Old clones lost vigor


Well-Known Member
I have a few very old clones that have been sitting inside for maybe 6 months waiting for the summer months they went out late May early June, another slightly less old strain went out a few weeks after and grows by the day, however this strain is very mold resistant and I’ve been dealing with some pm on the slow growing strain and treated with a milk and water mixture that seemed to help a lot how do I add some vigor to these I’m thinking some recharge?
I have a few very old clones that have been sitting inside for maybe 6 months waiting for the summer months they went out late May early June, another slightly less old strain went out a few weeks after and grows by the day, however this strain is very mold resistant and I’ve been dealing with some pm on the slow growing strain and treated with a milk and water mixture that seemed to help a lot how do I add some vigor to these I’m thinking some recharge?
I rescued some clones a cover fell over. Half were just outright dead. I had totally forgotten about them. When I found 4 with a hint of green I transplanted them. I should be embarrassed but they’re hauling ass. They had been in cups at least 6 weeks totally forgotten. Recharge and go.
I have kept a strain for 10 years a couple times. The last time I thought they finally lost their vigor after 10 years. They just didn't have the taste and smell anymore. I was ready to toss them. They ended up outside and getting stressed and I theorized that the stress changed the genetic expression. I babied them inside like always for about 5 crops and the vigor and smell and taste seems to be back. I'm glad I didn't toss them.