whole reason behind adding these chemicals to Spa water is that so "stuff" doesn't grow in it.

If you're growing in a decent soil mix (which you definetly are), with very rare exception, almost every municipal water supply to be found in the US will be perfectly fine for your plants as it comes right out of the tap. If you want to do anything to improve on that get a couple of plastic 5 gallon buckets and fill them and let them stand a couple of days before using. Better yet go get a cheap aquarium air pump and an air stone and let it sit there bubbling up thru the water while it's sitting in the bucket. This will insure the water is well oxygenated when you use it.

Make sure you water temperature is close to the temperature of your grow room. If you use water that's significantly colder you'll shock the roots, lower your soil temperature and set the grow back slightly.

Call your local water authority and they will give you a report on your water quality (hardness, ppm, ph, major mineral content, etc.). Or take a sample to your local Culligan Man. They'll give you a basic analysis of it free of charge (you'll just have to endure a sales pitch).

Now if you live out side of town and have well water you might need to investigate your water quality a little closer. I have absolutely horrible, hard, alkaline well water that isn't really fit to drink. For years I packed my plant water from the Culligan machine in WallMart. But as I can easily go thru 10 gallons a week watering plants (and more than that during the last part of a grow) that got to be quite a chore. About 2 years a go I smartened up and got a bunch of 5 gallon plastic buckets to catch rain water in off of the roof. And in the winter I pack them with snow and bring them inside to melt and warm up. It's an excellent free source of pure "no worries" water that you don't have to do anything else to. All though if they've been sitting around a while, before use I like to bubble some air thru them with an aquarium pump for 24 hours just to make sure they're well oxygenated.



Active Member
ok, i didnt suspect those chem to be harmful at all, but thats fine. i think i will load up with about 10 of those gallons of distilled for now, and before long im going to set up something permanent.. my plants will have been in the seedling mix for 24 hours in about 2 hours.. when should i expect to see my seed again?


Active Member
uh i think that ingredient is magnesium or (Mg) not miracle grow dude lol lmfao think you need to re-read the bottle of nutes you have lol jeez
oh man.. read more before you start quoting. i caught on.. i was wrong yes i got both MG and Mg mix up. but o wells stoner moment i assume. just reading the word mg made me assume Mg =/

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
ok, i didnt suspect those chem to be harmful at all, but thats fine. i think i will load up with about 10 of those gallons of distilled for now, and before long im going to set up something permanent.. my plants will have been in the seedling mix for 24 hours in about 2 hours.. when should i expect to see my seed again?

O.K., more on water.....if your just going to buy those one gallon plastic bottles of water I'd recomend you bought the "Spring Water" instead of the "distilled". Ideally you want some minerals in your water. Distilled water has virtually none of them (that's why it's so bland and doesn't taste all that good). The rain water I use is similar to the distilled water in that it also doesn't have much trace mineral content. But I make up for that by getting them from some of the other things I give my plants.

Read the label on the FoxFarm nutes you said you bought. I've never messed with them so I don't know what the N-P-K numbers on them are or what trace elements (micro-nutrients) they contain. Now I know I already advised you not to buy any cannabis specific nutes but don't worry. As long as you come to understand what's all in them (and in what proportions) they're gonna work just fine for you. I just think you've spent more than you really needed to. And I've been trying to coach you into saving money where you can so you'll be able to afford that better light sooner.

Before we go any further in this area you need to tell me what the N-P-K numbers are on your bottle of FoxFarm and what (if any) other things are in it and their %. Hopefully there's a whole list of other stuff like Iron, Copper, Boron, Zinc, Mangnesium, Molybednum, etc.

Back to water......My best advice at this point is that if you're on your average municipal city water supply, get yourself a plastic 5 gallon bucket or bottle, fill it from the sink or tub, let it stand for a couple days before use with an aquarium pump and air stone bubbling air up thru it. But if you're uncomfortable with that and feel you just have to spend money and buy water to insure the sucess of your grow, go ahead. It's not going to make any real difference to any thing except your wallet. Whether you buy "Spring" or "distilled" doesn't really matter either as long as you take into account which one it is your using.

As to when you'll see your seeds again I can't give you a definite answer. If they were good viable seed and you soaked them between wet paper towels until they spilit open before putting them in the seed starting mix maybe in 24 to 48 hours. If you didn't soak them first maybe 5 or 6 days.

A while back a guy gave me some Mango/Neville's Haze cross seeds. These were some high dollar seeds from Dampkring in Amsterdam (I was there with him when he bought them). After holding them for 2 years he decided he wasn't going to grow and I made a deal with him for them. Out of 12 seeds I got 7 of them to germinate and it took that 7th one almost 30 days between paper towels before it split open and I put it into the seedling mix. Those plants; being so long to germinate, were all out of sync with the rest of my grow that time. My Alegria seeds almost all split open with in 96 hours between wet paper towels and usually show there heads above ground with in 12 to 36 hours of being put in the seedling mix.



Active Member
Man Jack you really know your shit, I am extremely greatful for all of your help. I dont know why i dont just call my father, i guess because of how ackward it would be. Anyways, those nutes:

Grow Big (6-4-4)
Total N .... 6.0%
Available Phosphate .... 4.0%
Soluble Potash ..... 4.0%

Mg .... .60%
B .... .02%
Cu .... .10%
Fe .... .05%
Zn ... .05

Big Bloom (.01-.3-.7)

Derived From Earthworm Castings, Bat and Seabird Guano, Rock Phosphate, Sulfate of Potash Magnesia Norwegian Kelp.

Nothing else in the Big Bloom

Tiger Bloom (2-8-4)

Mg.... .05%
B ... .02%
Cu.... .02%
Fe .... .12%
Mn .... .06%
Zn.... .05%

Derived from Calcium Nitrate Magnesium Nitrate Ammonium Nitrate Ammonium Phosphate Potassium Phosphate Potassium Nitrate Earthworm Castings Kelp Iron EDTA Zinc EDTA Manganese EDTA Copper EDTA Chelating agent disodium Ethylenediamine tetra acetate (EDTA) and sodium borate.

wrists hurt
medicine time :bigjoint:


Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Man Jack you really know your shit, I am extremely greatful for all of your help. I dont know why i dont just call my father, i guess because of how ackward it would be. Anyways, those nutes:

Grow Big (6-4-4)
Total N .... 6.0%
Available Phosphate .... 4.0%
Soluble Potash ..... 4.0%

Mg .... .60%
B .... .02%
Cu .... .10%
Fe .... .05%
Zn ... .05

Big Bloom (.01-.3-.7)

Derived From Earthworm Castings, Bat and Seabird Guano, Rock Phosphate, Sulfate of Potash Magnesia Norwegian Kelp.

Nothing else in the Big Bloom

Tiger Bloom (2-8-4)

Mg.... .05%
B ... .02%
Cu.... .02%
Fe .... .12%
Mn .... .06%
Zn.... .05%

Derived from Calcium Nitrate Magnesium Nitrate Ammonium Nitrate Ammonium Phosphate Potassium Phosphate Potassium Nitrate Earthworm Castings Kelp Iron EDTA Zinc EDTA Manganese EDTA Copper EDTA Chelating agent disodium Ethylenediamine tetra acetate (EDTA) and sodium borate.

wrists hurt
medicine time :bigjoint:


Bear with me, I'm extremely weed and whiskey bent right now......

As far as your FoxFarm nutes go, you're golden. Except for that Big Bloom (.01-.3-.7). Return that if you can and get you money back, other wise just throw it up on the shelf and forget about it for now.

My thinking is that the most important of the other two is the Grow Big (6-4-4). Some of the Tiger Bloom (2-8-4) might be a good thing after they're been in flower for 2 or 3 weeks. But a real light dose at first. You didn't say what the label recomends for dosages (and how often). We need to know what the manufacturer advises. I'm pretty sure I'm probably going to recomend less. And I'm trying to factor in what is already in your MG potting soil (and it's time release ferts).

If you were growing in something like straight Sunshine Mix #2; which has no additional ferts (time release or otherwise), I'd say follow the label exactly or maybe even a little more depending on how they looked.

The biggest thing for now is to give them nothing except water (when they need it)until 10 to 14 days after they have come up in the seedling mix and you get them up-canned into the MG/perlite mix. Even then you won't want to give them any of that FoxFarm stuff. That won't come into play until at least week 6.

